Plants That Start With T
Plants are essential to the health and well-being of our planet, helping to regulate the earth’s climate, maintain soil health, and support biodiversity. Below is the list of plants starting with T.
Plants That Start With T
- Tylecodon
- Tweedia
- Tulsi
- Tulbaghia
- Tuberaria
- Tsusiophyllum
- Trochodendron
- Tritonia
- Tripterygium
- Tripetaleia
- Trillium
- Trientalis
- Trichosanthes
- Trichodiadema
- Tree Tobacco
- Tree Sow Thistle
- Tree Onion
- Trailing Nightshade
- Trailing Bittersweet
- Trachymene
- Trachelospermum
- Trachelium
- Townsendia
- Tovara
- Torenia
- Toothwort
- Toona
- Tolpis
- Tolmiea
- Todea
- Tobacco Plant
- Titanopsis
- Tipuana
- Tigridia
- Tickleweed
- Tibouchina
- Tiarella
- Thymophylla
- Thunbergia
- Thlaspi
- Thistle
- Thimbleweed
- Thimbleberry
- Thevetia
- Thespesia
- Thermopsis
- Thelypteris
- Thelocactus
- Thelesperma
- Thalictrum
- Thalia
- Teucrium
- Tetratheca
- Tetrastigma
- Tetrapanax
- Tetraneuris
- Tetranema
- Tetracentron
- Ternstroemia
- Terminalia
- Templetonia
- Tellima
- Telephium
- Telekia
- Tecophilaea
- Tecomaria
- Tecomanthe
- Tecoma
- Tea
- Tassel Weed
- Tapeinochilus
- Tansy
- Tanakea
- Tanakaea
- Tall Coneflower
- Tall Ambrosia
- Tacca
- Tabernaemontana
- Tabebuia
All Trees and Plants Beginning With T
Plants That Start With TA
- tabasco pepper
- tanglebush
- tangier peavine
- tamarindus indica
- taxus brevifolia
- tanbark oak
- tailflower
- taproot
- tangerine tree
- tamarindus
- taxus baccata
- talinum augustissimum
- taraktagenos kurzii
- tall gallberry holly
- tasman dwarf pine
- tanacetum balsamita
- tanacetum camphoratum
- tamus communis
- tanacetum coccineum
- tamus
- tahoka daisy
- tangelo tree
- tappa bark
- tall meadow grass
- taxaceae
- talinum paniculatum
- taraxacum officinale
- tall bellflower
- taro plant
- tall mallow
- tassel hyacinth
- tacca pinnatifida
- tansy ragwort
- tall cupflower
- tarweed
- tall white violet
- taxodium
- tacca leontopetaloides
- tansy mustard
- tanacetum
- tamarack
- tanacetum douglasii
- taxodium distichum
- tangerine
- tanacetum parthenium
- tamarillo
- taxophytina
- tall crowfoot
- tarrietia argyrodendron
- talinum
- tanacetum vulgare
- taraktagenos
- tall field buttercup
- tarwood
- tall goldenrod
- tassel flower
- tailwort
- tara vine
- talinum aurantiacum
- taraktogenos
- tageteste
- tappa
- tacamahac
- tansy
- talipot
- tare
- talinum brevifolium
- taraktogenos kurzii
- tamarix
- tall sunflower
- taxodiaceae
- tabasco plant
- tangor
- talinum spinescens
- taraxacum ruderalia
- tall oat grass
- taxales
- tagetes patula
- tangier pea
- tapioca plant
- tamaricaceae
- taxodium mucronatum
- tamarind
- taxopsida
- tagasaste
- tapa bark
- tanekaha
- tagetes erecta
- tape grass
- tamarisk
- taxus cuspidata
- taccaceae
- tapa
- tanbark
- tamarisk family
- taxus floridana
- tangelo
- talipot palm
- taro
- tallgrass
- taxodium ascendens
- tamarind tree
- taxus
- tall bilberry
- tarragon
- tall buttercup
- tarrietia
- tangle orchid
- tabernaemontana
- tannia
- tacca
- tansy leaf aster
- talinum calycinum
- taraxacum
Plants That Start With TH
- theobroma cacao
- thelypteris simulata
- thyrse
- theca
- thimbleweed
- thelypteris palustris
- thymus vulgaris
- thlaspi
- thuja
- thallophyta
- thallophyte
- thallus
- thysanocarpus
- thelypteris
- thimbleberry
- thuja plicata
- thorny amaranth
- thrinax
- thuja orientalis
- thespesia populnea
- thrinax parviflora
- thunbergia
- thespesia
- thalictrum
- thanksgiving cactus
- thyme
- thelypteris dryopteris
- thatch palm
- thymelaeales
- thrinax morrisii
- thatch tree
