1000+ Plants That Start With L (Complete List)

Plants That Start With L

plants that start with l

Plants are characterized by their ability to grow from a seed or other reproductive structure and develop into mature individuals with specialized tissues and organs. Below is the list of plants starting with L.

Plants That Start With L

  • Lysimachia
  • Lysiloma
  • Lyonothamnus
  • Lyonia
  • Lycoris
  • Lycium
  • Lunaria
  • Luma
  • Ludwigia
  • Luculia
  • Low Rose
  • Love Vine
  • Lotus
  • Loropetalum
  • Lophostemon
  • Lophospermum
  • Lophomyrtus
  • Lopezia
  • Lomatophyllum
  • Lomatium
  • Lomatia
  • Loiseleuria
  • Lobelia
  • Loasa
  • Livistona
  • Littonia
  • Lithops
  • Lithophragma
  • Lithodora
  • Lithocarpus
  • Linospadix
  • Lindera
  • Lindelofia
  • Linanthus
  • Limnocharis
  • Limnanthes
  • Lily Leek
  • Lilac
  • Ligularia
  • Libocedrus
  • Libertia
  • Liatris
  • Leymus
  • Leycesteria
  • Lewisia
  • Leucothoe
  • Leucopogon
  • Leucophyta
  • Leucophyllum
  • Leucogenes
  • Leucocoryne
  • Leuchtenbergia
  • Leucanthemum
  • Leucanthemopsis
  • Leucanthemella
  • Leucadendron
  • Leptodactylon
  • Leptinella
  • Lepidozamia
  • Leontice
  • Leonotis
  • Lenophyllum
  • Lemboglossum
  • Leitneria
  • Leipoldtia
  • Leiophyllum
  • Legousia
  • Legenophora
  • Leek
  • Leea
  • Ledum
  • Ledebouria
  • Lechenaultia
  • Leatherleaf Viburnum
  • Layia
  • Lawsonia
  • Lavender
  • Laurus
  • Laurelia
  • Lathyrus
  • Lathraea
  • Lardizabala
  • Lapageria
  • Land Cress
  • Lampranthus
  • Lambertia
  • Lamarckia
  • Lagurus
  • Lagunaria
  • Lagerstroemia
  • Lagarosiphon
  • Laceflower
  • Laccospadix
  • Laburnocytisus
  • Lablab

