Plants That Start With F
Plants are essential to the health and well-being of our planet, providing oxygen, regulating the earth’s climate, and helping to maintain the balance of the ecosystem. Below is the list of plants starting with F.
Plants That Start With F
- Furcraea
- Fumewort
- Fuchsia
- Fremontodendron
- Freesia
- Franklinia
- Frangipani
- Francoa
- Frailea
- Fouquieria
- Fothergilla
- Forsythia
- Fontanesia
- Fockea
- Fluxroot
- Flowering Dogwood
- Florida Dogwood
- Flax
- Fitzroya
- Fittonia
- Firmiana
- Filipendula
- Fig
- Field Sow Thistle
- Ficus Pumila
- Fibigia
- Feverfew
- Feverbush
- Ferraria
- Ferocactus
- Ferns
- Fernleaf Yarrow
- Fennel
- Fenestraria
- Fendlera
- Felonwort
- Felonwood
- Fellenwort
- Faucaria
- Fatsia
- Fascicularia
- Fargesia
- Farfugium
- False Hellebore
- False Boxwood
- False Box
- False Alder
- Fallopia
- Fabiana
All Trees and Plants Beginning With F
Plants That Start With FA
- fabaceae
- family aloeaceae
- family chenopodiaceae
- family gesneriaceae
- family marsileaceae
- family pontederiaceae
- family thymelaeaceae
- family alliaceae
- family cephalotaxaceae
- family geoglossaceae
- family marattiaceae
- family polypodiaceae
- family thelypteridaceae
- false nettle
- family burseraceae
- family elaeagnaceae
- family lennoaceae
- family parkeriaceae
- family septobasidiaceae
- fawn lily
- family actinidiaceae
- family carpinaceae
- family fistulinaceae
- family lycoperdaceae
- family plumbaginaceae
- family taccaceae
- falls
- family araceae
- family connaraceae
- family helotiaceae
- family monotropaceae
- family ranunculaceae
- family ulmaceae
- family albuginaceae
- family celastraceae
- family geastraceae
- family malvaceae
- family polygalaceae
- family theaceae
- false morel
- family burmanniaceae
- family ebenaceae
- family lemnaceae
- family papilionacea
- family selaginellaceae
- fava bean
- false azalea
- family arecaceae
- family coprinaceae
- family hostaceae
- family mucoraceae
- family rhamnaceae
- family usneaceae
- false fruit
- family begoniaceae
- family dacrymycetaceae
- family isoetaceae
- family oleaceae
- family santalaceae
- family zamiaceae
- false sago
- family campanulaceae
- family ericaceae
- family loasaceae
- family phallaceae
- family staphylaceae
- false sarsaparilla
- family canellaceae
- family eriocaulaceae
- family lobeliaceae
- family phyllocladaceae
- family sterculiaceae
- false rue anemone
- family calostomataceae
- family ephedraceae
- family liliaceae
- family pertusariaceae
- family sphaerobolaceae
- false tamarisk
- family cannabidaceae
- family erysiphaceae
- family loganiaceae
- family phytolaccaceae
- family strelitziaceae
- false rue
- family callitrichaceae
- family epacridaceae
- family lepiotaceae
- family peronosporaceae
- family sphaeriaceae
- fall dandelion
- family agavaceae
- family aquifoliaceae
- family casuarinaceae
- family compositae
- family fumariaceae
- family hamamelidaceae
- family magnoliaceae
- family moniliaceae
- family podocarpaceae
- family rafflesiaceae
- family tecophilaeacea
- family typhaceae
- false gromwell
- family betulaceae
- family dennstaedtiaceae
- family juncaginaceae
- family ophioglossaceae
- family sarcoscyphaceae
- family zosteraceae
- false buckthorn
- family aspergillaceae
- family corylaceae
- family hydrangeaceae
- family myrsinaceae
- family roccellaceae
- family violaceae
- false deathcap
- family athyriaceae
- family cunoniaceae
- family hygrophoraceae
- family nepenthaceae
- family ruscaceae
- family volvariaceae
- false goatsbeard
- family berberidaceae
- family dematiaceae
- family juncaceae
- family onagraceae
- family sapotaceae
- family zingiberaceae
- fairy circle
- family anacardiaceae
- family clavariaceae
- family gramineae
- family melastomataceae
- family psilotaceae
- family trilliaceae
- false flax
- family balsaminaceae
- family cyperaceae
- family hypoxidaceae
- family nyssaceae
- family salvadoraceae
- family xylariaceae
