Meaning of Skinny: unattractively thin.
Comparative and Superlative Degree of Skinny
Comparative degree of Skinny is skinnier, superlative degree of Skinny is skinniest.
Comparative and Superlative Degree of Skinny
Adjective | Comparative | Superlative |
Skinny | skinnier | skinniest |
Examples Using Positive Degree Of Skinny:
- She is a skinny model with a unique style.
- His skinny jeans are all the rage right now.
- The actress has a skinny figure that’s enviable.
- I prefer skinny lattes over regular ones.
- The dog has a skinny tail that wags happily.
- She bought a skinny scarf to accessorize her outfit.
- He ordered a skinny pizza with extra vegetables.
- The shirt has a skinny fit that flatters her.
- Their cat is quite skinny but full of energy.
- I wear skinny ties to complete my look.
Example Using Comparative Degree Of Skinny:
- She is skinnier than she was last year.
- His legs are skinnier compared to his upper body.
- The second model appeared skinnier than the first.
- I find this dress to be skinnier than the others.
- This dog breed is skinnier but more energetic.
- He bought a skinnier belt to match his new pants.
- She ordered a skinnier sandwich with fewer toppings.
- The jacket has a skinnier cut for a sleeker look.
- Their dog is skinnier than their neighbor’s.
- I prefer skinnier fries for a crispier texture.
Example Using Superlative Degree Of Skinny:
- She is the skinniest person I know.
- His legs are the skinniest I’ve ever seen.
- The actress has the skinniest waistline in Hollywood.
- I made the skinniest latte for you.
- The dog has the skinniest tail, but it wags happily.
- She bought the skinniest jeans she could find.
- He ordered the skinniest pizza on the menu.
- The shirt has the skinniest fit, emphasizing her curves.
- Their cat is the skinniest it has ever been.
- I have the skinniest tie collection you’ll ever see.
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Complete List: Degree of Adjectives