50 Math Words That Start With U

List of Math Words That Start With U

Below are common math words that start with u.

  • Undefined
  • Union
  • Unary
  • Unit
  • Unique
  • Upper bound
  • Uniform
  • U-substitution
  • Ultrametric
  • Undefined slope
  • Universal set
  • Univariate
  • Upper quartile
  • Union symbol
  • Unbounded
  • U-shaped curve
  • Unit circle
  • Uniform distribution
  • Undirected graph
  • Unique solution
  • Upper limit
  • Unit vector
  • Uniform convergence
  • Undecidable
  • Unary operation
  • Upper sum
  • Union of sets
  • Undetermined coefficients
  • Unimodal
  • Upper triangular matrix
  • Unit interval
  • Uniform continuity
  • Uniqueness theorem
  • Urysohn’s lemma
  • Upper endpoint
  • Unit fraction
  • Uncertainty principle
  • Universal quantifier
  • Unitary matrix
  • Uniform convergence theorem
  • Unimodal distribution
  • Upper critical point
  • Upper bound property
  • Unit matrix
  • Uncountable
  • Union of intervals
  • Unit circle trigonometry
  • Upper Darboux sum
  • Univalent
  • Ultrametric space

math words that start with u

Math Terms That Start With U (Divided by Subjects)

Geometry Terms That Start With U

  • Unit Circle: Circle with radius 1 centered at the origin.
  • Undefined Terms: Terms without formal definition, like point, line.
  • Uniform Motion: Motion with constant speed and direction.
  • Unilateral: Involving one side or party.
  • Unit Vector: Vector with a magnitude of 1.
  • Umbilic Point: Point on a surface with equal curvatures in all directions.
  • Upright Cross: Cross-like figure with perpendicular lines of symmetry.
  • Ultrametric Space: Metric space where distance follows strong triangle inequality.
  • Urn Model: Probability model involving drawing objects from the urn.
  • Uniform Scaling: Scaling where all dimensions are scaled equally.

Algebra Terms That Start With U

  • Undefined: Result that is not defined, often due to division by zero.
  • Union: Combining sets to form a new set with all unique elements.
  • Unit Vector: Vector with a magnitude of 1, indicating direction.
  • Uniform Distribution: Probability distribution where all outcomes are equally likely.
  • Undefined Slope: Slope of a vertical line, having no definite value.

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