500+ Plants That Start With F (Complete List)

Plants That Start With F

plants that start with f

Plants are essential to the health and well-being of our planet, providing oxygen, regulating the earth’s climate, and helping to maintain the balance of the ecosystem. Below is the list of plants starting with F.

Plants That Start With F

  • Furcraea
  • Fumewort
  • Fuchsia
  • Fremontodendron
  • Freesia
  • Franklinia
  • Frangipani
  • Francoa
  • Frailea
  • Fouquieria
  • Fothergilla
  • Forsythia
  • Fontanesia
  • Fockea
  • Fluxroot
  • Flowering Dogwood
  • Florida Dogwood
  • Flax
  • Fitzroya
  • Fittonia
  • Firmiana
  • Filipendula
  • Fig
  • Field Sow Thistle
  • Ficus Pumila
  • Fibigia
  • Feverfew
  • Feverbush
  • Ferraria
  • Ferocactus
  • Ferns
  • Fernleaf Yarrow
  • Fennel
  • Fenestraria
  • Fendlera
  • Felonwort
  • Felonwood
  • Fellenwort
  • Faucaria
  • Fatsia
  • Fascicularia
  • Fargesia
  • Farfugium
  • False Hellebore
  • False Boxwood
  • False Box
  • False Alder
  • Fallopia
  • Fabiana