- thistledown
- throatwort
- thuja occidentalis
- thistle
- thlaspi arvense
- thielavia basicola
- thermopsis macrophylla
- threadleaf groundsel
- thorn
- thyrsus
- thujopsis dolobrata
- theophrastaceae
- thoroughwort
- thujopsis
- thelypteris phegopteris
- thielavia
- thymelaeaceae
- thymus
- thevetia neriifolia
- thelephoraceae
- thevetia peruviana
- thyrsopteris
- thevetia
- theaceae
- thyrsopteris elegans
- thelypteridaceae
- thrift
- thunbergia alata
- thymus serpyllum
- thrinax keyensis
- thrinax microcarpa
- theobroma
- thermopsis
- thermopsis villosa
- thorn apple
Plants That Start With TW
- twayblade
- twig
- twinberry
- twinflower
- twist wood
- twistwood
Plants That Start With TI
- tilia tomentosa
- tilia heterophylla
- tickweed
- tipu
- tilia americana
- titan arum
- ti
- tiarella
- tiarella cordifolia
- tiger lily
- tinnevelly senna
- tilletia
- tiller
- tiarella unifoliata
- tilia
- tick trefoil
- tickseed
- tipuana
- tipu tree
- tithonia
- timothy
- tillandsia
- tiliaceae
- tilia cordata
- timber tree
- tilletia foetida
- tidy tips
- tilletiaceae
- tilletia caries
- tickseed sunflower
- tidytips
- tilia japonica
- tiliomycetes
- tillandsia usneoides
Plants That Start With TE
- telegraph plant
- teff grass
- texas snowbells
- tecophilaeacea
- tendergreen
- tectona grandis
- texas snowbell
- tepary bean
- tetraneuris acaulis
- tea rose
- teaberry
- tea
- teak
- tectaria macrodonta
- templetonia retusa
- tetraspore
- terebinth
- tetraclinis
- tetrasporangium
- telopea
- tetragoniaceae
- teucrium canadense
- tellima grandiflora
- tea family
- teakwood
- teucrium marum
- tectona
- teasel
- texas bluebonnet
- tetragonia expansa
- teasle
- tepal
- tetraneuris
- tetraneuris grandiflora
- tendril
- tephrosia
- templetonia
- tellima
- terrietia trifoliolata
- tephrosia purpurea
- textile screw pine
- teucrium
- telingo potato
- terrietia
- tetterwort
- teff
- temple tree
- teucrium scorodonia
- texas millet
- telopea speciosissima
- tectaria
- temple orange tree
- texas star
- telopea oreades
- teazel
- texas storksbill
- tectaria cicutaria
- testa
- teucrium chamaedrys
- texas purple spike
- tetraclinis articulata
- tetragonia
- telanthera
- teliospore
- tellima affinis
- tephrosia virginiana
Plants That Start With TS
- tsuga canadensis
- tsuga mertensiana
- tsuga heterophylla
- tsuga
- tsuga caroliniana
Plants That Start With TO
- torreya
- torrey pine
- tomato
- toothed sword fern
- torchwood family
- tolu tree
- todea barbara
- tonka bean tree
- toona
- tongueflower
- toona calantas
- tongue fern
- top onion
- toyon
- toetoe
- toad lily
- toadstool
- toe toe
- tower mustard
- toddy palm
- toitoi
- tower cress
- tonka bean
- tolmiea
- tooth fungus
- torch
- toothache tree
- tolu
- tobacco plant
- toothbrush tree
- todea
- todea superba
- toxicodendron vernix
- tortoise plant
- toadflax
- tong ho
- tofieldia pusilla
- torreya californica
- toad rush
- tofieldia
- tornillo
- toxicodendron radicans
- tolmiea menziesii
- tolu balsam
- townsendia exscapa
- toothwort
- toxicodendron
- tomato plant
- townsendia
- toothed spurge
- tomentum
- toowomba canary grass
- toadshade
- tollon
- tolu balsam tree
- tobacco
- tobacco mildew
- torrey tree
- torreya taxifolia
- totara
Plants That Start With TU
- tulostoma
- tulipwood
- tuberose
- tulip poplar
- turfing daisy
- tulipa gesneriana
- tuberculariaceae
- turmeric
- tussock bellflower
- tufted pansy
- tufted vetch
- tufted centaury
- tule tree
- tuckahoe
- tulipa armena
- turban squash
- turnip plant
- turritis
- tuna
- tussilago alpina
- tuba root
- tumbleweed
- tufted gentian
