30+ Slang for Burglar (Their Uses & Meanings)

What does Burglar Mean? (Meaning & Origin)

A burglar is someone who unlawfully enters a building, typically with the intent to commit theft. The term originates from the Old French word “burgle,” derived from Latin “burgus” meaning “fortress” or “castle.”

Slang For Burglar

Slang Words for Burglar

  1. Catman – Sneaky thief, especially at night.
  2. Prowler – Person sneaking around properties.
  3. Jemmy – One using tools to break in.
  4. Shadow – Silent thief moving undetected.
  5. Housebreaker – Specifically breaks into homes.
  6. Grifter – Con artist, occasionally steals.
  7. Rat – Thief sneaking through small spaces.
  8. Sneak thief – Steals without the victim noticing.
  9. Creeper – Moves slowly and silently.
  10. Latch-lifter – Expert at opening locked doors.
  11. Moonlighter – Burglar operating at night.
  12. Wireman – Specialist in disabling alarms.
  13. Dip – Pickpocket or minor thief.
  14. Goon – Thug-like thief; often violent.
  15. Peeler – One who steals from purses.
  16. Cracker – Expert at safes and vaults.
  17. Magsman – Trickster who manipulates to steal.
  18. Nimble Jack – Quick and agile thief.
  19. Heistmaster – Leads a robbery operation.
  20. Tunnel rat – Digs to access target location.

Use of Burglar Slang in Example Sentences

  1. He moved like a Catman, quiet and precise.
  2. I spotted a Prowler near the neighbor’s yard.
  3. They caught a Jemmy with his set of tools.
  4. Nobody noticed the Shadow in the corner.
  5. The neighborhood had three Housebreaker incidents this month.
  6. He’s a smooth Grifter; watch your belongings.
  7. A Rat can easily slip through that window.
  8. The Sneak thief left without a trace.
  9. She’s a Creeper, and always moves in silence.
  10. He’s a skilled Latch-lifter, no lock’s safe.
  11. The shop got hit by a Moonlighter
  12. The bank’s Wireman ensured the alarms worked.
  13. Be careful in the crowd; there’s a Dip.
  14. That Goon doesn’t mind using brute force.
  15. Her wallet was empty, thanks to a Peeler.
  16. The Cracker had the safe open in minutes.
  17. That Magsman tricked her out of her jewelry.
  18. The Nimble Jack darted between the guards.
  19. The heist’s success was due to the Heistmaster.
  20. Their vault was breached by a Tunnel rat.

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