All Trees and Plants Beginning With L

Plants That Start With LA

  1. labdanum
  2. lardizabala family
  3. larch tree
  4. lamella
  5. laurel family
  6. lanseh tree
  7. lavender
  8. lacewood
  9. larix russica
  10. lappula
  11. layia
  12. lambkill
  13. laurel cherry
  14. lactarius delicioso
  15. larrea
  16. lagarostrobus colensoi
  17. lathyrus nissolia
  18. lanceolate spleenwort
  19. lavandula
  20. lancewood
  21. lavandula angustifolia
  22. lamium amplexicaule
  23. laurus
  24. lancewood tree
  25. lavandula latifolia
  26. lamium album
  27. laurelwood
  28. lacepod
  29. laportea
  30. larix occidentalis
  31. lawyer cane
  32. lagenophera
  33. lathyrus pratensis
  34. lactuca sativa crispa
  35. lastreopsis
  36. lady fern
  37. lathyrus
  38. lagenaria siceraria
  39. lathyrus palustris
  40. laburnum alpinum
  41. large white petunia
  42. laelia
  43. lathyrus maritimus
  44. lagerstroemia speciosa
  45. lathyrus sylvestris
  46. laburnum
  47. large tooth aspen
  48. lanceolate leaf
  49. laurus nobilis
  50. laguncularia racemosa
  51. land cress
  52. lathyrus vernus
  53. lavandula officinalis
  54. laportea canadensis
  55. lawyerbush
  56. langsat
  57. lavandula stoechas
  58. lamb succory
  59. lauhala
  60. lady tulip
  61. lathyrus latifolius
  62. lactarius
  63. langset
  64. larkspur
  65. lavatera
  66. lagarostrobus
  67. lathyrus niger
  68. lagenaria
  69. lathyrus odoratus
  70. lacquer tree
  71. larix siberica
  72. lactuca
  73. larrea tridentata
  74. lacebark
  75. larix lyallii
  76. lablab purpureus
  77. large cranberry
  78. lactuca serriola
  79. latanier palm
  80. lactuca sativa
  81. lasthenia
  82. lamium
  83. laurel willow
  84. lagerstroemia indica
  85. lathyrus splendens
  86. labiatae
  87. lardizabalaceae
  88. lactuca scariola
  89. latanier
  90. lagerstroemia
  91. lathyrus sativus
  92. lace fern
  93. larch
  94. larix laricina
  95. layia platyglossa
  96. lalthyrus tingitanus
  97. laticifer
  98. lambertia
  99. lauraceae
  100. laccopetalum
  101. larix
  102. lansium domesticum
  103. lavender cotton
  104. laccopetalum giganteum
  105. larix decidua
  106. lamellate placentation
  107. laurel oak
  108. laburnum anagyroides
  109. largeleaf holly
  110. languas speciosa
  111. lavatera arborea
  112. lamiaceae
  113. laurel sumac
  114. lantana
  115. lawyer bush
  116. ladanum
  117. late purple aster
  118. laguncularia
  119. lathyrus tuberosus
  120. lambertia formosa
  121. laurel
  122. lady palm
  123. lathyrus hirsutus
  124. lady slipper
  125. lathyrus japonicus
  126. lardizabala
  127. lablab
  128. large crabgrass
  129. labrador tea
  130. large periwinkle
  131. lactuca sativa capitata
  132. lasthenia chrysostoma

Plants That Start With LO

  1. lobularia
  2. loranthaceae
  3. loblolly pine
  4. loquat
  5. lonicera dioica
  6. lobelia
  7. loose smut
  8. logwood
  9. love grass
  10. lobelia siphilitica
  11. lophosoria
  12. lonicera caprifolium
  13. loiseleuria procumbens
  14. lovoa
  15. london plane
  16. lonicera sempervirens
  17. loasa
  18. lonicera tatarica
  19. lonicera morrowii
  20. loasa family
  21. lonicera xylosteum
  22. lonicera japonica
  23. lobelia family
  24. loganiaceae
  25. lophophora
  26. love apple
  27. long pepper
  28. lolium temulentum
  29. lowbush penstemon
  30. loment
  31. loxomataceae
  32. long moss
  33. locust tree
  34. lotus berthelotii
  35. lonas inodora
  36. longar palm
  37. locust pod
  38. lotus americanus
  39. lonicera periclymenum
  40. loasaceae
  41. longleaf pine
  42. lontar
  43. lobelia inflata
  44. lophophora williamsii
  45. lobe
  46. loofa
  47. lonicera
  48. lonas annua
  49. lobed leaf
  50. loiseleuria
  51. loofah
  52. love vine
  53. lonchocarpus
  54. long beech fern
  55. logwood tree
  56. love tree
  57. lolium
  58. lovoa klaineana
  59. logania
  60. lovage
  61. locust
  62. lorchel
  63. lomatia
  64. lowland white fir
  65. lolium multiflorum
  66. low blueberry
  67. lonicera involucrata
  68. longanberry
  69. lobularia maritima
  70. loranthus
  71. lomariopsidaceae
  72. lowland fir
  73. longan
  74. lobeliaceae
  75. loganberry
  76. lophosoriaceae
  77. loufah sponge
  78. longroot
  79. lonicera albiflora
  80. lodgepole
  81. lotus tetragonolobus
  82. lobelia cardinalis
  83. loosestrife
  84. lodgepole pine
  85. lotus tree
  86. lonicera flava
  87. loddon pondweed
  88. lotus corniculatus
  89. lobed spleenwort
  90. looking glass tree
  91. lonicera hirsuta
  92. lobelia dortmanna
  93. loosestrife family
  94. lombardy poplar
  95. loxoma
  96. longheaded thimbleweed
  97. lonicera canadensis
  98. lomogramma
  99. lonas
  100. lobster plant
  101. loquat tree
  102. locoweed
  103. loranthus europaeus
  104. locust bean
  105. lotus
  106. lolium perenne
  107. low gallberry holly