- false indigo
- family blechnaceae
- family dicranaceae
- family lamiaceae
- family osmundaceae
- family saxifragaceae
- fan palm
- fairy bell
- family amygdalaceae
- family clathraceae
- family graminaceae
- family melastomaceae
- family psilophytaceae
- family tricholomataceae
- false saffron
- family calycanthaceae
- family equisetaceae
- family linaceae
- family pezizaceae
- family sphaerocarpaceae
- false mallow
- false truffle
- family bombacaceae
- family cannaceae
- family dioscoreaceae
- family erythroxylaceae
- family lauraceae
- family lomariopsidaceae
- family paeoniaceae
- family pinaceae
- family schizaeaceae
- family strophariaceae
- fanwort
- family aizoaceae
- family cecropiaceae
- family funkaceae
- family malpighiaceae
- family polemoniaceae
- family tetragoniaceae
- false wintergreen
- family capparidaceae
- family euphorbiaceae
- family lophosoriaceae
- family piperaceae
- family styracaceae
- false mistletoe
- family brassicaceae
- family dipterocarpaceae
- family lecythidaceae
- family palmae
- family sclerotiniaceae
- farley maidenhair
- false dragonhead
- family azollaceae
- family cycadaceae
- family hypocreaceae
- family nymphaeaceae
- family salicaceae
- family xanthorrhoeaceae
- false asphodel
- family acanthaceae
- family araucariaceae
- family caprifoliaceae
- family convolvulaceae
- family fabaceae
- family hippocastanaceae
- family loranthaceae
- family morchellaceae
- family plantaginaceae
- family resedaceae
- family symplocaceae
- family urticaceae
- false foxglove
- family batidaceae
- family cyrilliaceae
- family iridaceae
- family ochnaceae
- family salviniaceae
- family xyridaceae
- false garlic
- family bennettitaceae
- family davalliaceae
- family juglandaceae
- family oleandraceae
- family sapindaceae
- family zannichelliaceae
- false alumroot
- family araliaceae
- family convallariaceae
- family helvellaceae
- family moraceae
- family rapateaceae
- family umbelliferae
- false beachdrops
- family aristolochiaceae
- family cordaitaceae
- family hyacinthaceae
- family musaceae
- family rhizophoraceae
- family ustilaginaceae
- falcatifolium taxoides
- family apocynaceae
- family commelinaceae
- family haloragidaceae
- family mniaceae
- family pythiaceae
- family tulostomataceae
- fagales
- family amaryllidaceae
- family cistaceae
- family gnetaceae
- family melampsoraceae
- family primulaceae
- family trapaceae
- false calyx
- family aspleniaceae
- family cruciferae
- family hydrocharitaceae
- family naiadaceae
- family rosaceae
- family vitaceae
- false bittersweet
- family asclepiadaceae
- family cornaceae
- family hydnaceae
- family myricaceae
- family rhizopogonaceae
- family valerianaceae
- false ragweed
- family caesalpiniaceae
- family entolomataceae
- family lepidodendraceae
- family pedaliaceae
- family sparganiaceae
- false hellebore
- family blastodiaceae
- family dicksoniaceae
- family labiatae
- family orobanchaceae
- family saururaceae
- fan fern
- fabiana
- family alstroemeriaceae
- family chloranthaceae
- family ginkgoaceae
- family martyniaceae
- family portulacaceae
- family tiliaceae
- false bugbane
- family asphodelaceae
- family crassulaceae
- family hydrocharidaceae
- family myrtaceae
- family roridulaceae
- family viscaceae
- false heather
- family bignoniaceae
- family diapensiaceae
- family jungermanniaceae
- family orchidaceae
- family sarraceniaceae
- family zygophyllaceae
- falcatifolium
- family alismataceae
- family apiaceae
- family cephalotaceae
- family combretaceae
- family gentianaceae
- family haloragaceae
- family marantaceae
- family mimosaceae
- family polygonaceae
- family pyrolaceae
- family thelephoraceae
- family tulostomaceae
- false mildew
- family boraginaceae
- family dipsacaceae
- family lecanoraceae
- family palmaceae
- family sciadopityaceae
- farkleberry
- false miterwort
- family bromeliaceae
- family droseraceae
- family leguminosae
- family pandanaceae
- family scrophulariaceae