All Trees and Plants Beginning With F

Plants That Start With FA

  1. fabaceae
  2. family aloeaceae
  3. family chenopodiaceae
  4. family gesneriaceae
  5. family marsileaceae
  6. family pontederiaceae
  7. family thymelaeaceae
  8. family alliaceae
  9. family cephalotaxaceae
  10. family geoglossaceae
  11. family marattiaceae
  12. family polypodiaceae
  13. family thelypteridaceae
  14. false nettle
  15. family burseraceae
  16. family elaeagnaceae
  17. family lennoaceae
  18. family parkeriaceae
  19. family septobasidiaceae
  20. fawn lily
  21. family actinidiaceae
  22. family carpinaceae
  23. family fistulinaceae
  24. family lycoperdaceae
  25. family plumbaginaceae
  26. family taccaceae
  27. falls
  28. family araceae
  29. family connaraceae
  30. family helotiaceae
  31. family monotropaceae
  32. family ranunculaceae
  33. family ulmaceae
  34. family albuginaceae
  35. family celastraceae
  36. family geastraceae
  37. family malvaceae
  38. family polygalaceae
  39. family theaceae
  40. false morel
  41. family burmanniaceae
  42. family ebenaceae
  43. family lemnaceae
  44. family papilionacea
  45. family selaginellaceae
  46. fava bean
  47. false azalea
  48. family arecaceae
  49. family coprinaceae
  50. family hostaceae
  51. family mucoraceae
  52. family rhamnaceae
  53. family usneaceae
  54. false fruit
  55. family begoniaceae
  56. family dacrymycetaceae
  57. family isoetaceae
  58. family oleaceae
  59. family santalaceae
  60. family zamiaceae
  61. false sago
  62. family campanulaceae
  63. family ericaceae
  64. family loasaceae
  65. family phallaceae
  66. family staphylaceae
  67. false sarsaparilla
  68. family canellaceae
  69. family eriocaulaceae
  70. family lobeliaceae
  71. family phyllocladaceae
  72. family sterculiaceae
  73. false rue anemone
  74. family calostomataceae
  75. family ephedraceae
  76. family liliaceae
  77. family pertusariaceae
  78. family sphaerobolaceae
  79. false tamarisk
  80. family cannabidaceae
  81. family erysiphaceae
  82. family loganiaceae
  83. family phytolaccaceae
  84. family strelitziaceae
  85. false rue
  86. family callitrichaceae
  87. family epacridaceae
  88. family lepiotaceae
  89. family peronosporaceae
  90. family sphaeriaceae
  91. fall dandelion
  92. family agavaceae
  93. family aquifoliaceae
  94. family casuarinaceae
  95. family compositae
  96. family fumariaceae
  97. family hamamelidaceae
  98. family magnoliaceae
  99. family moniliaceae
  100. family podocarpaceae
  101. family rafflesiaceae
  102. family tecophilaeacea
  103. family typhaceae
  104. false gromwell
  105. family betulaceae
  106. family dennstaedtiaceae
  107. family juncaginaceae
  108. family ophioglossaceae
  109. family sarcoscyphaceae
  110. family zosteraceae
  111. false buckthorn
  112. family aspergillaceae
  113. family corylaceae
  114. family hydrangeaceae
  115. family myrsinaceae
  116. family roccellaceae
  117. family violaceae
  118. false deathcap
  119. family athyriaceae
  120. family cunoniaceae
  121. family hygrophoraceae
  122. family nepenthaceae
  123. family ruscaceae
  124. family volvariaceae
  125. false goatsbeard
  126. family berberidaceae
  127. family dematiaceae
  128. family juncaceae
  129. family onagraceae
  130. family sapotaceae
  131. family zingiberaceae
  132. fairy circle
  133. family anacardiaceae
  134. family clavariaceae
  135. family gramineae
  136. family melastomataceae
  137. family psilotaceae
  138. family trilliaceae
  139. false flax
  140. family balsaminaceae
  141. family cyperaceae
  142. family hypoxidaceae
  143. family nyssaceae
  144. family salvadoraceae
  145. family xylariaceae
  146. false indigo
  147. family blechnaceae
  148. family dicranaceae
  149. family lamiaceae
  150. family osmundaceae
  151. family saxifragaceae
  152. fan palm
  153. fairy bell
  154. family amygdalaceae
  155. family clathraceae
  156. family graminaceae
  157. family melastomaceae
  158. family psilophytaceae
  159. family tricholomataceae
  160. false saffron
  161. family calycanthaceae
  162. family equisetaceae
  163. family linaceae
  164. family pezizaceae
  165. family sphaerocarpaceae
  166. false mallow
  167. false truffle
  168. family bombacaceae
  169. family cannaceae
  170. family dioscoreaceae
  171. family erythroxylaceae
  172. family lauraceae
  173. family lomariopsidaceae
  174. family paeoniaceae
  175. family pinaceae
  176. family schizaeaceae
  177. family strophariaceae
  178. fanwort
  179. family aizoaceae
  180. family cecropiaceae
  181. family funkaceae
  182. family malpighiaceae
  183. family polemoniaceae
  184. family tetragoniaceae
  185. false wintergreen
  186. family capparidaceae
  187. family euphorbiaceae
  188. family lophosoriaceae
  189. family piperaceae
  190. family styracaceae
  191. false mistletoe
  192. family brassicaceae
  193. family dipterocarpaceae
  194. family lecythidaceae
  195. family palmae
  196. family sclerotiniaceae
  197. farley maidenhair
  198. false dragonhead
  199. family azollaceae
  200. family cycadaceae
  201. family hypocreaceae
  202. family nymphaeaceae
  203. family salicaceae
  204. family xanthorrhoeaceae
  205. false asphodel
  206. family acanthaceae
  207. family araucariaceae
  208. family caprifoliaceae
  209. family convolvulaceae
  210. family fabaceae
  211. family hippocastanaceae
  212. family loranthaceae
  213. family morchellaceae
  214. family plantaginaceae
  215. family resedaceae
  216. family symplocaceae
  217. family urticaceae
  218. false foxglove
  219. family batidaceae
  220. family cyrilliaceae
  221. family iridaceae
  222. family ochnaceae
  223. family salviniaceae
  224. family xyridaceae
  225. false garlic
  226. family bennettitaceae