Plants That Start With LU

  1. luffa cylindrica
  2. lungen
  3. lunaria annua
  4. luffa
  5. lupinus
  6. lupinus arboreus
  7. lupinus perennis
  8. lucerne
  9. luffa acutangula
  10. lunaria
  11. lupine
  12. lupin
  13. lupinus luteus
  14. lupinus subcarnosus
  15. lupinus albus
  16. lupinus texensis

Plants That Start With LI

  1. ligustrum obtusifolium
  2. linnaea borealis
  3. ligustrum japonicum
  4. lingonberry
  5. libocedrus
  6. limnodium spongia
  7. living rock
  8. lignum
  9. lindheimera
  10. liliopsida
  11. liriodendron tulipifera
  12. ligustrum amurense
  13. lingberry
  14. liberian coffee
  15. limnobium
  16. living granite
  17. lilium canadense
  18. listera
  19. lily of the incas
  20. lithophyte
  21. lichenes
  22. linaria canadensis
  23. licorice
  24. linaria vulgaris
  25. lichen
  26. linanthus dichotomus
  27. lizard orchid
  28. licorice fern
  29. linden
  30. lichee
  31. linanthus dianthiflorus
  32. livistona australis
  33. ligule
  34. liliopsid genus
  35. ling
  36. liriodendron
  37. lily pad
  38. lithospermum
  39. lilium lancifolium
  40. litchi
  41. lilium michiganense
  42. lithocarpus densiflorus
  43. lily of the valley
  44. lithops
  45. liliales
  46. liparis loeselii
  47. lily
  48. lithophragma affine
  49. lima bean
  50. little club moss
  51. liliaceous plant
  52. liparis
  53. lichenales
  54. linaria
  55. licorice root
  56. limb
  57. linden family
  58. little golden zinnia
  59. ligustrum
  60. ling ko
  61. lightwood
  62. linden tree
  63. liatris
  64. lime
  65. livelong
  66. lilium superbum
  67. lithophragma
  68. ligneous plant
  69. lilium auratum
  70. lindera
  71. liriope muscari
  72. lily family
  73. lithophragma affinis
  74. lily of the nile
  75. lithophytic plant
  76. lilium
  77. liriope
  78. lilium candidum
  79. listera convallarioides
  80. liliopsid family
  81. liquorice
  82. lilac
  83. lip
  84. lilium maritinum
  85. litchi tree
  86. lilium catesbaei
  87. listera cordata
  88. libocedrus plumosa
  89. linanthus
  90. livistona
  91. lilyturf
  92. lithospermum officinale
  93. ligustrum ovalifolium
  94. linosyris vulgaris
  95. lilium longiflorum
  96. litchi chinensis
  97. lily turf
  98. lithospermum canescens
  99. ligustrum ibolium
  100. liliopsid
  101. lingenberry
  102. liquidambar styraciflua
  103. liana
  104. limber pine
  105. live oak
  106. liatris punctata
  107. lime tree
  108. liverleaf
  109. liliid monocot genus
  110. lipstick plant
  111. lignum vitae
  112. lindheimera texana
  113. liliidae
  114. liquidambar
  115. libocedrus bidwillii
  116. limonium
  117. living stone
  118. liliid monocot family
  119. lipfern
  120. lignosae
  121. lindera benzoin
  122. libocedrus decurrens
  123. linaceae
  124. livingstone daisy
  125. ligularia
  126. linear leaf
  127. lilium martagon
  128. lithocarpus
  129. lima bean plant
  130. little ebony spleenwort
  131. liatris pycnostachya
  132. limestone fern
  133. liverwort
  134. lilium pardalinum
  135. lithocarpus glaber
  136. lilium philadelphicum
  137. lithocarpus glabra
  138. ligustrum lucidum
  139. linnaea
  140. ligustrum vulgare
  141. linum
  142. liliaceae
  143. lip fern
  144. lilium columbianum
  145. listera ovata