- farley maidenhair fern
- fairy lantern
- family anthocerotaceae
- family clusiaceae
- family guttiferae
- family menispermaceae
- family pucciniaceae
- family tuberaceae
- family adiantaceae
- family caryocaraceae
- family flacourtiaceae
- family lycopodiaceae
- family pluteaceae
- family tamaricaceae
- fairy ring
- family aphyllanthaceae
- family colchicaceae
- family haemodoraceae
- family menyanthaceae
- family punicaceae
- family tuberculariaceae
- false oat
- family buxaceae
- family elaeocarpaceae
- family lentibulariaceae
- family parmeliaceae
- family simaroubaceae
- fairy cup
- family annonaceae
- family clethraceae
- family grossulariaceae
- family meliaceae
- family pteridaceae
- family tropaeolaceae
- family aceraceae
- family caricaceae
- family fagaceae
- family loxomataceae
- family platanaceae
- family synchytriaceae
- false pimpernel
- family cactaceae
- family empetraceae
- family lepidobotryaceae
- family passifloraceae
- family solanaceae
- family agaricaceae
- family caryophyllaceae
- family fouquieriaceae
- family lythraceae
- family poaceae
- family taxaceae
- false chamomile
- family asteraceae
- family cucurbitaceae
- family hydrophyllaceae
- family najadaceae
- family rubiaceae
- family vittariaceae
- false lupine
- family boletaceae
- family dilleniaceae
- family lardizabalaceae
- family oxalidaceae
- family scheuchzeriaceae
- fanweed
- false mitrewort
- family bryaceae
- family dryopteridaceae
- family leitneriaceae
- family papaveraceae
- family secotiaceae
- fat hen
- false dogwood
- family auriculariaceae
- family cupressaceae
- family hymenophyllaceae
- family nidulariaceae
- family russulaceae
- family welwitschiaceae
- false dragon head
- family avicenniaceae
- family cyatheaceae
- family hypericaceae
- family nyctaginaceae
- family rutaceae
- family winteraceae
- family allioniaceae
- family ceratophyllaceae
- family geraniaceae
- family marchantiaceae
- family polyporaceae
- family theophrastaceae
- fabiana imbricata
- family amaranthaceae
- family chytridiaceae
- family gleicheniaceae
- family mayacaceae
- family potamogetonaceae
- family tilletiaceae
- fagus
- family ambrosiaceae
- family cladoniaceae
- family goodeniaceae
- family melanthiaceae
- family proteaceae
- family tremellaceae
- false bracken
- family asparagaceae
- family cortinariaceae
- family hydnoraceae
- family myristicaceae
- family rhyniaceae
- family verbenaceae
Plants That Start With FL
- flannel mullein
- flannel bush
- flowering fern
- flameflower
- fly orchid
- flindosa
- flammulina velutipes
- flowering crab
- flint maize
- florida strap fern
- flagroot
- flowering raspberry
- flame bush
- flowering shrub
- flag
- flowering plant
- flame durrajong
- flowering spurge
- flacourtiaceae
- flowering onion
- flamingo plant
- flindersia schottiana
- flower
- floral cup
- florentine iris
- flour corn
- flax rust fungus
- florida selaginella
- flower head
- flax rust
- flag smut fungus
- flowering quince
- flame flower
- flower stalk
- flowering stone
- flammulina
- flame nettle
- flowering tobacco
- flowering almond
- florida bean
- flame pea
- flint corn
- flowering wintergreen
- florida strangler fig
- florida yew
- flindosy
- floating fern
- flindersia australis
- flax
- floral leaf
- floccose chanterelle
- flacourtia indica
- flowering maple
- flower cluster
- flannelbush
- floral envelope
- flower bud
- flanders poppy
- flindersia
- floweret
- flowering ash
- fleawort
- flaming poppy
- fly poison
- flesh
- flacourtia
- flowering glume
- fleabane
- flame tree
- fly agaric
- flacourtia family
- flowering hazel
- flamingo flower
- florence fennel
- flower petal
- flowering cherry
- floret
- florida arrowroot
- flannel leaf
- flat pea
- flax family
- flooded gum
Plants That Start With FE
- fennel
- fen orchid
- feijoa bush
- festuca
- felt fungus
- feterita
- feather reed grass
- featherfoil
- feather geranium
- feathertop
- feather ball
- felicia bergeriana
- fescue grass
