3 Degrees of Full, Comparative Degree of Full, Superlative Degree of Full

Comparative and Superlative Degree of Full

Comparative degree of full is fuller, superlative degree of full is fullest. Here is the comparative and superlative degree for full.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
Full fuller fullest

Examples Using Positive Degree of Full:

  • The glass is full of refreshing lemonade.
  • The suitcase is full of clothes for our trip.
  • The restaurant offers a full menu of delicious dishes.
  • Her schedule is always full of meetings and appointments.
  • The room was full of laughter and joy during the party.
  • The supermarket shelves are full of fresh produce.
  • The theater was full of excited audience members.
  • The gas tank is full and ready for a long drive.
  • The workshop was full of creative ideas and inspiration.
  • His heart is full of love for his family and friends.

Example Using Comparative Degree of Full:

  • The glass is fuller now than it was before.
  • The storage container is fuller than I expected.
  • Her suitcase is fuller after shopping at the mall.
  • The restaurant’s menu is fuller during the dinner service.
  • The meeting room was fuller as more participants arrived.
  • The shelves at the supermarket are fuller after restocking.
  • The theater was fuller during the weekend shows.
  • The gas tank is fuller than it was yesterday.
  • The workshop became fuller as more people joined.
  • The artist’s portfolio is fuller with new artwork.

Example Using Superlative Degree of Full:

  • The glass is the fullest it can be without overflowing.
  • The storage container is the fullest it has ever been.
  • Her suitcase is the fullest it can handle without bursting.
  • The restaurant’s menu is at its fullest during the holiday season.
  • The meeting room was the fullest it had ever been for that event.
  • The shelves at the supermarket are the fullest on weekends.
  • The theater was at its fullest on opening night.
  • The gas tank is the fullest it has been in months.
  • The workshop became at its fullest when all the participants arrived.
  • The artist’s portfolio is the fullest it has ever been with completed projects.

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Complete List: Degree of Adjectives