1000+ Plants That Start With R (Complete List)

Plants That Start With R

plants that start with r

Plants have played a significant role in human history, serving as symbols of power, beauty, and spirituality in cultures around the world. Below is the list of plants starting with R.

Plants That Start With R

  • Russelia
  • Ruscus
  • Ruschia
  • Rupicapnos
  • Rumohra
  • Rum Cherry
  • Ruellia
  • Roundleaf Plantain
  • Rothmannia
  • Rossioglossum
  • Rose Willow
  • Rose Milkweed
  • Rose
  • Roscoea
  • Rondeletia
  • Romulea
  • Romanzoffia
  • Roman Wormwood
  • Rohdea
  • Rodriguezia
  • Rodgersia
  • Rocketcress
  • Rocket
  • Rock Harlequin
  • Rochea
  • Robinia
  • Roadweed
  • River Maple
  • River Birch
  • River Ash
  • Rigidella
  • Richea
  • Rice
  • Ribwort
  • Rhynchelytrum
  • Rhombophyllum
  • Rhoicissus
  • Rhoeo
  • Rhodotypos
  • Rhodothamnus
  • Rhodophiala
  • Rhodohypoxis
  • Rhododendron
  • Rhodochiton
  • Rhodiola
  • Rhodanthemum
  • Rhipsalis
  • Rhexia
  • Rheumatism Root
  • Rhaphiolepis
  • Rhaphidophora
  • Retama
  • Reinwardtia
  • Reineckia
  • Rehmannia
  • Rehderodendron
  • Redweed
  • Redbud
  • Redbrush
  • Red Willow
  • Red River Maple
  • Red Osier
  • Red Oak
  • Red Mulberry
  • Red Ink Plant
  • Red Birch
  • Red Ash
  • Rebutia
  • Ratibida
  • Raspberry
  • Raoulia
  • Ranzania
  • Rantipole
  • Ramonda
  • Rambler Rose
  • Ragwort
  • Ragweed
  • Radical Weed

All Trees and Plants Beginning With R

Plants That Start with RA

  1. rabbit brush
  2. rapateaceae
  3. raoulia australis
  4. rampion bellflower
  5. ranunculus glaberrimus
  6. radyera farragei
  7. rattan
  8. ranunculus sceleratus
  9. rampion
  10. raffia farinifera
  11. rattle weed
  12. railroad vine
  13. ray
  14. ranunculales
  15. ranunculus
  16. rangpur lime
  17. ranunculus acris
  18. rangpur
  19. radyera
  20. ranunculus occidentalis
  21. rattail cactus
  22. rainbow pink
  23. rayless chamomile
  24. raffia vinifera
  25. rattlesnake orchid
  26. ragged orchid
  27. rauli beech
  28. rainbow cactus
  29. ray flower
  30. raceme
  31. raspberry
  32. ragweed
  33. ravenala
  34. rambutan
  35. rabbitwood
  36. rasp fern
  37. ranunculaceae
  38. ramee
  39. ranunculus aquatilis
  40. ranunculus repens
  41. ranunculus bulbosus
  42. ramona
  43. ragi
  44. rauwolfia serpentina
  45. raffia
  46. ranunculus ficaria
  47. rattan palm
  48. ragwort
  49. ravenna grass
  50. rain tree
  51. ray floret
  52. raetam
  53. rattan cane
  54. raffia palm
  55. rattlebox
  56. radish plant
  57. ratibida tagetes
  58. rabbiteye blueberry
  59. raphanus sativus
  60. rag gourd
  61. rattlesnake root
  62. raffia ruffia
  63. rattlesnake fern
  64. ranalian complex
  65. ramalina
  66. rabbit bush
  67. raphanus
  68. rafflesiaceae
  69. rattlesnake plantain
  70. rainbow shower
  71. radish
  72. raoulia
  73. ratibida columnifera
  74. ramie
  75. ramontchi
  76. radiigera
  77. ratibida
  78. ranunculus lingua
  79. radiigera fuscogleba
  80. ratibida columnaris
  81. ramsons
  82. rachis
  83. raspberry bush
  84. ranunculus flammula
  85. ranales
  86. ranunculus lyalii
  87. ragee
  88. rattlesnake weed
  89. rambutan tree
  90. ramp
  91. ragged orchis
  92. rauvolfia
  93. ragged robin
  94. rauwolfia
  95. raoulia lutescens
  96. rabbiteye
  97. raphanus raphanistrum
  98. rabbitweed
  99. raphia
  100. raffia taedigera
  101. rattlesnake master