- fetterbush
- fern genus
- fern family
- feather palm
- feathertop grass
- felt fern
- february daphne
- federita
- festuca ovina
- festuca elatior
- fetid bugbane
- fescue
- fern
- feverfew
- fetid horehound
- feabane mullet
- fennel flower
- fever tree
- felwort
- ferocactus
- fern rhapis
- felicia
- fern seed
- fern palm
- feijoa
- felicia amelloides
- feverroot
- fen orchis
- fenugreek
- fern ally
- fetter bush
Plants That Start With FI
- fiesta flower
- field thistle
- field brome
- field pea
- filicales
- field scabious
- field bindweed
- film fern
- ficus carica
- fire wheel
- field lupine
- field maple
- field garlic
- field marigold
- field crop
- field pussytoes
- filbert
- ficus diversifolia
- firewheel tree
- fingerflower
- fir cone
- ficus deltoidea
- fireweed
- figwort family
- ficus aurea
- fire thorn
- ficus rubiginosa
- fish fuddle
- figwort
- field horsetail
- fiddlehead
- field mint
- fishpole bamboo
- field sandbur
- field mushroom
- fiddleneck
- fistulina
- ficus
- fire pink
- field mustard
- filicopsida
- ficus bengalensis
- fire tree
- ficus carica sylvestris
- firethorn
- filicinae
- filmy fern
- filaria
- fig marigold
- fir
- finger grass
- field corn
- ficus religiosa
- firmiana simplex
- fig
- fingerroot
- ficus elastica
- firmiana
- field speedwell
- filaree
- fiddlehead fern
- fishtail palm
- field balm
- fistulina hepatica
- filago germanica
- field pennycress
- filament
- field chamomile
- filago
- field pansy
- field chickweed
- field poppy
- fir clubmoss
- ficus sycomorus
- fish geranium
- field bean
- fistulinaceae
- fir tree
- fibrovascular bundle
- fire bush
- field wormwood
- fig leaf
- fig tree
- finger millet
Plants That Start With FR
- fraxinus tomentosa
- fraxinus quadrangulata
- framboise
- frostwort
- fraxinus dipetala
- friendship plant
- fraxinus ornus
- fragrant woodsia
- frostweed
- frijolito
- fragaria ananassa
- fritillaria liliaceae
- frasera
- frasera speciosa
- frankincense pine
- fruitlet
- fraxinella
- frangipanni
- fruitage
- fraxinus nigra
- freshwater cordgrass
- fragaria virginiana
- fritillaria mutica
- fringed pink
- fritillaria
- fragaria vesca
- fritillaria micrantha
- french lavender
- fritillaria imperialis
- fragrant bedstraw
- fritillaria recurva
- french bracken
- fraser fir
- fruitwood
- fragrant orchid
- fraxinus
- froelichia
- fraxinus oregona
- fraxinus americana
- fragrant sumac
- frogbit
- fritillaria biflora
- fraxinus caroliniana
- frijolillo
- fragaria
- fritillaria lanceolata
- fragaria chiloensis
- fritillaria meleagris
- frijol
- fringe cups
- french weed
- fremontia
- fringed poppy mallow
- fringe tree
- frangipani
- fruit tree
- fragrant agrimony
- fritillaria pluriflora
- fraxinus velutina
- fringed polygala
- fragile fern
- fritillaria parviflora
- fraxinus pennsylvanica
- french spinach
- fragrant shield fern
- frog orchid
- fragrant water lily
- frogbit family
- french rye
- fraxinus excelsior
- french sorrel
- francoa
- fructification
- french marigold
- fraxinus cuspidata
- francoa ramosa
- fruit
- fraxinus latifolia
- fringepod
- fragrant cliff fern
- fritillary
- fragrant wood fern
- frond
- fritillaria affinis
- fritillaria agrestis
- fraxinus texensis
- freesia
- fremontodendron
- fringed orchid
Plants That Start With FO
- foetid pothos
- foeniculum vulgare
- fountain grass
- foeniculum
- fouquieria splendens
- fothergilla
- foxglove
- foxtail grass
- forestiera neomexicana
- forestiera
- foamflower
- fouquieria columnaris
- fouquieria
- fouquieriaceae
- fortunella margarita
- fomes igniarius
- foxtail
- fox grape
- foliage
- foxglove family
- foeniculum dulce
- fortunella japonica
- forsythia
- fortunella
- form genus rhizoctinia
- foxtail barley
- foxtail millet
- foxtail orchid
- foetid bugbane
- fomes
- forest red gum
- foxberry
Plants That Start With FU
- fumewort
- fumed oak
- full moon maple
- furze
- fumaria sempervirens
- fuscoboletinus
- fuchsia
- fumaria fungosa
- funkaceae
