Dawn News Vocabulary PDF, 1000 Words Meanings

Dawn News Vocabulary PDF

Dawn news vocabulary pdf of more than 1000 CSS and Dawn news vocabulary words. A Golden chance to improve your vocab. It is very important for you if are going to crack the CSS exam.

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Word Meaning Synonyms
201 Compendious جامع containing a lot in a small space/few words
202 Conciliatory مفاہمانہ – صلح پسندانہ bringing together; ending a dispute; soothing
203 Concord اتحاد – اتفاق راۓ agreement
204 Condone در گزر کرنا tolerate
205 Conflagration آتش زدگی great fire
206 Congenial خوش گوار friendly; sociable; suitable
207 Connoisseur جاننے والا پرکھنے والا expert with good taste/judgment
208 Consecrate وقف کرنا – مختص کرنا dedicate; make holy
209 Consummate مکمل کرنا supremely good
210 Contagious متعدی passed on through touch; infectious

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Word Meaning Synonyms
211 Convergence اجماع coming together
212 Convivial یار انہ sociable
213 Copious کثیر in large amount
214 Corollary نتیجہٴ صریح consequence; inference
215 Corpulence موٹا – بہت موٹا very fat-ness
216 Corroborated ثابت کرنا – توثیق کرنا supported; given supporting evidence
217 Credulity ہر بات پر يقين کرنے والا belief on slight evidence
218 Cumulative مسلسل بڑھنے والے building up
219 Cursory سرسری superficial
220 Curtail پابندی لگانا cut short

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Word Meaning Synonyms
221 Dalliance ناز و نیاز non-serious involvement; toying or playing
222 Dearth کمی shortage; lacking
223 Debacle شرمناک ناکامی disaster
224 Debilitate کمزور weaken
225 Debunk بے نقاب کرنا throw out old ideas
226 Deferment التوا – تاخیر putting off
227 Deleterious مضر – مہلک harmful
228 Deliberation غور و خوض careful thought
229 Delineate خاکہ بنانا – لکیر کھینچنا outline
230 Demagogue بازاری لیڈر

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Word Meaning Synonyms
231 Demonstrative مظاہرہ کرنے والا expressing emotions freely
232 Denuded جِسے ننگا یا عریاں کر دیا گیا ہو stripped
233 Depreciatory تحقیر آمیز devaluing; criticizing
234 Derelict لاوارث rundown; abandoned
235 Derided تضیحک کرنا – مذاق اڑانا mocked
236 Despoiled مایوس plunder; rob; deprive
237 Devious پیچدار۔ پُرفریب۔ cunning
238 Didactic معلمانہ – تعلیمی intending to preach or teach; an act of teaching
239 Dilatory سُست ، کاہِل ، تاخیر کرنے والا slow; sluggish
240 Disarming خوش کن charming; unthreatening

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Word Meaning Synonyms
241 Discernment سمجھ بوجھ judgment
242 Discrepancy اختلاف inconsistency
243 Disillusioned غلط فہمی سے آزادی freed from wrong ideas
244 Disingenuous مکاری – چال بازی crafy; double dealing
245 Disparaging نفی کرنا – کم قدری کرنا critical
246 Distension پھیلاؤ swelling; distend; expand
247 Multifarious انواع و اقسام کا having many aspects
248 Myopic قریب نظری میں آنکھ کے اندر ہلالی گومڑ بننا short-sighted (literal or metaphoric)
249 Naivete بھولا بھال innocence; lack of worldliness
250 Nefarious بدمعاش – بدکردار infamous; very wicked

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Word Meaning Synonyms
251 Negate انکار کرنا wipe out; nullify
252 Nemesis زہر قاتل – روگ fate; doom
253 Nihilism منکر مذہب belief in nothing; anarchy
254 Nondescript مجہول ۔ غیر معروف ۔ نا مُشخص having no special qualities; ordinary
255 Notoriety بدنامی infamy
256 Obsequious چاپلوس slavish; fawning
257 Occlusion بند کرنا shutting out
258 Officious سرکاری interfering
259 Onerous سخت بوجھل بوجھ ڈالنا burdensome
260 Opacity دھندلاپن lack of transparency; being opaque

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Word Meaning Synonyms
261 Opportunism موقع پرست grabbing opportunities
262 Opting انتخاب کرنا – ترجیح دینا choosing
263 Opulence عیش و عشرت a lavish display of wealth
264 Ornate مزین – زیبائشی extremely decorated
265 Overhaul نیا کر دینے کا عمل renovate; examine
266 Palliative آرام پہنچانے والی شہ easy pain
267 Pathos رقت انگیزی کیفیت sadness; stirring the emotions; gloomy
268 Paucity کمی scarcity; shortage
269 Peer ہم رتبہ An equal; to look closely at
270 Peevishness بداخلاقی childish sullenness; irritability

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Word Meaning Synonyms
271 Penchant زبردست رجحان tendency; leaning toward; liking
272 Penurious خیل – کنجوس miserly
273 Perquisites اضافی مراعات perks; sth you recieve for your job
274 Petulant شوخی touchy; sulky; peevish
275 Phlegmatic کاہل calm; imperturbable
276 Phobic خوف کا مرض fearful (Root phobia always implies fear)
277 Pilfer چرانا steal; filch; rustle
278 Placid پرسکون, peaceful; calm; serene
279 Plaudits : تحسین praise
280 Pliant موڑنے کے قابل flexible

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Word Meaning Synonyms
281 Polarized یکطرفہ ہوجانا divided into two extremes
282 Pragmatism عملی practicality
283 Preclude باز رکھنا prevent; make impossible
284 Precursor مقدم – خبر رساں forerunner; sth comes before
285 Predilection رجحان liking for; penchant
286 Presumption گمان assuming too much
287 Profundity پیچیدگی depth (of ideas/thoughts)
288 Propensity رجحان tendency; leaning predilection
289 Proponent حامی supporter
290 Prosaic سادہ ordinary; dull

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Word Meaning Synonyms
291 Prospectus کوائف نامہ brochure
292 Prudent محتاط wise; cautious
293 Punctilious نازک طبع meticulous
294 Purportedly مانا جاتا ہے – سمجھا جاتا ہے apparently claiming
295 Quell suppress; to stop sth such as protes
296 Quixotic شیخ چلی – من چل idealistic; impractical
297 Radical بنیادی revolutionary
298 Docile پڑھائے جانے کے قابل obedient; subservient
299 Dubious مشکوک doubtful
300 Eclectic انتخابی taking things from different sources; selective

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