  227. family davalliaceae
  228. family juglandaceae
  229. family oleandraceae
  230. family sapindaceae
  231. family zannichelliaceae
  232. false alumroot
  233. family araliaceae
  234. family convallariaceae
  235. family helvellaceae
  236. family moraceae
  237. family rapateaceae
  238. family umbelliferae
  239. false beachdrops
  240. family aristolochiaceae
  241. family cordaitaceae
  242. family hyacinthaceae
  243. family musaceae
  244. family rhizophoraceae
  245. family ustilaginaceae
  246. falcatifolium taxoides
  247. family apocynaceae
  248. family commelinaceae
  249. family haloragidaceae
  250. family mniaceae
  251. family pythiaceae
  252. family tulostomataceae
  253. fagales
  254. family amaryllidaceae
  255. family cistaceae
  256. family gnetaceae
  257. family melampsoraceae
  258. family primulaceae
  259. family trapaceae
  260. false calyx
  261. family aspleniaceae
  262. family cruciferae
  263. family hydrocharitaceae
  264. family naiadaceae
  265. family rosaceae
  266. family vitaceae
  267. false bittersweet
  268. family asclepiadaceae
  269. family cornaceae
  270. family hydnaceae
  271. family myricaceae
  272. family rhizopogonaceae
  273. family valerianaceae
  274. false ragweed
  275. family caesalpiniaceae
  276. family entolomataceae
  277. family lepidodendraceae
  278. family pedaliaceae
  279. family sparganiaceae
  280. false hellebore
  281. family blastodiaceae
  282. family dicksoniaceae
  283. family labiatae
  284. family orobanchaceae
  285. family saururaceae
  286. fan fern
  287. fabiana
  288. family alstroemeriaceae
  289. family chloranthaceae
  290. family ginkgoaceae
  291. family martyniaceae
  292. family portulacaceae
  293. family tiliaceae
  294. false bugbane
  295. family asphodelaceae
  296. family crassulaceae
  297. family hydrocharidaceae
  298. family myrtaceae
  299. family roridulaceae
  300. family viscaceae
  301. false heather
  302. family bignoniaceae
  303. family diapensiaceae
  304. family jungermanniaceae
  305. family orchidaceae
  306. family sarraceniaceae
  307. family zygophyllaceae
  308. falcatifolium
  309. family alismataceae
  310. family apiaceae
  311. family cephalotaceae
  312. family combretaceae
  313. family gentianaceae
  314. family haloragaceae
  315. family marantaceae
  316. family mimosaceae
  317. family polygonaceae
  318. family pyrolaceae
  319. family thelephoraceae
  320. family tulostomaceae
  321. false mildew
  322. family boraginaceae
  323. family dipsacaceae
  324. family lecanoraceae
  325. family palmaceae
  326. family sciadopityaceae
  327. farkleberry
  328. false miterwort
  329. family bromeliaceae
  330. family droseraceae
  331. family leguminosae
  332. family pandanaceae
  333. family scrophulariaceae
  334. farley maidenhair fern
  335. fairy lantern
  336. family anthocerotaceae
  337. family clusiaceae
  338. family guttiferae
  339. family menispermaceae
  340. family pucciniaceae
  341. family tuberaceae
  342. family adiantaceae
  343. family caryocaraceae
  344. family flacourtiaceae
  345. family lycopodiaceae
  346. family pluteaceae
  347. family tamaricaceae
  348. fairy ring
  349. family aphyllanthaceae
  350. family colchicaceae
  351. family haemodoraceae
  352. family menyanthaceae
  353. family punicaceae
  354. family tuberculariaceae
  355. false oat
  356. family buxaceae
  357. family elaeocarpaceae
  358. family lentibulariaceae
  359. family parmeliaceae
  360. family simaroubaceae
  361. fairy cup
  362. family annonaceae
  363. family clethraceae
  364. family grossulariaceae
  365. family meliaceae
  366. family pteridaceae
  367. family tropaeolaceae
  368. family aceraceae
  369. family caricaceae
  370. family fagaceae
  371. family loxomataceae
  372. family platanaceae
  373. family synchytriaceae
  374. false pimpernel
  375. family cactaceae
  376. family empetraceae
  377. family lepidobotryaceae
  378. family passifloraceae
  379. family solanaceae
  380. family agaricaceae
  381. family caryophyllaceae
  382. family fouquieriaceae
  383. family lythraceae
  384. family poaceae
  385. family taxaceae
  386. false chamomile
  387. family asteraceae
  388. family cucurbitaceae
  389. family hydrophyllaceae
  390. family najadaceae
  391. family rubiaceae
  392. family vittariaceae
  393. false lupine
  394. family boletaceae
  395. family dilleniaceae
  396. family lardizabalaceae
  397. family oxalidaceae
  398. family scheuchzeriaceae
  399. fanweed
  400. false mitrewort
  401. family bryaceae
  402. family dryopteridaceae
  403. family leitneriaceae
  404. family papaveraceae
  405. family secotiaceae
  406. fat hen
  407. false dogwood
  408. family auriculariaceae
  409. family cupressaceae
  410. family hymenophyllaceae
  411. family nidulariaceae
  412. family russulaceae
  413. family welwitschiaceae
  414. false dragon head
  415. family avicenniaceae
  416. family cyatheaceae
  417. family hypericaceae
  418. family nyctaginaceae
  419. family rutaceae
  420. family winteraceae
  421. family allioniaceae
  422. family ceratophyllaceae
  423. family geraniaceae
  424. family marchantiaceae
  425. family polyporaceae
  426. family theophrastaceae
  427. fabiana imbricata
  428. family amaranthaceae
  429. family chytridiaceae
  430. family gleicheniaceae
  431. family mayacaceae
  432. family potamogetonaceae
  433. family tilletiaceae
  434. fagus
  435. family ambrosiaceae
  436. family cladoniaceae
  437. family goodeniaceae
  438. family melanthiaceae
  439. family proteaceae
  440. family tremellaceae
  441. false bracken
  442. family asparagaceae
  443. family cortinariaceae
  444. family hydnoraceae
  445. family myristicaceae
  446. family rhyniaceae
  447. family verbenaceae