- fungus family
- fungus
- fuchsia coccinea
- fumaria officinalis
- fuchsia excorticata
- fuji
- fusanus acuminatus
- fusanus
- fuscoboletinus paluster
- funka
- fungi
- fuzz
- fumitory
- fumariaceae
- funiculus
- fungus order
- fumaria
- funicle
- fungus genus
- fuji cherry
- fumaria claviculata
- fumeroot
- fumitory family
- fungi imperfecti
Tropical Plants That Start With F
- Frankeniaceae
- Fagaceae
- Fabaceae
- Fouquieriaceae
House Plants | Indoor Plants That Start With F
- Fiber Optic Grass
- Friendship Plant
- Firecracker Flower
- Flaming Katy
- Foxtail Fern
- Flowering Maple
- False Aralia
- Freesia Flower
- Fuchsia Plant
- Ficus Alii
- Fishtail Palm
- Fiddle Leaf Fig
- Firecracker Plant
- Flame Violet
- Flamingo Flower
- Florist Chrysanthemum
- Fire Flash
Perennials that Start with F
Common Name | Botanical Name |
False hellebore | Veratrum |
Floating heart | Nymphoides |
Foamy bells | Heucherella |
Fleabane | Erigeron |
Foxglove | Digitalis purpurea |
Fritillary | Fritillaria |
Feather reed grass | Calamagrostis |
Feather grass | Stipa |
Foamflower | Tiarella cordifolia |
Flowering rush | Butomus |
Forget-me-not | Myosotis |
Flax | Linum |
False Solomon’s Seal | Smilacina |
Foxtail lily | Eremurus spp. |
Fountain grass | Pennisetum |
False Indigo | Baptisia |
Foxtail Grass | Alopecurus |
Flame Grass | Miscanthus |
Fescue | Festuca |
Flags | Iris |
Fennel | Foeniculum |
Freesia | Freesia |
Frost Grass | Spodiopogon |
Fairy moss | Azolla |
False lupine | Thermopsis |
False spirea | Astilbe |
Four-o’clock | Mirabilis jalapa |
20 Plants Starting With Letter F (Pictures and Short Definitions)
1. Fern
A type of non-flowering plant that reproduces through spores and typically has feathery fronds.
2. Ficus
A genus of trees and shrubs that includes the common houseplant, Ficus benjamina, also known as the weeping fig.
3. Forsythia
A deciduous shrub with bright yellow flowers that bloom in early spring.
4. Foxglove
A biennial or perennial plant with tall spikes of tubular flowers in shades of pink, purple, white, and yellow.
5. Fennel
A herb with feathery leaves and yellow flowers that is often used in cooking and has medicinal properties.
6. Frangipani
A tropical tree with fragrant, colorful flowers that are often used in perfumes and decoration.
7. Freesia
A bulbous plant with fragrant, funnel-shaped flowers that are often used in bouquets and as a cut flower.
8. Flax
A plant with blue or white flowers produces a fiber used for making linen and other textiles.
9. Feverfew
A plant with daisy-like flowers that are often used as a natural remedy for migraines and other ailments.
10. Firethorn
A shrub with thorny branches and clusters of small, bright red or orange berries that are often used for decoration.
11. Forget-Me-Not
A small plant with blue, pink, or white flowers that are often grown as a garden or wildflower.
12. Four O’Clock
A plant with trumpet-shaped flowers that open in the late afternoon and bloom until morning.
13. Flaming Katy
A succulent plant with brightly colored flowers is often grown as a houseplant.
14. Feather Reed Grass
Tall, ornamental grass with feathery plumes is often used in landscaping.
15. False Cypress
A shrub or small tree with soft, feathery foliage that is often grown for its ornamental value.
16. Fountain Grass
Clumping ornamental grass with arching foliage and feathery plumes is often used in landscaping.
17. Fuchsia
A shrub with pendulous, tubular flowers in shades of pink, purple, and red that is often grown for its ornamental value.
18. Fan Palm
A type of palm tree with fan-shaped leaves that is often grown for its ornamental value.
19. Figwort
A plant with tubular, two-lipped flowers that are often used in herbal medicine.
20. False Solomon’s Seal
A plant with arching stems and clusters of white or green flowers is often used for its ornamental value.
Other Plants Starting With:
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