“1000 dollars” refers to a unit of currency with a denomination of one thousand United States dollars. It represents a larger amount of money and is used for various financial transactions, purchases, and economic exchanges in the United States.
Slang Words for 1000 Dollars ($1000)
Here is the list of slang words for 1000 dollars ($1000):
- Grand
- K
- Stack
- G
- Band
- Large
- Thou
- Kilobuck
- Gee
- Big one
- Rack
- Cheddar
- Dime
- Bill
- Blue cheese
- C-note (though traditionally this is for $100)
- Green
- Grand stack
- Paper
- Cool G
Slang Terms for 1000 Dollars ($1000) with Meanings
- Grand: One thousand dollars.
- K: Abbreviation for a thousand.
- Stack: A thousand dollar bills.
- G: Short for “grand.”
- Band: Rubber band around money.
- Large: Big amount, a thousand.
- Thou: Short for “thousand.”
- Kilobuck: A thousand bucks.
- Gee: Another term for “grand.”
- Big one: One thousand dollars.
- Rack: A thousand in cash.
- Cheddar: Money, typically a lot.
- Dime: Not traditionally $1000, but could refer to ten hundreds.
- Bill: Cash, generally large amounts.
- Blue cheese: Money with blue strips.
- C-note: Traditionally $100, not $1000.
- Green: Refers to the color of money.
- Grand stack: A thousand dollars stack.
- Paper: Refers to paper money.
- Cool G: Cool thousand dollars.
Use of 1000 Dollars ($1000) Slangs in Example Sentences
- I saved up a grand for vacation.
- She earned an extra K this month.
- He dropped a stack on that watch.
- Just paid a G for those shoes.
- All that cash? Count the bands first.
- That’s a large sum for a purse.
- We need another thou to cover expenses.
- That’s a pricey gadget, a whole kilobuck.
- That necklace cost him three Gee.
- I owe him a big one next week.
- I’ve saved a rack for emergencies.
- That’s a lot of cheddar for a car.
- He owes me a dime from that bet.
- How many bills did you bring?
- The wallet’s full of blue cheese.
- I prefer having several C-note on hand.
- The bag had so much green inside.
- We gathered a grand stack for charity.
- He’s always flashing his paper around.
- Spent a cool G on that guitar.
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