- tuber root
- tulestoma
- tulipa clusiana
- tulip
- tuberales
- tussilago
- tulip gentian
- turkish boxwood
- tussilago farfara
- tutsan
- turkey oak
- turmeric root
- tupelo tree
- tulostomatales
- turpentine weed
- turnip
- tuberous vetch
- tulostomaceae
- turpentine camphor weed
- tulipa suaveolens
- tupelo family
- tuberaceae
- tubercle
- tung tree
- tulip tree
- tupelo
- tuberous begonia
- tung
- tulip orchid
- tuberous plant
- tulipa
- turreae
- tuber
- tubercularia
- turritis glabra
- turtlehead
- tulipwood tree
- tulostomataceae
- tumble grass
- turnip cabbage
Plants That Start With TR
- tracheid
- trachelospermum
- tracheophyta
- tracheophyte
- tradescantia
- tragopogon
- tragopogon dubius
- tragopogon porrifolius
- tragopogon pratensis
- trailing arbutus
- trailing windmills
- transvaal daisy
- transvaal kafferboom
- trapa
- trapa bicornis
- trapa natans
- trapaceae
- trautvetteria
- treasure flower
- tree
- tree branch
- tree celandine
- tree clubmoss
- tree cotton
- tree fern
- tree fuchsia
- tree heath
- tree lupine
- tree mallow
- tree of heaven
- tree of knowledge
- tree of the gods
- tree onion
- tree poppy
- tree stump
- tree tobacco
- tree tomato
- tree trunk
- treelet
- treetop
- trefoil
- trema
- tremella
- tremella foliacea
- tremella fuciformis
- tremella lutescens
- tremella reticulata
- tremellaceae
- tremellales
- tribe bambuseae
- tribulus
- tribulus terestris
- trichoceros
- tricholoma
- tricholoma aurantium
- tricholoma flavovirens
- tricholoma irinum
- tricholoma pardinum
- tricholoma pessundatum
- tricholoma populinum
- tricholoma sejunctum
- tricholoma vaccinum
- tricholoma venenata
- tricholomataceae
- trichomanes
- trichomanes boschianum
- trichomanes reniforme
- trichomanes speciosum
- trichophyton
- trichostema
- trichostema dichotomum
- trichostema lanatum
- trichostema lanceolatum
- trichostigma
- trifid bur marigold
- trifoliata
- trifoliate orange
- trifoliolate leaf
- trifolium
- trifolium alpinum
- trifolium dubium
- trifolium incarnatum
- trifolium pratense
- trifolium reflexum
- trifolium repens
- trifolium stoloniferum
- triglochin
- triglochin maritima
- trigonella
- trilisa
- trilisa odoratissima
- trilliaceae
- trillium
- trillium erectum
- trillium family
- trillium recurvatum
- trillium sessile
- triostium
- triostium perfoliatum
- tripleurospermum
- triplochiton
- triquetrous leek
- triticum
- triticum aestivum
- triticum dicoccum
- triticum durum
- triticum spelta
- triticum turgidum
- tritoma
- trollius
- trompillo
- tropaeolaceae
- tropaeolum
- tropaeolum majus
- tropaeolum minus
- tropaeolum peregrinum
- tropical pitcher plant
- trout lily
- true blackberry
- true cedar
- true fir
- true fungus
- true guava
- true heath
- true jasmine
- true laurel
- true mahogany
- true pepper
- true pine
- true puffball
- true sago palm
- true sandalwood
- true senna
- true slime mold
- true tulipwood
- truffle
- trumpet creeper
- trumpet flower
- trumpet tree
- trumpet vine
- trumpet weed
- trumpets
- trumpetwood
- truncocolumella
- truncocolumella citrina
- trunk
Plants That Start With TY
- typha latifolia
- typha angustifolia
- typhaceae
- typha
Tropical Plants That Start With T
- Trapaceae
- Thymelaeaceae
- Tecophilaeaceae
- Tamaricaceae
- Taxaceae
- Tropaeolaceae
- Theaceae
- Torricelliaceae
- Turneraceae
House Plants | Indoor Plants That Start With T
- Tiger’s Jaw
- Ti Plant
- Thanksgiving Cactus
- Tulips
- Triangle Ficus
Perennials that Start with T
Common Name | Botanical Name |
Tassel fern | Polystichum |
Turk’s turban | Malvaviscus arboreus |
Tulip | Tulipa |