Plants That Start With LE

  1. lead plant
  2. lens
  3. lesser duckweed
  4. lemonwood tree
  5. lesser celandine
  6. leitneria
  7. lepiota procera
  8. lemon grass
  9. lespedeza stipulacea
  10. leaflet
  11. leonotis leonurus
  12. leucaena leucocephala
  13. lemongrass
  14. lesser butterfly orchid
  15. leiophyllum buxifolium
  16. lepiota naucina
  17. leafy spurge
  18. leontodon
  19. leucanthemum maximum
  20. leccinum
  21. lepidium alpina
  22. lewisia cotyledon
  23. lemna
  24. leptopteris
  25. lemna minor
  26. leptopteris superba
  27. lemanderin
  28. leptarrhena
  29. lemna trisulca
  30. leptosporangium
  31. lemaireocereus chichipe
  32. lepista irina
  33. leafage
  34. lemon sumac
  35. leonotis
  36. lesser bullrush
  37. leucaena glauca
  38. lecythidaceae
  39. lepidobotrys
  40. leycesteria formosa
  41. leatherleaf
  42. leonurus
  43. leucogenes leontopodium
  44. leatherwood
  45. leopardbane
  46. leucothoe racemosa
  47. lechanorales
  48. lepidobotryaceae
  49. leycesteria
  50. leaf beet
  51. lentil
  52. lesser wintergreen
  53. lecanora
  54. leper lily
  55. levisticum officinale
  56. ledum palustre
  57. lepidothamnus
  58. leymus condensatus
  59. leaf
  60. lenticel
  61. lesser twayblade
  62. lemma
  63. leptarrhena pyrolifolia
  64. legume
  65. lemnaceae
  66. lepiota
  67. lespedeza
  68. lemon tree
  69. lesser burdock
  70. lemon
  71. lespedeza bicolor
  72. leguminosae
  73. lepiota cepaestipes
  74. lecanopteris
  75. lepechinia calycina
  76. levisticum
  77. leafy liverwort
  78. lemon balm
  79. leonotis nepetifolia
  80. lespedeza cuneata
  81. leucanthemum lacustre
  82. lecanoraceae
  83. lepidium
  84. lewisia
  85. leccinum fibrillosum
  86. lepidium sativum
  87. lewisia rediviva
  88. leafstalk
  89. leonotis nepetaefolia
  90. leucanthemum
  91. leak fungus
  92. leontodon autumnalis
  93. leucanthemum superbum
  94. leaf node
  95. lentisk
  96. leucaena
  97. leadwort
  98. lenten rose
  99. lesser knapweed
  100. leatherleaf saxifrage
  101. leopard lily
  102. leucothoe editorum
  103. leather fern
  104. leontopodium
  105. leucanthemum vulgare
  106. lemaireocereus
  107. lepiotaceae
  108. ledum groenlandicum
  109. lepidodendrales
  110. leymus arenaria
  111. lead tree
  112. lens culinaris
  113. lesser galangal
  114. leatherleaf fern
  115. leonurus cardiaca
  116. leucothoe
  117. ledum
  118. lepidodendraceae
  119. leymus
  120. leaf mustard
  121. lemonwood
  122. lentinus lepideus
  123. lesser calamint
  124. leucadendron argenteum
  125. legume family
  126. lepiota americana
  127. leguminous plant
  128. lepiota clypeolaria
  129. leaf bud
  130. lentinus
  131. lettuce
  132. lemon lily
  133. lespedeza striata
  134. leaf lettuce
  135. lentinus edodes
  136. leucadendron
  137. leitneria floridana
  138. lepiota rhacodes
  139. leaf blade
  140. lentil plant
  141. lesser yellow trefoil
  142. lemon geranium
  143. lespedeza sericea
  144. leitneriaceae
  145. lepiota rubrotincta
  146. lemon mint
  147. lesquerella
  148. leatherleaf wood fern
  149. leopard plant
  150. leucothoe fontanesiana
  151. leek
  152. lepidothamnus fonkii
  153. leiophyllum
  154. lepiota morgani
  155. leathery grape fern
  156. leotia lubrica
  157. levant cotton
  158. leathery polypody
  159. lepechinia
  160. levant garlic
  161. lennoaceae
  162. lesser centaury
  163. leadplant
  164. lent lily
  165. lesser hemlock
  166. leadwort family
  167. lentibulariaceae
  168. lesser spearwort
  169. leather flower
  170. leontopodium alpinum
  171. leucogenes

