List of Math Words That Start With Z
Below are common math words that start with z.
- Zero
- Zigzag
- Z-score
- Z-transform
- Zero matrix
- Zero-dimensional
- Zero divisor
- Zeta function
- Zero vector
- Zorn’s lemma
- Zeno’s paradox
- Z-axis
- Zero exponent
- Zero polynomial
- Ziggurat algorithm (used in random number generation)
- Zero slope
- Zero set
- Zeroth law of thermodynamics
- Zero product property
- Zero inflation (used in statistics)
Math Terms That Start With Z (Divided by Subjects)
Geometry Terms That Start With Z
- Zero-Dimensional: Having no measurable length, width, or height.
- Zigzag: Series of sharp turns in alternating directions.
- Zeno’s Paradoxes: Philosophical puzzles involving infinite divisions and motion.
- Zigurat: Stepped pyramid structure from ancient Mesopotamia.
- Zone of Influence: Area affected by a specific point or object.
- Zonohedron: Convex polyhedron with faces formed by parallelograms.
- Zero Vector: Vector with a magnitude of zero.
- Zero Angle: Angle with no rotation, measures 0 degrees.
- Zenith: Point in the sky directly above an observer.
- Z-score: Standardized value indicating how many standard deviations a data point is from the mean.
Algebra Terms That Start With Z
- Zero Pair: Additive inverse of a number, summing to zero.
- Zero Exponent: Any nonzero number raised to the power of zero equals 1.
- Z-Score: Measure of how many standard deviations a data point is from the mean.
- Zebra Number: Informal term for an integer whose digits alternate in parity.
- Zero Matrix: Matrix with all elements being zero.
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