50 Math Words That Start With T

List of Math Words That Start With T

Below are common math words that start with t.

  • Triangle
  • Tangent
  • Trigonometry
  • Theorem
  • Term
  • Transversal
  • Tangent line
  • Transformation
  • Tangent ratio
  • Trapezoid
  • Taylor series
  • Tangent function
  • Transpose
  • Transcendental
  • Tetrahedron
  • Tangential velocity
  • Trigonometric identity
  • Transitive property
  • Tangent plane
  • Translation
  • Trajectory
  • Tangent circle
  • Transcendental number
  • Tangent trigonometry
  • Trapezium
  • Tangent space
  • Transcendental equation
  • Terminating decimal
  • Tangent bundle
  • Transcendental function
  • Trapezoidal rule
  • Tangent segment
  • Tangent line theorem
  • Transfinite number
  • Trigonometric equation
  • Term by term
  • Tangent point
  • Taylor polynomial
  • Transformative
  • Tangent vector
  • Tangential acceleration
  • Transformation matrix
  • Ternary
  • Tangent angle
  • Trigonometric ratio
  • Trisection
  • Torsion
  • Term of a sequence
  • Tangent hyperbolic
  • Tangent half-angle formula

math words that start with t

Math Terms That Start With T (Divided by Subjects)

Geometry Terms That Start With T

  • Tangent: Line touching curve at a single point.
  • Triangle: Polygon with three sides and angles.
  • Trapezoid: Quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides.
  • Transversal: Line intersecting two or more lines.
  • Tetrahedron: Four-faced polyhedron with triangular faces.
  • Tessellation: Repeating pattern covering a surface without gaps.
  • Theorem: Mathematical statement proved true using logic.
  • Transformation: Change in position, size, or shape of the object.
  • Torus: Surface of a doughnut shape.
  • Two-Dimensional (2D): Flat figures with length and width.

Algebra Terms That Start With T

  • Term: Individual component of an algebraic expression.
  • Trigonometry: Branch of mathematics dealing with angles and triangles.
  • Transitive Property: If a = b and b = c, then a = c.
  • Tangent: Line touching a curve at a single point.
  • Transformation: Change in position, size, or shape of a geometric figure.
  • Term-by-Term: Analyzing functions one term at a time.
  • Tetrahedron: Four-faced polyhedron with triangular faces.
  • Truth Value: Logical value (true or false) of a statement.
  • Trial and Error: Approach of attempting different solutions until one works.
  • Transpose: Changing the rows of a matrix to its columns.

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