Plants That Start With LY

  1. lycopodium
  2. lycopodiate
  3. lycopersicon
  4. lyginopteris
  5. lycopodiaceae
  6. lygodium palmatum
  7. lysiloma sabicu
  8. lycium
  9. lycium barbarum
  10. lychnis coronaria
  11. lycium carolinianum
  12. lychnis alba
  13. lycophyta
  14. lyginopteridales
  15. lysimachia nemorum
  16. lyonia lucida
  17. lysichiton
  18. lysimachia ciliatum
  19. lycopodium selago
  20. lysiloma bahamensis
  21. lysimachia terrestris
  22. lycopodium obscurum
  23. lychnis dioica
  24. lycium halimifolium
  25. lythraceae
  26. lycopod
  27. lycoperdaceae
  28. lythrum hyssopifolia
  29. lysiloma
  30. lycoperdales
  31. lygodium microphyllum
  32. lysiloma latisiliqua
  33. lysimachia
  34. lygodium
  35. lyme grass
  36. lycopus virginicus
  37. lycopodium complanatum
  38. lyrate leaf
  39. lyonia
  40. lychnis
  41. lysimachia quadrifolia
  42. lycopodium alpinum
  43. lyonia mariana
  44. lysimachia nummularia
  45. lycopodiales
  46. lycopus europaeus
  47. lythrum
  48. lythrum salicaria
  49. lycopus
  50. lycopersicon esculentum
  51. lycopus americanus
  52. lychins chalcedonica
  53. lycopsida
  54. lycoperdon
  55. lychins floscuculi
  56. lycopersicum
  57. lyreflower
  58. lysimachia vulgaris
  59. lysichiton americanum
  60. lysichitum
  61. lycopodineae
  62. lycopodium clavitum
  63. lycopodium lucidulum
  64. lyonia ligustrina

Tropical Plants That Start With L

  • Lamiaceae
  • Lecythidaceae
  • Linderniaceae
  • Lycopodiaceae
  • Lauraceae
  • Lardizabalaceae
  • Lentibulariaceae
  • Loranthaceae
  • Liliaceae
  • Loganiaceae
  • Lowiaceae
  • Lythraceae
  • Linaceae

House Plants | Indoor Plants That Start With L

  • Lucky Bamboo
  • Living Stones
  • Lily of the Valley
  • Lady Palm
  • Kentia Palm
  • Lantana Plants
  • Lipstick Plant

