1000 IELTS Vocabulary Words List A to Z – Download PDF

IELTS Vocabulary Words List A to Z! Here we are going to provide you with some very important IELTS Vocabulary words, that are very common for the IELTS speaking and writing section. Learning these words will also improve your listening skills.

Common FAQs

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Let us walk through some common questions that might pop up in your mind.

What is IELTS?

IELTS is abbreviated as “International English Language Testing System”. If you have to travel to a country with English as a native language, you have to pass the IELTS test, different countries demand different bands of IELTS. IELTS is very common is students focusing on traveling to the United States and Australia for study purposes.

Is it Easy to Get 7.5 in IELTS?

No, it is easy to score 7.5 bands in IELTS, you have to study hard and gird up your lions to do so. There are not so many ways to achieve this. You have to study hard, you have to be strong in every field, and you should have excellent reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills to score 7.5 bands in IELTS.

How to Study for IELTS at Home?

You can study for IELTS at home, just follow these steps and make them your daily routine:

  1. Try to learn 10 new vocabulary words daily.
  2. Find a speaking partner and practice daily.
  3. Have Some good vocabulary books for IELTS preparation.
  4. To Make your motivation, read some success stories.
  5. Do a bit of research on IELTS.
  6. Write your new Words in a book. (Save your Vocabulary Collection)
  7. Revise your vocabulary every day.
  8. Practice, practice, and practice.

IELTS Vocabulary Words List A to Z

IELTS Vocabulary Words List A to Z

Below is the list of IELTS vocabulary words from a to z:

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With A

Words Synonyms
Active energetic
Antique old item
Agility quickness
Attire Dress
Awful dreadful, atrocious
Assets earnings
Ample/myriad of/ numerous lots of
Amateur beginner
Assault attack
Abroad Overseas
Always forever
Adversity difficulty
Allure attract
Admit Confess
Amiable friendly
Annoy to disturb someone
Aggressive assertive
Acquit to release
Awful Terrible
Ambition dreams
Anxious nervous
Achieve accomplish
Aid help
Amount Quantity
Adroit expert
Adequate sufficient
Alteration change
Ambiance environment
Allow Permit
Amicable helpful
Astonishing surprising
Ambitious aspiring
Accord Agreement
Abode a place where you live
Accurate correct
Away Absent
Arrive reach
Angry Mad
Authentic genuine
Abandon/Abort to leave something
Add increase
Answer Response
Alike Same
Abstraction to deduct
Ask Inquire
Adamant firm
Appreciation to applaud one’s effort
Agree Consent
Approve accept

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With B

Words Synonyms
Brave Bold
Beneficial helpful, useful
Before prior, earlier
Bizarre Weird
Brief short, concise
Bashful shy, timid
Best finest, choice
Blunder a very big mistake
Bottom base, foundation
Becoming Fitting
Bias Revoke
Baby Infant
Benevolent/magnanimous kindhearted
Believe trust, accept
Beautiful Pretty
Bucket Pail
Broad Wide
Betray to fraud someone
Belly Stomach
Blend combine, mix
Break fracture, burst
Blank Empty
Blot/stigma black spot (disgrace)
Begin Commence
Brave courageous, bold
Bread and butter livelihood
Blanket ban a complete ban on something
Beautiful pretty, attractive (Pretty Synonyms)
Beginning start, initiate
Berserk gone mad
Beg Implore
Below under, lower
Birth beginning
Blossom to grow
Big Large
Buy purchase
Behoove merit

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With C

Words Synonyms
Cunning Clever
Contrary Opposite
Close Shut
Compassion ready to serve
Calamity Disaster
Chiefly Mainly
Considerate Thoughtful
Correct Right
Collision collide
Complete Total
Courteous polite, civil
Crumble something breaks into small pieces
Calm quiet, tranquil
Chaos noisy situation
Close near, imminent
Connect join, link, attach
Contemporary modern
Courage bravery, valor
Compress to press
Crazy insane, daft, mad
Change Transform
Confine Restrict
Coarse bumpy, rough
Collect Gather
Confuse Mixed Up
Chatter box excess talkative
Contrary opposite
Counsel advise
Clarify explain, simplify
Confirm comply, submit
Cruel mean, heartless
Center Middle
Curb to control
Charismatic having magical powers
Conflict fight, battle, struggle
Complex complicated
Candy Sweets
Choosy Picky
Comical amusing, funny
Confine contain, enclose
Chubby plump, pudgy
Constraint limitation/compulsion
Congested tight area
Cranky cross, irritable
Couch potato who watches a lot of TV
Chilly cool, nippy
Coy shy
Correct accurate, right
Candid straight forward
Curse to bane someone

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With D

Words Synonyms
Dirty soiled, messy (Dirty Synonym)
Deliberate Planned
Dash Sprint
Diverse different, distinct
Despise hate, detest, loathe
Delicate Fragile
Daybreak Dawn
Defy resist, challenge
Dearth/scarcity lack of something
Dubious doubtful, questionable
Drab dull
Detain punishment
Determined sure, convinced
Demeanor behavior/character
Desperate fanatic/extremist
Destitute poor, penniless
Dusk sunset
Disgrace Shame
Deter hinder, prevent
Daring bold, audacious
Dawn sunrise
Dire need huge need for something
Disclose Reveal
Deceased dead
Docile tame, gentle
Dumb stupid, dense
Dedicated Committed
Dull blunt, dreary
Deteriorate something gets worse
Descendent next generation
Dilemma state of confusion
Disagree differ, dispute
Divide separate, split
Destiny Fate
Defend protect, shield
Discount Reduction
Dispute debate, oppose
Deduct subtract, remove
Deliberate something planned
Delicate fragile, dainty

Useful IELTS Vocabulary Words – With E

Words Synonyms
Elevate lift
Enquire Investigate
Evil Bad
Exit Leave
Ethical genuine
Enormous Huge
Enormous vast, immense, colossal (Big Synonym)
Envisage imagine it’s true
Entrepreneur own businessman
Encourage promote, support, urge
Eager Keen
Exaggerate over pound
Exemplary extraordinary
Elevate Raise
Elite most talented
Emphatically forcefully
Eye opener show reality
Epitome best possible
Enjoy like, appreciate
Easy simple (Easy Synonym)
Envy to have something similar what others
Escalate increase
Execute to start
Evaluate Assess
Enlarge expand, magnify
Extra Additional
Elitist choosy or selective
Exempt except that
Except Apart From
Exactly Precisely
Eternal never-ending

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With F

Words Synonyms
Fetch to get
Frivolous trivial, unimportant, silly
Facelift to modify something
Flinches demerit
Forbid to deny
Frigid freezing, frosty
Fat chubby, plump, stout
Fragile week
Finish Complete
Fill load, pack
Far-flung very far away
Fatal deadly, mortal, killing
Fraction part, portion, segment
Function Operate
Funny Amusing
Flippant excess talkative
Fatal dangerous
Fiction fantasy, untruth, myth
Fire to throw out of job
Ferry boat
Formerly Previously
Fate destiny
Flaw mistake
Fast Quick
Fun Entertaining
Freak insane
False Untrue
Fatigue tire, exhaust
Fuddy duddy
Fortunate Lucky
Fair Unbiased
Fantastic Great
Future coming, tomorrow
Furious angry, enraged, infuriated
Famous Renowned
Fluke Bi-chance

Vocabulary Words of IELTS – With G

Words Synonyms
Gut feeling inner voice
Glossy shiny
Good Fine
Garbage Trash
Gain acquire, obtain
Great outstanding, remarkable
Gaunt scrawny, skinny, thin
Guilt regret
Glare stare in an angry way
Gloomy hazy or blur
Grab Seize
Gesture actions we use while speaking
Glitter Sparkle
Grim sounding very serious
Glimpse a brief look
Glad Happy
Generous giving, selfless
Grumble Grouse
Get Receive
Gaudy showy, garish, vulgar

A list of IELTS Vocabulary Words – With H

Words Synonyms
Hazard Danger
Hire to recruit
Huge vast, immense, great
Handover to give
High elevated, lofty
Hop to jump a bit
Hurry Rush
Humiliate embarrass, disgrace, dishonor
Humble modest, unpretentious
Hint Tip
Hard Difficult
Homesickness person who can’t live away
Humiliate hit below the belt
Hall Corridor
Happily Fortunately
Havoc lots of trouble
Hallucination mirage
Handsome Good Looking
Help Assist
Handy useful, convenient, skillful
Halt stop