Plants That Start with RO

  1. rockrose
  2. rosebud
  3. rockfoil
  4. rosebay
  5. roccella tinctoria
  6. rosaceae
  7. rock sandwort
  8. rose mallow
  9. rooibos
  10. rosidae
  11. rocket larkspur
  12. rose periwinkle
  13. roccella
  14. rosa spithamaea
  15. root celery
  16. rosita
  17. rorippa amphibia
  18. royal fern
  19. rock maple
  20. rose chestnut
  21. rock penstemon
  22. rose family
  23. rock geranium
  24. rose bay
  25. rock pink
  26. rose geranium
  27. rock elm
  28. rose apple
  29. rocket
  30. roof mushroom
  31. rose of jericho
  32. rosid dicot genus
  33. rosa banksia
  34. royal poinciana
  35. root system
  36. rougeberry
  37. rootstock
  38. rough pea
  39. rosa
  40. royal palm
  41. roman coriander
  42. rosellinia
  43. roridulaceae
  44. rowanberry
  45. robinia hispida
  46. rosa damascena
  47. roystonea oleracea
  48. romaine lettuce
  49. roselle
  50. rock harlequin
  51. rose campion
  52. robinia viscosa
  53. rock plant
  54. rosa laevigata
  55. rose globe lily
  56. rozelle
  57. rocket cress
  58. rose of sharon
  59. rock polypody
  60. rose gum
  61. roble beech
  62. rosa multiflora
  63. roridula
  64. rowan tree
  65. rock purslane
  66. root cap
  67. rose hip
  68. rosinweed
  69. rorippa
  70. royal agaric
  71. rorippa islandica
  72. royal osmund
  73. root
  74. rosilla
  75. root climber
  76. rosmarinus
  77. romneya coulteri
  78. rosid dicot family
  79. rocky mountain pinon
  80. rosebush
  81. rootlet
  82. rough bristlegrass
  83. root crop
  84. rosmarinus officinalis
  85. rock cress
  86. rose acacia
  87. robinia
  88. rosa chinensis
  89. roystonea
  90. rockrose family
  91. rosebud cherry
  92. rootage
  93. rough bindweed
  94. roast beef plant
  95. rosa canina
  96. royal velvet plant
  97. rocket salad
  98. romneya
  99. rose pink
  100. rosewood tree
  101. roble
  102. rosa moschata
  103. robusta coffee
  104. rosa odorata
  105. roman nettle
  106. rosette
  107. rock spikemoss
  108. rose moss
  109. roman wormwood
  110. rosewood
  111. roccellaceae
  112. rosales
  113. roman hyacinth
  114. rosemary
  115. rock rose
  116. rose leek
  117. rock brake
  118. rose
  119. rockcress
  120. rose of china
  121. rootstalk
  122. rough horsetail
  123. robinia pseudoacacia
  124. rosa eglanteria
  125. roystonea regia
  126. rocambole
  127. rosa pendulina
  128. ropebark
  129. round kumquat
  130. roquette
  131. rowan
  132. rockingham podocarp
  133. rosebay willowherb
  134. rocky mountain dogbane
  135. rosebud orchid
  136. rocky mountains cherry
  137. rosehip
  138. root hair
  139. rouge plant

Plants That Start with RY

  1. ryegrass
  2. rye ergot
  3. rye
  4. rye grass

Plants That Start with RH

  1. rhamnales
  2. rhubarb
  3. rhus typhina
  4. rheum emodi
  5. rhyniaceae
  6. rhoeadales
  7. rheum rhaponticum
  8. rhizopogon idahoensis
  9. rhus laurina
  10. rhus ovata
  11. rhus diversiloba
  12. rhus quercifolia
  13. rhus copallina
  14. rheum cultorum
  15. rhyncostylis
  16. rhizopus nigricans
  17. rhizoctinia
  18. rhizome
  19. rhizopus
  20. rhamnus purshianus
  21. rhizophoraceae
  22. rhodanthe manglesii
  23. rhamnus frangula
  24. rhus glabra
  25. rhodes grass
  26. rhus radicans
  27. rhynia
  28. rhus rhodanthema
  29. rhododendron maxima
  30. rhizophora mangle
  31. rheum rhabarbarum
  32. rhus toxicodenedron
  33. rhizopogon
  34. rhizopogonaceae
  35. rheum palmatum
  36. rheumatism weed
  37. rheum australe
  38. rhamnus carolinianus
  39. rhizoid
  40. rhexia
  41. rhus aromatica
  42. rhodanthe
  43. rhamnus
  44. rhizoctinia solani
  45. rhizopus stolonifer
  46. rheum
  47. rhododendron
  48. rhododendron viscosum
  49. rhapis excelsa
  50. rhus verniciflua
  51. rhapis humilis
  52. rhubarb plant
  53. rhapis
  54. rhus trilobata
  55. rhus
  56. rhus vernix
  57. rhizomatous begonia
  58. rhode island bent
  59. rhodosphaera
  60. rhizomorph
  61. rhizophora
  62. rhamnaceae
  63. rhamnus californicus
  64. rhamnus croceus
  65. rhipsalis