Perennials that Start with L

Common Name Botanical Name
Ladys Mantle Alchemilla
Lewisia Lewisia
Lily of the Valley Convallaria
Leopard’s bane Doronicum spp.
Liverleaf,Hepatica Hepatica
Loosestrife purple Lythrum salicaria
Larkspur Delphinium spp.
Lupine southern Thermopsis caroliniana
Lantana Lantana camera
Lupine Lupinus spp.
Ligularia Ligularia
Lyme grass Leymus
Ligularia Ligularia stenocephala
Lily peruvian Alstroemeria hybrids
Leopard plant Ligularia tussilaginea
Lady’s Mantle Alchemilla
Loosestrife Lythrum
Lily-turf Liriope
Ladybells Adenophora
Loosestrife Lysimachia
Lenten rose Helleborus orientalis
Lavender cotton Santolina
Leadwort Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
Lavender Lavandula angustifolia
Loosestrife gooseneck Lysimachia clethroides
Lotus Lotus
Lungwort Pulmonaria saccharata
Lady Fern Athyrium
Lady’s mantle Alchemilla mollis
Lamb’s-ears Stachys byzantina
Live Forever Sedum

20 Plants Starting With Letter L (Pictures and Short Definitions)

1. Lady Palm

Lady Palm plant

A tropical plant with fan-shaped leaves that are often grown as a houseplant and is known for its air-purifying properties.

2. Lavender

Lavender plant

A fragrant herb with blue or purple flowers that is prized for its calming properties and is often used in aromatherapy and herbal remedies.

3. Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm plant

A member of the mint family, prized for its lemony scent and flavor, and is often used in teas and aromatherapy.

4. Lemon Grass

Lemon Grass plant

A fragrant tropical grass with a lemony scent and flavor, often used in cooking and herbal remedies.

5. Lemon Tree

Lemon Tree plant

A small tree that produces bright yellow fruit with a tart flavor, high in vitamin C.

6. Lenten Rose

Lenten Rose plant

A flowering perennial with showy, cup-shaped flowers that bloom in late winter or early spring.

7. Lilac

Lilac plant

A shrub with fragrant, cone-shaped clusters of purple or white flowers that bloom in spring.

8. Lily

Lily plant

A bulbous plant with large, showy flowers that come in a variety of colors and are often used in floral arrangements.

9. Lily of the Valley

Lily of the Valley plant

A fragrant, shade-loving perennial with bell-shaped flowers that bloom in spring and are often used in floral arrangements.

10. Lion’s Tail

Lions Tail plant

A herbaceous plant with spiky clusters of orange or yellow flowers that resemble a lion’s tail, often used in herbal remedies.

11. Lobelia

Lobelia plant

A flowering plant with long spikes of blue, purple, or white flowers is often used as an ornamental plant.

12. Locust Tree

Locust Tree plant

A tree with large, compound leaves and showy clusters of fragrant white or pink flowers that bloom in late spring or early summer.

13. Love-in-a-Mist

Love in a Mist plant

An annual plant with delicate, fern-like foliage and blue or white flowers surrounded by a mist of fine, feathery bracts.

14. Lupine

Lupine plant

A perennial plant with tall spikes of pea-like flowers in shades of blue, purple, pink, or white.

15. Lychee

Lychee plant

Tropical fruit with a hard, spiky shell and sweet, juicy flesh that is high in vitamin C.

16. Lycoris

Lycoris plant

A bulbous plant with tall, leafless stems topped with clusters of brightly colored flowers, also known as a spider lily.

17. Lysimachia

Lysimachia plant

A flowering plant with bright yellow flowers grows well in moist, shady areas and is often used as a groundcover.

18. Lilium

Lilium plant

A bulbous plant with large, showy flowers that come in a variety of colors and are often used in floral arrangements.

19. Laurel

Laurel plant

An evergreen shrub or small tree with dark green, glossy leaves is often used in cooking or for decorative purposes.

20. Larkspur

Larkspur plant

A flowering plant with tall spikes of showy flowers in shades of blue, purple, pink, or white, often used in floral arrangements.

Other Plants Starting With: