50 Sentences Using ‘WILL’, WILL in Example Sentences

When learning a language, knowing how to use “will” is essential. This article will provide 50 examples of sentences that use the word “will,” along with some explanations of how it can be used in imperative sentences. Additionally, readers will learn why understanding the subtle differences between imperative and other types of sentences is important. Understanding these distinctions can help language learners to become more confident and accurate when communicating in English.

How to Use Will in Sentences?

“Will” is a modal auxiliary verb that is commonly used to express future tense in English. Here are some examples of how to use “will” in sentences:

  1. Simple future tense: Use “will” to express a future event or action that is certain or likely to happen.
  • I will go to the movies tomorrow.
  • She will finish her project by the end of the week.
  • They will arrive at the airport at 6 pm.
  1. Making predictions: Use “will” to make a prediction about a future event or situation.
  • It will rain later today.
  • He will probably be late for the meeting.
  • The stock market will likely go up this year.
  1. Offering to do something: Use “will” to make an offer to do something for someone else.
  • I will help you carry your bags.
  • Will you give me a ride to the airport?
  • They will lend us some money if we need it.
  1. Making promises: Use “will” to make a promise or commitment to do something.
  • I will always love you.
  • He will never forget your birthday again.
  • They will donate a portion of their profits to charity.

It’s important to note that “will” is often contracted to “ll” in informal language, as in “I’ll” or “you’ll”.

will in example sentences

50 Sentences Of Will

  1. Will you be able to attend the concert with us?
  2. They won’t pass the exam.
  3. He will be playing in the championship game next week.
  4. She will try her best to finish the project on time.
  5. It will rain tomorrow.
  6. She will be visiting her grandparents during the holidays.
  7. We won’t go to Dubai tomorrow.
  8. He will be running for president in the next election.
  9. He will be studying for his exams all weekend.
  10. She will pass the exam.
  11. Will you be attending the conference next month?
  12. Will you be able to pick up the kids from school today?
  13. I will go to Dubai tomorrow.
  14. She will not be able to make it to the meeting.
  15. I will not go to Dubai tomorrow.
  16. Will you be joining us for dinner tonight?
  17. He/She/It won’t rain tomorrow.
  18. She will be running a marathon next month.
  19. You will not go to Dubai tomorrow.
  20. I will be attending the party tonight.
  21. You will pass the exam.
  22. She will be taking a gap year to travel the world.
  23. I will not tolerate any kind of discrimination in my workplace.
  24. They will not tolerate any kind of misbehavior in the classroom.
  25. It won’t rain tomorrow.
  26. She will be starting a new job next week.
  27. They will be moving to a new house next month.
  28. They will be hosting a fundraiser for the local animal shelter.
  29. I will have a cup of coffee before I start my work.
  30. I will call you as soon as I finish my work.
  31. They will not pass the exam.
  32. They won’t go to Dubai tomorrow.
  33. Will you please pass me the salt?
  34. He will not go to Dubai tomorrow.
  35. They will be celebrating their anniversary next week.
  36. We will pass the exam.
  37. He will be starting a new business venture in the coming months.
  38. They will be arriving tomorrow morning.
  39. You will not pass the exam.
  40. I will be studying abroad next semester.
  41. He will be flying to Paris for a business trip next week.
  42. It will not rain tomorrow.
  43. He will not be able to make it to the meeting due to a family emergency.
  44. They will be donating a portion of their profits to charity.
  45. Will you please turn off the lights before you leave?
  46. He will enjoy swimming.
  47. I will be happy to help you with your homework.
  48. He will go to Dubai tomorrow.
  49. He will visit us tomorrow.
  50. They will join the league in the mid.

Negative Sentences Using Will

  1. I will not be attending the party tonight.
  2. She will not forgive you for what you did.
  3. They will not be able to finish the project on time.
  4. He will not lend you any money.
  5. We will not tolerate such behavior in our workplace.
  6. The concert will not be rescheduled due to the bad weather.
  7. You will not regret your decision if you think it through.
  8. The company will not be able to provide any more benefits to its employees.
  9. The doctor will not allow you to eat anything before the surgery.
  10. I will not accept anything less than what I deserve.

Interrogative Sentences Using Will

  1. Will you be joining us for dinner tonight?
  2. Will you help me move this heavy box?
  3. Will it rain tomorrow?
  4. Will you need a ride to the airport?
  5. Will you be attending the conference next week?
  6. Will you marry me?
  7. Will the new restaurant in town be open for lunch?
  8. Will you please pass me the salt?
  9. Will you be able to finish the project on time?
  10. Will you consider my proposal for the new business venture?

‘Will You’ Sentences Examples

  1. Will you please pass me the salt?
  2. Will you join me for dinner tonight?
  3. Will you be attending the party next week?
  4. Will you help me with this project?
  5. Will you marry me?
  6. Will you take me to the airport tomorrow?
  7. Will you come with me to the concert?
  8. Will you give me a ride home?
  9. Will you be my study partner?
  10. Will you lend me some money?

‘Will Be’ Sentences Examples

  1. He will be here in five minutes.
  2. The weather will be sunny tomorrow.
  3. The store will be closed on Sunday.
  4. The cake will be ready in an hour.
  5. The movie will be released next month.
  6. The party will be held at my house.
  7. The concert will be held outdoors.
  8. The class will be starting soon.
  9. The restaurant will be busy tonight.
  10. The book will be published next year.

Future Will Examples Sentences

  1. I will call you later tonight.
  2. She will graduate from college next year.
  3. They will move to a new city next month.
  4. He will start his new job next week.
  5. We will go on vacation in the summer.
  6. The company will launch a new product next quarter.
  7. The team will win the championship this year.
  8. Technology will advance rapidly in the coming years.
  9. The economy will recover from the pandemic.
  10. The world will become more connected through technology.


  1. Sentences Using ‘SHOULD’
  2. Sentences Using ‘SHALL’
  3. Sentences Using ‘MIGHT’