3 Degrees of Dark, Comparative Degree of Dark, Superlative Degree of Dark

Comparative and Superlative Degree of Dark

Comparative degree of dark is darker and Superlative degree of dark is darkest. Here is the comparative and superlative degree for dark.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
Dark darker darkest

Examples Using Positive Degree of dark:

  • The room was dark after the power outage.
  • His sunglasses made everything appear slightly dark.
  • The night sky was filled with dark clouds.
  • The tunnel was long and dark.
  • The forest was dark even during the day.
  • She painted the room in a dark shade of blue.
  • His eyes adjusted to the dark room.
  • The candle’s flame flickered in the dark.
  • The hallway was dimly lit and slightly dark.
  • The moonless night was pitch dark.

Example Using Comparative Degree of dark:

  • The room became darker as the sunset.
  • Her sunglasses made everything look darker.
  • The storm made the sky even darker.
  • The tunnel seemed even longer and darker.
  • The forest grew darker as the night fell.
  • She painted the room a darker shade of blue.
  • His eyes struggled to adjust to the darker room.
  • The candle’s flame grew darker as it burned down.
  • The hallway became even dimmer and darker.
  • The night grew even darker as the clouds rolled in.

Example Using Superlative Degree of dark:

  • The room was the darkest during the blackout.
  • Her sunglasses made everything appear the darkest.
  • The storm made the sky the darkest it had been.
  • The tunnel was the darkest they had ever seen.
  • The forest was the darkest at nightfall.
  • She painted the room in the darkest shade of blue.
  • His eyes struggled to adjust in the darkest room.
  • The candle’s flame was the darkest before it went out.
  • The hallway was the darkest in the entire building.
  • The night was the darkest they had ever experienced.

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Complete List: Degree of Adjectives