Absence Plural, What is the plural of Absence?

Meaning of Absence

The meaning of Absence is the state of being away from a place or person.

Singular and Plural of Absence

The plural of Absence is Absences.

Singular Plural
Absence Absences

Absence as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The absence of sunlight made the room feel cold.
  2. Her sudden absence from the meeting was unexpected.
  3. The teacher marked her absence in the attendance sheet.
  4. The absence of noise allowed him to concentrate on his work.
  5. The patient’s recovery was delayed due to the absence of proper medication.
  6. The team felt her absence during the crucial match.
  7. The report highlighted the absence of necessary safety measures.
  8. The absence of evidence raised doubts about the suspect’s guilt.
  9. The absence of rainfall resulted in a severe drought.
  10. The company struggled to cope with the absence of its CEO.

Absence as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The absences of key players affected the team’s performance.
  2. The manager monitored the employees’ frequent absences.
  3. The school had strict policies regarding student absences.
  4. The frequent absences raised concerns about her commitment.
  5. The project faced delays due to unexpected staff absences.
  6. The absences were recorded in the attendance log.
  7. The company implemented a system to track employee absences.
  8. The team struggled to cover the absences during the busy season.
  9. The report analyzed the patterns of student absences.
  10. The HR department handled employee absences and leave requests.

Singular Possessive of Absence 

The singular possessive form of “Absence” is “Absence’s”. 

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Absence:

  1. The absence’s impact was deeply felt.
  2. I noticed the absence’s effect on the team.
  3. The teacher marked down the grade for absence’s sake.
  4. The counselor discussed the reason behind the student’s absence’s.
  5. The boss questioned the employee about the absence’s duration.
  6. The court noted the defendant’s absence’s during the trial.
  7. The parents expressed concern over their child’s absence’s.
  8. The doctor explained the consequences of the absence’s medication.
  9. The committee discussed the implications of the absence’s decision.
  10. The company recorded the employee’s absence’s in the attendance log.

Plural Possessive of Absence 

The plural possessive form of “Absence” is “Absences'”. 

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Absence:

  1. The school tracked the absences’ patterns.
  2. The manager reviewed the employees’ absences’ records.
  3. The HR department monitored the team’s absences’ frequency.
  4. The principal addressed the parents’ concerns regarding their children’s absences’.
  5. The organization implemented policies to reduce absences’ impact.
  6. The supervisor noted the team’s absences’ effect on productivity.
  7. The committee discussed the reasons behind the project members’ absences’.
  8. The company provided guidelines for reporting absences’.
  9. The union negotiated for better compensation during absences’.
  10. The payroll department adjusted salaries based on absences’.

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Last updated on June 8th, 2023 at 10:57 am