10 Examples of Descriptive Adjectives in Sentences

10 Examples of Descriptive Adjectives in Sentences! Descriptive adjectives are words that describe or modify a noun or pronoun by providing additional information about their characteristics, qualities, or attributes. They help to create vivid and specific images in the reader’s mind, enhancing the overall meaning and impact of a sentence or text.

Related: 100 Examples of Descriptive Adjectives

10 Examples of Descriptive Adjectives

  1. Grubby
  2. Painful
  3. Precious
  4. Impatient
  5. Precise
  6. Fantastic
  7. Organic
  8. Responsible
  9. Muddy
  10. Annoying

10 Examples of Descriptive Adjectives in Sentences

10 Examples of Descriptive Adjectives in Sentences

  1. Traveling by train is more relaxing.
  2. Police are worried that the man is armed.
  3. She sat at her desk, darkly contemplating why he had abandoned her.
  4. The rumor about him spread rapidly.
  5. His wrinkled face betrayed his age.
  6. The factory’s future now appears to be quite bright.
  7. Her personality was bright and bubbly.
  8. Where the paper was wet, it wrinkled.
  9. The dress was a bright red color.
  10. Her mood could rapidly shift from gloom to elation.

10 Adjective Examples In Sentences With Answers

  1. The delicious cake was devoured by the guests. (delicious)
  2. The little girl wore a pretty dress to the party. (pretty)
  3. The old book smelled musty and dusty. (musty and dusty)
  4. The large elephant trumpeted loudly in the jungle. (large)
  5. The sparkling water glistened in the sun. (sparkling)
  6. The sleepy cat stretched lazily on the windowsill. (sleepy)
  7. The brave soldier fought fearlessly on the battlefield. (brave)
  8. The soft blanket kept the baby warm and cozy. (soft and cozy)
  9. The bright sun shone brilliantly in the clear sky. (bright and clear)
  10. The magnificent palace was adorned with intricate designs. (magnificent and intricate)