20+ Slang for Depressed (Their Uses & Meanings)

What does Depressed Mean?

A mental state characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest or pleasure in things. It can also relate to a lowered position or level.

Slang For Depressed

Slang Words for Depressed

  1. Down: Feeling sad or low-spirited.
  2. Blue: Suffering from melancholy or despair.
  3. In the dumps: Extremely unhappy or discouraged.
  4. Bummed: Disappointed or disheartened.
  5. Feeling low: In a sad or discouraged state.
  6. Under the weather: Feeling slightly ill or not well.
  7. Off one’s game: Not feeling or performing at one’s best.
  8. In a funk: In a state of depression or despondency.
  9. Mopey: Characterized by showing little energy or enthusiasm.
  10. Down in the mouth: Appearing or feeling dejected.
  11. Gloomy: Feeling pessimistic or dismal.
  12. Wiped out: Physically or emotionally exhausted.
  13. Crushed: Feeling defeated or deeply upset.
  14. Beat: Extremely tired or worn out.
  15. In the pits: At a very low emotional point.
  16. Feeling icky: Not feeling good, either physically or emotionally.
  17. Out of sorts: Not in one’s usual state of health or spirits.
  18. Dreary: Feeling dull, bleak, or lifeless.
  19. Broken up: Extremely upset or heartbroken.
  20. On the rocks: In a state of difficulty or despair.

Use of Depressed Slang in Example Sentences

  1. She’s been really down after the breakup.
  2. I’ve felt a bit blue these past few days.
  3. After the news, he’s been in the dumps.
  4. I’m so bummed about missing the concert.
  5. He’s been feeling low since the argument.
  6. She’s a bit under the weather
  7. After the bad game, he’s off his game.
  8. She’s been in a funk since morning.
  9. He’s been acting all mopey
  10. Don’t look so down in the mouth, it’ll be okay.
  11. The weather’s making me feel gloomy.
  12. The workout left me completely wiped out.
  13. The feedback left her crushed.
  14. After the hike, I’m just beat.
  15. This whole week has been in the pits for him.
  16. I’ve been feeling icky since breakfast.
  17. She’s been out of sorts all day.
  18. The day’s been so dreary without you.
  19. He was broken up about the news.
  20. Their relationship is currently on the rocks.

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