50 Collocations With Grow, Grow Collocations List

Collocations With Grow, Grow Collocations List! In the English language, collocations are an essential part of day-to-day communication. A collocation is a combination of two or more words used together in a particular way that is natural or idiomatic to native speakers. This article will cover 50 common collocations with the verb “grow”, plus an extensive list of grow collocations for reference.

Related: Complete List of Collocations

Grow Collocations List:

  • Grow a plant
  • Grow a garden
  • Grow a tree
  • Grow a flower
  • Grow a vegetable
  • Grow a fruit
  • Grow a herb
  • Grow a bush
  • Grow a vine
  • Grow a farm
  • Grow a crop
  • Grow a field
  • Grow a lawn
  • Grow a meadow
  • Grow a forest
  • Grow a jungle
  • Grow a desert
  • Grow a river
  • Grow a lake
  • Grow a pond
  • Grow a stream
  • Grow a waterfall
  • Grow a mountain
  • Grow a hill
  • Grow a plateau
  • Grow a valley
  • Grow a canyon
  • Grow a glacier
  • Grow a volcano
  • Grow a beach
  • Grow a coast
  • Grow a city
  • Grow a town
  • Grow a village
  • Grow a community
  • Grow a society
  • Grow a culture
  • Grow a language
  • Grow a tradition
  • Grow a custom
  • Grow a belief
  • Grow a religion
  • Grow a philosophy
  • Grow a science
  • Grow a technology
  • Grow a business
  • Grow a brand
  • Grow a product
  • Grow a service
  • Grow a customer base

collocations with grow

Collocations With Grow in Example Sentences

  • I want to grow a plant in my apartment.
  • My parents grow a garden in their backyard every summer.
  • I will grow a tree in my front yard for shade.
  • I love to grow a flower garden in different colors.
  • I will grow a vegetable garden to have fresh produce.
  • My neighbor grows a fruit orchard in his backyard.
  • I want to grow a herb garden for cooking.
  • The landscaper will grow a bush in front of my house for privacy.
  • The grapevines will grow a vine on the trellis.
  • The farmer will grow a farm of crops and livestock.
  • The field will grow a crop of wheat this year.
  • The farmer will grow a field of sunflowers for oil.
  • I need to grow a lawn in my backyard for my kids to play.
  • The park will grow a meadow of wildflowers for the butterflies.
  • The forest will grow a forest of trees for the animals.
  • The Amazon rainforest will grow a jungle of biodiversity.
  • The cactus will grow in a desert for survival.
  • The river will grow a river of fish and other aquatic life.
  • The lake will grow a lake of freshwater fish.
  • The pond will grow a pond of frogs and other amphibians.
  • The stream will grow a stream of water for the ecosystem.
  • The waterfall will grow a waterfall of beauty and power.
  • The mountain will grow a mountain range for hiking.
  • The hill will grow a hill for sledding in the winter.
  • The plateau will grow a plateau of grassland for grazing.
  • The valley will grow a valley of crops and vineyards.
  • The canyon will grow a canyon of geological wonders.
  • The glacier will grow a glacier of ice and snow.
  • The volcano will grow a volcano of lava and ash.
  • The beach will grow a beach of sand and seashells.
  • The coast will grow a coast of waves and tides.
  • The city will grow into a city of buildings and streets.
  • The town will grow into a town of small businesses.
  • The village will grow into a village of tight-knit communities.
  • The community will grow a community of support and resources.
  • Society will grow into a society of norms and values.
  • The culture will grow into a culture of art and traditions.
  • The language will grow into a language of communication.
  • The tradition will grow into a tradition of celebration and history.
  • The custom will grow a custom of practices and beliefs.
  • The belief will grow into a belief of faith and spirituality.
  • The religion will grow into a religion of worship and theology.
  • The philosophy will grow into a philosophy of ideas and theories.
  • Science will grow into a science of knowledge and discovery.
  • The technology will grow into a technology of innovation and progress.
  • The business will grow a business of profit and success.
  • The brand will grow brand recognition and loyalty.
  • The product will grow a product of quality and demand.
  • The service will grow into a service of satisfaction and loyalty.
  • The company will grow a customer base of loyal customers.


  1. Ask Collocations List
  2. Break Collocations List
  3. Carry Collocations List
  4. Catch Collocations List

Collocations With Grow