3 Degrees of Fierce, Comparative Degree of Fierce, Superlative Degree of Fierce

Comparative and Superlative Degree of Fierce

Comparative degree of fierce is fiercer, superlative degree of fierce is fiercest. Here is the comparative and superlative degree for fierce.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
Fierce fiercer fiercest

Examples Using Positive Degree of Fierce:

  • The lion’s roar was fierce and intimidating.
  • She has a fierce determination to succeed.
  • The storm unleashed its fierce winds and rain.
  • The competition was fierce but exciting.
  • He displayed a fierce loyalty to his team.
  • The warrior fought with fierce bravery.
  • The tiger’s eyes burned with a fierce intensity.
  • She gave a fierce speech that inspired the audience.
  • The volcano erupted with a fierce force.
  • The debate between the candidates was fierce and heated.

Example Using Comparative Degree of Fierce:

  • The dragon’s breath was fiercer than expected.
  • She has a fiercer determination than anyone I know.
  • The storm grew fiercer as it moved closer.
  • The competition became fiercer with each round.
  • He showed a fiercer loyalty than his teammates.
  • The warrior fought with fiercer resolve as the battle raged on.
  • The tiger’s growl became even fiercer when threatened.
  • She delivered a fiercer speech than her opponents.
  • The volcano’s eruption grew fiercer by the minute.
  • The debate between the candidates became fiercer with each argument.

Example Using Superlative Degree of Fierce:

  • The dragon’s roar was the fiercest sound imaginable.
  • She has the fiercest determination I’ve ever seen.
  • The storm unleashed its fiercest winds and torrential rain.
  • The competition was the fiercest battle they had ever faced.
  • He showed the fiercest loyalty of all his teammates.
  • The warrior fought with the fiercest courage in the entire army.
  • The tiger’s eyes burned with the fiercest intensity of any predator.
  • She gave the fiercest speech that left the audience in awe.
  • The volcano’s eruption was the fiercest in recorded history.
  • The debate between the candidates was the fiercest clash of ideas.

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Complete List: Degree of Adjectives