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With I

Words Synonyms
Insomnia sleeplessness
Inventory Stock
Inferior lesser, substandard
Illusion mirage
Instinct inner ability
Irrelevant inappropriate, unrelated
Imitate Mimic
Intolerant bigoted, prejudiced
Invincible unconquerable
Inconsiderate Thoughtless
Important Significant
Infect Contaminate
Invoice Bill
Immediate Instantly
Infuriate enrage, agitate, provoke
Informal Casual
Intend Mean
Idiot box TV
Incarnation birth
Instructions Directions
Industrious hard working
Innocent guiltless, blameless
Innocent Harmless
Immaculate spotless, pure
Intimate inform
Interesting provocative, engrossing
Ill Sick
Impartial Neutral
Invade attack
Intellectual Mental
Impact Affect
Inroads affect
Ignore Snub
Insufficient Inadequate
Identical alike, duplicate
Ingenious clever, creative, original
Imitate to copy
Inevitable unstoppable
Intrude trespass
Inspect Examine
Infamous Notorious

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With J

Words Synonyms
Jubilant overjoyed, delighted, elated
Joy Delight
Jolly merry, jovial, joyful
Jaw dropper stunned
Job Work
Jealous Envious
Join connect, unite, link

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With K, L, and M

Words Synonyms
Keep save, protect, guard
Kind Benevolent
Kid Child
Loving Fond
Lots Many
Lethal Deadly
Learn Memorize
Loyal Faithful
Loo toilet
Land slide victory or thumping victory victory by a huge margin
Listen Hear
Logical sensible, sane, rational
Long lengthy
Little Small
Loyal who doesn’t back stab
Liable responsible
Least fewest, minimum, smallest
Loiter to roam around without aim
Luxurious extravagant, elegant
Lethargic weak
Lucid Clear
Miser one who doesn’t spend much
Malfunction any failure in machinery
Mentor guide
Meeting Assembly
Murals huge paintings
Militant combative, aggressive, warlike
Maiden something to do at first
Mug up to cram something
Moderate temperate, lenient, medium
Mate friend
Movie Film
Meager scanty, sparse, poor
Mild Gentle
Mum be quiet
Maybe Perhaps
Mischievous naughty, impish
Minor lesser, inferior, secondary
Magnify expand, enlarge, exaggerate
Minnow/Nano very small
Mysterious elusive, occult, secret
Mesmerize hypnotize
Mansion very big bungalow
Mad Crazy
Moist wet
Make Build
Modern Contemporary
Miniature very small
Maintain Preserve
Misery Distress
Mean unkind, malicious, nasty

List of IELTS Vocabulary Words – With N, O, and P

Words Synonyms
Near Close
Necessary Essential
Noon Midday
Nuisance disturbance
Nurture to develop something
Nausea sick feeling
Numerous Many
Native area in which one is born
Native Local
New Recent
Nonchalant indifferent, lackadaisical, blase
Notify Inform
Naughty bad, disobedient, wrong
Normal ordinary, typical, usual
Negligible very small
Niche identity
Nice Pleasant
Outrageous preposterous, shocking
Old Mature
Odd Strange
Ornament Decoration
Optional voluntary, elective
Obey mind, heed, comply
Oversee Supervise
Obsolete extinct, dated, antiquated
Outgoing Friendly
Ordinary usual, average
Obsession desire to have something
Overwhelmed very happy with something
Ort used
Outraged very upset
Overlook Miss
Overturned upside down
Outskirts city’s outer area
Observe examine, study, scrutinize
Posture way/position of body
Poor destitute, needy, impoverished
Plunge to fall
Pluck to break something
Push shove, propel
Pinnacle at the top
Proud arrogant, elated
Peal to remove the skin of a fruit or vegetable
Possess own
Premises area
Particular Specific
Passion hunger to achieve something
Portion part, segment, piece
Possibility Opportunity
Perfect Flawless
Patriotic one who loves his nation
Prodding encourage
Part Section
Prevail which remains
Polite gracious, refined, courteous
Prestigious very important
Provide Supply
Praise Compliment
Perception Insight
Prompt punctual, timely
Podium lecture stand