Plants That Start With FL

  1. flannel mullein
  2. flannel bush
  3. flowering fern
  4. flameflower
  5. fly orchid
  6. flindosa
  7. flammulina velutipes
  8. flowering crab
  9. flint maize
  10. florida strap fern
  11. flagroot
  12. flowering raspberry
  13. flame bush
  14. flowering shrub
  15. flag
  16. flowering plant
  17. flame durrajong
  18. flowering spurge
  19. flacourtiaceae
  20. flowering onion
  21. flamingo plant
  22. flindersia schottiana
  23. flower
  24. floral cup
  25. florentine iris
  26. flour corn
  27. flax rust fungus
  28. florida selaginella
  29. flower head
  30. flax rust
  31. flag smut fungus
  32. flowering quince
  33. flame flower
  34. flower stalk
  35. flowering stone
  36. flammulina
  37. flame nettle
  38. flowering tobacco
  39. flowering almond
  40. florida bean
  41. flame pea
  42. flint corn
  43. flowering wintergreen
  44. florida strangler fig
  45. florida yew
  46. flindosy
  47. floating fern
  48. flindersia australis
  49. flax
  50. floral leaf
  51. floccose chanterelle
  52. flacourtia indica
  53. flowering maple
  54. flower cluster
  55. flannelbush
  56. floral envelope
  57. flower bud
  58. flanders poppy
  59. flindersia
  60. floweret
  61. flowering ash
  62. fleawort
  63. flaming poppy
  64. fly poison
  65. flesh
  66. flacourtia
  67. flowering glume
  68. fleabane
  69. flame tree
  70. fly agaric
  71. flacourtia family
  72. flowering hazel
  73. flamingo flower
  74. florence fennel
  75. flower petal
  76. flowering cherry
  77. floret
  78. florida arrowroot
  79. flannel leaf
  80. flat pea
  81. flax family
  82. flooded gum

Plants That Start With FE

  1. fennel
  2. fen orchid
  3. feijoa bush
  4. festuca
  5. felt fungus
  6. feterita
  7. feather reed grass
  8. featherfoil
  9. feather geranium
  10. feathertop
  11. feather ball
  12. felicia bergeriana
  13. fescue grass
  14. fetterbush
  15. fern genus
  16. fern family
  17. feather palm
  18. feathertop grass
  19. felt fern
  20. february daphne
  21. federita
  22. festuca ovina
  23. festuca elatior
  24. fetid bugbane
  25. fescue
  26. fern
  27. feverfew
  28. fetid horehound
  29. feabane mullet
  30. fennel flower
  31. fever tree
  32. felwort
  33. ferocactus
  34. fern rhapis
  35. felicia
  36. fern seed
  37. fern palm
  38. feijoa
  39. felicia amelloides
  40. feverroot
  41. fen orchis
  42. fenugreek
  43. fern ally
  44. fetter bush

Plants That Start With FI

  1. fiesta flower
  2. field thistle
  3. field brome
  4. field pea
  5. filicales
  6. field scabious
  7. field bindweed
  8. film fern
  9. ficus carica
  10. fire wheel
  11. field lupine
  12. field maple
  13. field garlic
  14. field marigold
  15. field crop
  16. field pussytoes
  17. filbert
  18. ficus diversifolia
  19. firewheel tree
  20. fingerflower
  21. fir cone
  22. ficus deltoidea
  23. fireweed
  24. figwort family
  25. ficus aurea
  26. fire thorn
  27. ficus rubiginosa
  28. fish fuddle
  29. figwort
  30. field horsetail
  31. fiddlehead
  32. field mint
  33. fishpole bamboo
  34. field sandbur
  35. field mushroom
  36. fiddleneck
  37. fistulina
  38. ficus
  39. fire pink
  40. field mustard
  41. filicopsida
  42. ficus bengalensis
  43. fire tree
  44. ficus carica sylvestris
  45. firethorn
  46. filicinae
  47. filmy fern
  48. filaria
  49. fig marigold
  50. fir
  51. finger grass
  52. field corn
  53. ficus religiosa
  54. firmiana simplex
  55. fig
  56. fingerroot
  57. ficus elastica
  58. firmiana
  59. field speedwell
  60. filaree
  61. fiddlehead fern
  62. fishtail palm
  63. field balm
  64. fistulina hepatica
  65. filago germanica
  66. field pennycress
  67. filament
  68. field chamomile
  69. filago
  70. field pansy
  71. field chickweed
  72. field poppy
  73. fir clubmoss
  74. ficus sycomorus
  75. fish geranium
  76. field bean
  77. fistulinaceae
  78. fir tree
  79. fibrovascular bundle
  80. fire bush
  81. field wormwood
  82. fig leaf
  83. fig tree
  84. finger millet

