+20 Sentences Using ‘HAVE’, HAVE in Example Sentences

The verb ‘have’ is an invaluable tool in English communication. It is one of the most commonly used verbs, used for a variety of actions and meanings. In order to communicate effectively, it’s important to know how to properly use this verb. This article will provide twenty example sentences using have, have had, and has had in order to help improve your understanding of this versatile verb. Each example sentence will be accompanied by a brief explanation detailing the appropriate use of have in context.

have in example sentences

Sentences With ‘HAVE’

  1. You will have been killed in 2022.
  2. I’ll have been living in New York for 20 years.
  3. I have to have my wisdom teeth pulled out.
  4. She will have had a baby in three months.
  5. The movie will have been playing for over two hours.
  6. He will have had a beard for over five years.
  7. I won’t have any money to pay you back until next week.
  8. She will have had her baby by the end of the year.
  9. She will have had her baby by the end of the year.
  10. The movie will have been playing for over two hours.
  11. I won’t have any money to pay you back until next week.
  12. He will have had a beard for over five years.
  13. I have a headache today.
  14. Do you have any plans for the weekend?
  15. She must have forgotten her phone at home.
  16. They have been married for 10 years.
  17. We have to finish this project by the end of the week.
  18. You have a talent for singing.
  19. He could have passed the exam if he had studied more.
  20. I have a cat named Luna.
  21. The restaurant doesn’t have any vegetarian options.
  22. They have a beautiful house by the beach.
  23. I have never been to Europe.
  24. We have a meeting at 3 pm.
  25. You have to be careful when driving in the rain.
  26. He may have left his wallet at the office.
  27. I have a lot of work to do today.
  28. They have a vacation planned for next month.

Negative Sentences Using ‘Have’

  1. I haven’t finished my homework yet.
  2. We haven’t heard from our friends in a while.
  3. They haven’t come up with a solution yet.
  4. You haven’t been to the store this week.
  5. We haven’t gone on vacation in a long time.
  6. I haven’t seen you in ages!
  7. They haven’t been to the park in months.
  8. I haven’t bought anything new in a while.
  9. I haven’t received a response yet.
  10. We haven’t had any luck finding a place to stay yet.
  11. They haven’t made their decision yet.

Interrogative Sentences Using ‘Have’

  1. Have you seen my keys?
  2. Have you been to London?
  3. Have you ever tried skydiving?
  4. Have we met before?
  5. Have they finished their project yet?
  6. Have you heard the news about the new restaurant opening in town?
  7. Have you read any books by J.K. Rowling?
  8. Have they invited everyone to the party yet?
  9. Have you been to any concerts lately?
  10. Have you ever seen a shooting star?
  11. Have you received your exam results yet?


  1.  Sentences Using ‘HAD’
  2. Sentences Using ‘MAY’
  3. Sentences Using ‘HAS’
  4. Sentences Using ‘WILL’

Last updated on April 9th, 2023 at 07:25 am