Plants That Start with RI

  1. ribbon grass
  2. ricegrass
  3. richea pandanifolia
  4. rivina
  5. rice grass
  6. riesling
  7. ringworm cassia
  8. ribes rubrum
  9. river gum
  10. ribes nigrum
  11. river birch
  12. richea dracophylla
  13. river red gum
  14. rivina humilis
  15. richea
  16. richweed
  17. rice
  18. ribes
  19. ring rot fungus
  20. ricinus
  21. ribbon tree
  22. rimu
  23. ribwort
  24. ribes sativum
  25. ribgrass
  26. ribes sanguineum
  27. ringworm bush
  28. ringworm shrub
  29. rio nunez coffee
  30. ribbon fern
  31. ribbonwood
  32. ribes grossularia
  33. ricinus communis

Plants That Start with RE

  1. red kauri
  2. red helleborine
  3. red birch
  4. rein orchid
  5. red false mallow
  6. resurrection plant
  7. red sandalwood
  8. red gum
  9. rex begonia
  10. red beech
  11. regnellidium diphyllum
  12. red saunders
  13. redroot
  14. red clover
  15. reseda
  16. red cole
  17. reseda luteola
  18. red cedar
  19. reniform leaf
  20. red currant
  21. reseda odorata
  22. red campion
  23. relict
  24. red goosefoot
  25. red raspberry
  26. retem
  27. redwood family
  28. red spruce
  29. redberry
  30. redwood
  31. red oak
  32. redbud
  33. receptacle
  34. reed canary grass
  35. red mulberry
  36. red clintonia
  37. reproductive structure
  38. red amaranth
  39. red cypress pine
  40. reed mace
  41. resedaceae
  42. red gram
  43. retrophyllum
  44. red dagga
  45. restharrow
  46. red baneberry
  47. reed rhapis
  48. redbrush
  49. red dogwood
  50. red sanderswood
  51. resting spore
  52. redmaids
  53. redstem storksbill
  54. red sanders
  55. red shrubby penstemon
  56. red pine
  57. red maids
  58. red valerian
  59. red silver fir
  60. red cabbage
  61. reindeer moss
  62. reed
  63. red lauan
  64. red trillium
  65. redwood penstemon
  66. red haw
  67. red pimpernel
  68. red ash
  69. reed meadow grass
  70. red bay
  71. reedmace
  72. red osier dogwood
  73. red fox
  74. retama
  75. red periwinkle
  76. red bryony
  77. rein orchis
  78. red osier
  79. red elm
  80. resurrection fern
  81. red buckeye
  82. reindeer lichen
  83. red ginger
  84. retama raetam
  85. red willow
  86. red alder
  87. reed grass
  88. red bearberry
  89. regnellidium
  90. redbird cactus
  91. redbird flower
  92. red juniper
  93. red lauan tree
  94. red maple
  95. red sorrel