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With Q, R, S, and T

Words Synonyms
Quite Fairly
Quit cease, stop, withdraw
Quake Tremble
Raze destroy, demolish
Racket noise, commotion, disturbance
Rude Impolite
Renew Resume
Rich Wealthy
Retrograde moving backwards
Receive Get
Regret Remorse
Rookies less experienced
Rejuvenate refresh
Ratify approve, confirm, endorse
Resist oppose, withstand, defy
Resilient to resist
Roster schedule
Robust strong
Raise Lift
Reluctant unwilling, hesitant
Reputable honorable, upstanding, honest
Remote secluded, isolated, distant
Repulsive hideous, offensive, gruesome
Ravage devastate, ruin, damage
Retaliate avenge, revenge, reciprocate
Real Genuine
Reliant dependent
Rock Stone
Remark Comment
Reluctant hesitant
Reliable Dependable
Rest Relax
Reveal show, disclose, divulge
Respond Reply
Sheer a very high amount of something
Strenuous vigorous, laborious
Skeptical doubtful
Sustain to remain
Sad Unhappy
Surge a powerful rush of something
Sack big bag
Stoic patient
Souvenir memento
Sure Certain
Scared Afraid
Sorrow woe, anguish, grief
Simultaneously together
Smooth slick, glossy, level
Sightseeing to explore places
Stable steady, unchanging, settled
Straits bankrupt
Sincere Honest
Serious grave, solemn, pensive
Spendthrift who spends a lot of money
Strict stringent, severe, stern
Serene peaceful, tranquil, calm
Slim Sender
Stiff firm/hard
Significant Meaningful
Shrine holy place
Sociable friendly, cordial, gregarious
Special exceptional, notable, particular
Small little, insignificant, trivial
Steady Firm
Surplus excess, additional, extra
Spill for liquid
See Look
Same identical, alike, equivalent
Select Choose
Symbolize Represent
Subtle little
Stop Cease
Swift fast and smooth
Safe Secure
Shrewd clever, cunning, crafty
Strangle stuck somewhere
Sluggish listless, lethargic, inactive
Scribble to write fast
Sacked to throw out
Suggest Propose
Shiver tremble
Strong powerful, mighty, potent
Sleepy Drowsy
Stupid unintelligent, dense, foolish
Thrive prosper, flourish, develop
Temper mental state
Try Attempt
Tangible concrete, definite
Tragic something very wrong happened
Talk Speak
Tavern pub
Transform Convert
Tandem work together
Timid nervous
Tenets on rent
Tap to stroke something
Tranquility mental peace
Terrible dreadful, horrible, vile
Tall high, lofty
Temporary Transitory
Taut tense, tight, stiff
Tender delicate, gentle, affectionate
Tiny Small
Temper Mood
Thrifty economical, frugal, prudent
Trustworthy Reliable
Trivial unimportant
Tender soft

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With U to Z

Words Synonyms
Use Utilize
Usually Generally
Under Below
Uncommon Unusual
Urgent crucial, important
Uncooked Raw
Unfortunate Unlucky
Vacant unoccupied, empty
Vanquish Conquer
Verdict result
Vast Huge
Versatile all rounder
Virtuous moral, righteous, angelic
Vary Differ
Valiant courageous, brave, heroic
Violent forceful
Victory triumph, win, success
Vague Indistinct
Vague unclear, obscure, indistinct
Voluntary willingly
Vibes signals
Vendor who sells commodities
Viable/feasible possible
Worn used, impaired, old
Want Desire
Withstand Resist
Wrong incorrect, untrue, mistaken
Waiver to cut off
Wisecrack joke
Weak Feeble
Weary tired, fatigued, lethargic
Wardrobe cupboard
Yield produce, bear, provide
Yell Shout

IELTS Vocabulary Words List A to Z (Infographics)

ielts vocabulary for beginners ielts vocabulary for beginners ielts vocabulary for students IELTS Vocabulary Words List A to Z IELTS Vocabulary Words List A to Z


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