Plants That Start With FR

  1. fraxinus tomentosa
  2. fraxinus quadrangulata
  3. framboise
  4. frostwort
  5. fraxinus dipetala
  6. friendship plant
  7. fraxinus ornus
  8. fragrant woodsia
  9. frostweed
  10. frijolito
  11. fragaria ananassa
  12. fritillaria liliaceae
  13. frasera
  14. frasera speciosa
  15. frankincense pine
  16. fruitlet
  17. fraxinella
  18. frangipanni
  19. fruitage
  20. fraxinus nigra
  21. freshwater cordgrass
  22. fragaria virginiana
  23. fritillaria mutica
  24. fringed pink
  25. fritillaria
  26. fragaria vesca
  27. fritillaria micrantha
  28. french lavender
  29. fritillaria imperialis
  30. fragrant bedstraw
  31. fritillaria recurva
  32. french bracken
  33. fraser fir
  34. fruitwood
  35. fragrant orchid
  36. fraxinus
  37. froelichia
  38. fraxinus oregona
  39. fraxinus americana
  40. fragrant sumac
  41. frogbit
  42. fritillaria biflora
  43. fraxinus caroliniana
  44. frijolillo
  45. fragaria
  46. fritillaria lanceolata
  47. fragaria chiloensis
  48. fritillaria meleagris
  49. frijol
  50. fringe cups
  51. french weed
  52. fremontia
  53. fringed poppy mallow
  54. fringe tree
  55. frangipani
  56. fruit tree
  57. fragrant agrimony
  58. fritillaria pluriflora
  59. fraxinus velutina
  60. fringed polygala
  61. fragile fern
  62. fritillaria parviflora
  63. fraxinus pennsylvanica
  64. french spinach
  65. fragrant shield fern
  66. frog orchid
  67. fragrant water lily
  68. frogbit family
  69. french rye
  70. fraxinus excelsior
  71. french sorrel
  72. francoa
  73. fructification
  74. french marigold
  75. fraxinus cuspidata
  76. francoa ramosa
  77. fruit
  78. fraxinus latifolia
  79. fringepod
  80. fragrant cliff fern
  81. fritillary
  82. fragrant wood fern
  83. frond
  84. fritillaria affinis
  85. fritillaria agrestis
  86. fraxinus texensis
  87. freesia
  88. fremontodendron
  89. fringed orchid

Plants That Start With FO

  1. foetid pothos
  2. foeniculum vulgare
  3. fountain grass
  4. foeniculum
  5. fouquieria splendens
  6. fothergilla
  7. foxglove
  8. foxtail grass
  9. forestiera neomexicana
  10. forestiera
  11. foamflower
  12. fouquieria columnaris
  13. fouquieria
  14. fouquieriaceae
  15. fortunella margarita
  16. fomes igniarius
  17. foxtail
  18. fox grape
  19. foliage
  20. foxglove family
  21. foeniculum dulce
  22. fortunella japonica
  23. forsythia
  24. fortunella
  25. form genus rhizoctinia
  26. foxtail barley
  27. foxtail millet
  28. foxtail orchid
  29. foetid bugbane
  30. fomes
  31. forest red gum
  32. foxberry

Plants That Start With FU

  1. fumewort
  2. fumed oak
  3. full moon maple
  4. furze
  5. fumaria sempervirens
  6. fuscoboletinus
  7. fuchsia
  8. fumaria fungosa
  9. funkaceae
  10. fungus family
  11. fungus
  12. fuchsia coccinea
  13. fumaria officinalis
  14. fuchsia excorticata
  15. fuji
  16. fusanus acuminatus
  17. fusanus
  18. fuscoboletinus paluster
  19. funka
  20. fungi
  21. fuzz
  22. fumitory
  23. fumariaceae
  24. funiculus
  25. fungus order
  26. fumaria
  27. funicle
  28. fungus genus
  29. fuji cherry
  30. fumaria claviculata
  31. fumeroot
  32. fumitory family
  33. fungi imperfecti