Plants That Start with RU

  1. rubus spectabilis
  2. rubus phoenicolasius
  3. rubia cordifolia
  4. russian almond
  5. rubus hispidus
  6. ruta graveolens
  7. rufous rubber cup
  8. rubus odoratus
  9. rubia
  10. rush rose
  11. rumex acetosa
  12. rupestral plant
  13. rubus caesius
  14. russula
  15. rubus canadensis
  16. russulaceae
  17. rubus
  18. russian tumbleweed
  19. rubus chamaemorus
  20. rust
  21. rubiales
  22. russian thistle
  23. rubus loganobaccus
  24. rue family
  25. rutaceae
  26. ruptiliocarpon
  27. rumohra
  28. runcinate leaf
  29. rupicolous plant
  30. rudbeckia hirta
  31. running pine
  32. ruscus
  33. rudbeckia
  34. rubus australis
  35. russian vine
  36. rubus cissoides
  37. rush
  38. rust fungus
  39. rubus occidentalis
  40. rubus cuneifolius
  41. rusty rig
  42. rush family
  43. running blackberry
  44. rubus flagellaris
  45. rumex
  46. rusty woodsia
  47. running pop
  48. rupestrine plant
  49. rum cherry
  50. rumex acetosella
  51. rue anemone
  52. rubus ursinus
  53. runaway robin
  54. rumex obtusifolius
  55. rubiaceous plant
  56. russian olive
  57. ruscaceae
  58. rubus strigosus
  59. rumohra adiantiformis
  60. rupturewort
  61. rubus parviflorus
  62. rue
  63. rush aster
  64. rubber plant
  65. rush grass
  66. rudbeckia serotina
  67. rubus idaeus
  68. rutabaga
  69. ruddles
  70. rubia tinctorum
  71. russian cactus
  72. rudbeckia laciniata
  73. rubus fruticosus
  74. ruta
  75. rubiaceae
  76. russian dandelion
  77. rubus idaeus strigosus
  78. rutabaga plant
  79. runch
  80. ruscus aculeatus
  81. rubber tree
  82. rush nut
  83. runner
  84. runner bean
  85. rubus saxatilis
  86. rubus trivialis
  87. ruby wood
  88. rumex scutatus

House Plants | Indoor Plants That Start With R

  • Rabbit Foot Fern
  • Rubber Plant
  • Rex Begonia
  • Red Ginger Flower
  • Red Spider Lily
  • Rosary Vine

Perennials that Start with R

Common Name Botanical Name
Red hot poker Kniphofia uvaria
Rose mallow Hibiscus moscheutos
Rue Ruta
Rose campion Lychnis coronaria
Rock jasmine Androsace
Rock cress Aubretia
Royal fern Osmunda
Rosemary Rosmarinus
Rush Juncus
Rose Rosa
Rhubarb Rheum
Russian Sage Perovskia atriplicifolia
Red valerian Centranthus ruber
Rodgersia Rodgersia
Rodgersia Rodgersia spp.
Rodgersia Astilboides
Rockcress Arabis
Ratibida Ratibida
Reed Phragmites
Ribbon grass Phalaris

Plants Starting With Letter R (Pictures and Short Definitions)


Rose plant

A woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa, with thorny stems and typically fragrant flowers. Roses are cultivated in a wide range of colors and are often used in gardens, as cut flowers, and for perfumes.


Rhododendron plant

A genus of evergreen and deciduous shrubs and trees, native to Asia, Europe, and North America. Rhododendrons are prized for their showy clusters of large, brightly colored flowers and are often used in landscaping.


Raspberry plant

A prickly shrub of the rose family, with edible juicy red, black, or yellow fruit. Raspberries are widely cultivated for their fruit, which can be eaten fresh or used in jams, jellies, and other desserts.

Rubber tree

Rubber tree plant

A large tree native to South America that is cultivated for its latex, which is used to make rubber. Rubber trees can grow up to 100 feet tall and have large, glossy leaves.


Redwood plant

A tall evergreen tree native to the western United States, characterized by its reddish-brown bark and needle-like leaves. Redwoods can grow up to 350 feet tall and are highly valued for their lumber.


Rye plant

A type of cereal grain that is closely related to wheat and barley. Rye is commonly used for making bread, whiskey, and other food products, and is known for its hardy nature and ability to grow in poor soil conditions.


Radish plant

A fast-growing, root vegetable with a crisp texture and a spicy or peppery taste. Radishes are often used in salads, as a garnish, or pickled, and are a good source of vitamin C and fiber.


Rocket plant

Also known as arugula, rocket is a leafy green plant with a pungent, peppery flavor. It is commonly used in salads and sandwiches, and is a good source of vitamins A and C.

Red clover

Red clover plant

A flowering plant in the legume family, with red or pink flowers and trifoliate leaves. Red clover is often used as a cover crop, forage crop, or herbal supplement, and is known for its ability to fix nitrogen in the soil.


Rosemary plant

An evergreen herb with needle-like leaves and blue or purple flowers, native to the Mediterranean region. Rosemary is often used as a culinary herb, as well as for its aromatic properties in perfumes and soaps. It is also believed to have medicinal benefits.

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