Recovery is a crucial part of life, whether it’s from an illness, a tough situation, or a challenging experience. Knowing the right expressions can help you communicate your journey or support someone else effectively. Here are 20 essential expressions related to recovery.
1. Get back on track
Meaning: Return to normal.
Example: After the illness, she got back on track quickly.
2. Bounce back
Meaning: Recover quickly.
Example: He bounced back after the surgery remarkably fast.
3. On the mend
Meaning: Healing or improving.
Example: She is on the mend after her operation.
4. Back in the saddle
Meaning: Resuming something after a break.
Example: He’s back in the saddle after his injury.
5. Turn the corner
Meaning: Start to recover.
Example: After weeks of treatment, he has turned the corner.
6. Come around
Meaning: Recover consciousness.
Example: She came around an hour after the accident.
7. Pull through
Meaning: Survive a difficult situation.
Example: With great care, he managed to pull through.
8. Patch up
Meaning: Fix or repair.
Example: They managed to patch up their differences.
9. Nurse back to health
Meaning: Help someone recover.
Example: She nursed him back to health after his surgery.
10. Over the hump
Meaning: Past the most difficult part.
Example: He is over the hump and feeling much better now.
11. Get over
Meaning: Recover from.
Example: It took her months to get over the flu.
12. Shake off
Meaning: Recover from quickly.
Example: He shook off the cold within a week.
13. Pick up the pieces
Meaning: Restore after a setback.
Example: She had to pick up the pieces after her loss.
14. Take it easy
Meaning: Rest and recover.
Example: He needs to take it easy for a while.
15. Run out of steam
Meaning: Lose energy or momentum.
Example: She ran out of steam halfway through her recovery.
16. Catch one’s breath
Meaning: Rest after effort.
Example: He needed to catch his breath after the ordeal.
17. Back on one’s feet
Meaning: Fully recovered.
Example: She is back on her feet after her illness.
18. Make a comeback
Meaning: Return to former status.
Example: He made a strong comeback after the setback.
19. Mend fences
Meaning: Repair relationships.
Example: They worked to mend fences after the argument.
20. Build up strength
Meaning: Regain energy.
Example: She is building up her strength after the illness.