Tropical Plants That Start With F

  • Frankeniaceae
  • Fagaceae
  • Fabaceae
  • Fouquieriaceae

House Plants | Indoor Plants That Start With F

  • Fiber Optic Grass
  • Friendship Plant
  • Firecracker Flower
  • Flaming Katy
  • Foxtail Fern
  • Flowering Maple
  • False Aralia
  • Freesia Flower
  • Fuchsia Plant
  • Ficus Alii
  • Fishtail Palm
  • Fiddle Leaf Fig
  • Firecracker Plant
  • Flame Violet
  • Flamingo Flower
  • Florist Chrysanthemum
  • Fire Flash

Perennials that Start with F

Common Name Botanical Name
False hellebore Veratrum
Floating heart Nymphoides
Foamy bells Heucherella
Fleabane Erigeron
Foxglove Digitalis purpurea
Fritillary Fritillaria
Feather reed grass Calamagrostis
Feather grass Stipa
Foamflower Tiarella cordifolia
Flowering rush Butomus
Forget-me-not Myosotis
Flax Linum
False Solomon’s Seal Smilacina
Foxtail lily Eremurus spp.
Fountain grass Pennisetum
False Indigo Baptisia
Foxtail Grass Alopecurus
Flame Grass Miscanthus
Fescue Festuca
Flags Iris
Fennel Foeniculum
Freesia Freesia
Frost Grass Spodiopogon
Fairy moss Azolla
False lupine Thermopsis
False spirea Astilbe
Four-o’clock Mirabilis jalapa

20 Plants Starting With Letter F (Pictures and Short Definitions)

1. Fern

Fern plant

A type of non-flowering plant that reproduces through spores and typically has feathery fronds.

2. Ficus

Ficus plant

A genus of trees and shrubs that includes the common houseplant, Ficus benjamina, also known as the weeping fig.

3. Forsythia

Forsythia plant

A deciduous shrub with bright yellow flowers that bloom in early spring.

4. Foxglove

Foxglove plant

A biennial or perennial plant with tall spikes of tubular flowers in shades of pink, purple, white, and yellow.

5. Fennel

Fennel plant

A herb with feathery leaves and yellow flowers that is often used in cooking and has medicinal properties.

6. Frangipani

Frangipani plant

A tropical tree with fragrant, colorful flowers that are often used in perfumes and decoration.

7. Freesia

Freesia plant

A bulbous plant with fragrant, funnel-shaped flowers that are often used in bouquets and as a cut flower.

8. Flax

Flax plant

A plant with blue or white flowers produces a fiber used for making linen and other textiles.

9. Feverfew

Feverfew plant

A plant with daisy-like flowers that are often used as a natural remedy for migraines and other ailments.

10. Firethorn

Firethorn plant

A shrub with thorny branches and clusters of small, bright red or orange berries that are often used for decoration.

11. Forget-Me-Not

Forget Me Not plant

A small plant with blue, pink, or white flowers that are often grown as a garden or wildflower.

12. Four O’Clock

Four OClock plant

A plant with trumpet-shaped flowers that open in the late afternoon and bloom until morning.

13. Flaming Katy

Flaming Katy plant

A succulent plant with brightly colored flowers is often grown as a houseplant.

14. Feather Reed Grass

Feather Reed Grass plant

Tall, ornamental grass with feathery plumes is often used in landscaping.

15. False Cypress

False Cypress plant

A shrub or small tree with soft, feathery foliage that is often grown for its ornamental value.

16. Fountain Grass

Fountain Grass plant

Clumping ornamental grass with arching foliage and feathery plumes is often used in landscaping.

17. Fuchsia

Fuchsia plant

A shrub with pendulous, tubular flowers in shades of pink, purple, and red that is often grown for its ornamental value.

18. Fan Palm

Fan Palm plant

A type of palm tree with fan-shaped leaves that is often grown for its ornamental value.

19. Figwort

Figwort plant

A plant with tubular, two-lipped flowers that are often used in herbal medicine.

20. False Solomon’s Seal

False Solomons Seal plant

A plant with arching stems and clusters of white or green flowers is often used for its ornamental value.

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