Torch lily, Tritoma | Kniphofia |
Toadflax | Linaria |
Tweedia | Oxypetalum caeruleum = Tweedia caerulea |
Turtlehead | Chelone |
Trout lily | Erythronium |
Tickseed | Coreopsis |
Thrift | Armeria |
Tritonia | Tritonia |
Tree mallow | Lavatera |
Triteleia | Triteleia |
Tovara | Tovara |
Tansy | Chrysanthemum |
Thyme | Thymus |
Toad lily | Tricyrtis |
Plants Starting With Letter T (Pictures and Short Definitions)
A popular fruiting plant that belongs to the nightshade family. Tomatoes are usually red, but they can come in a variety of colors including yellow, green, and purple. They are used in a wide range of culinary dishes and are often used in salads, sauces, and soups.
A perennial flowering plant that has large, brightly colored cup-shaped flowers. Tulips come in a wide range of colors including red, yellow, pink, purple, and white, and are often used in gardens and as cut flowers.
A small, aromatic herb that is commonly used in cooking. Thyme has a slightly sweet and earthy flavor and is often used to flavor soups, stews, and meat dishes.
Tea Plant
A species of evergreen shrub that is grown for its leaves, which are used to make tea. The tea plant is native to China but is now grown in many other countries as well.
A flowering plant that is native to Europe and Asia. Tansy has small, yellow flowers that bloom in the summer, and is often used in herbal medicine to treat a variety of ailments.
A perennial herb that is commonly used in French cuisine. Tarragon has a subtle anise-like flavor and is often used to flavor chicken, fish, and egg dishes.
A plant that is grown for its leaves, which are used to make cigarettes and other tobacco products. Tobacco is a highly addictive substance that can have serious health consequences.
A family of prickly flowering plants that are found throughout the world. Thistles are often considered to be weeds, but some species are cultivated for their ornamental value.
A species of raspberry that is native to North America. Thimbleberries have soft, red fruit that is often used in jams, jellies, and baked goods.
Trumpet Creeper
A woody vine that is native to the southeastern United States. Trumpet creepers have bright, trumpet-shaped flowers that attract hummingbirds and other pollinators.
A genus of perennial flowering plants that are native to North America and Asia. Trilliums have large, showy flowers that bloom in the spring, and are often used in woodland gardens.
Trumpet Lily
A species of lily that is native to China and Japan. Trumpet lilies have large, trumpet-shaped flowers that come in a range of colors including white, pink, and yellow.
Tree Fern
A type of fern that grows on trees or other surfaces, rather than in the ground. Tree ferns are often used in tropical gardens, and are known for their large, feathery fronds.
Tree Peony
A species of peony that is native to China and Japan. Tree peonies have large, showy flowers that come in a range of colors including white, pink, and purple.
A species of flowering plant that is native to North America. Tickseed has bright, daisy-like flowers that bloom in the summer, and is often used in gardens and as a cut flower.
A species of shrub that is native to Australia. Thryptomenes have small, pink or white flowers that bloom in the summer, and are often used in floral arrangements.
Ti Plant
A species of tropical plant that is native to Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. Ti plants have colorful, variegated leaves that are often used in floral arrangements.
Other Plants Starting With:
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