50+ List of Adjectives + Prepositions Combinations

As an ESL student, learning how to use adjectives and prepositions can be tricky. But with this list of 50+ adjectives and prepositions, you’ll have everything you need to improve your language skills! Just review the list, practice using the words in sentences, and you’ll be speaking like a pro in no time! So what are you waiting for? Start learning today!

Adjective + Prepositions List

  • Hooked on
  • Grateful to
  • Amazed at/by
  • Popular with
  • Based on
  • Suitable for
  • Capable of
  • Upset about/with
  • Jealous of
  • Anxious about
  • Proud of
  • Crazy about
  • Worried about
  • Excited about
  • Attached to
  • Satisfied with
  • Guilty of
  • Crowded with
  • Addicted to
  • Married to
  • Famous for
  • Bad at
  • Similar to
  • Envious of
  • Bored with
  • Surprised at/by
  • Cruel to
  • Identical to
  • Fed up with
  • Allergic to
  • Polite to
  • Afraid of
  • Opposed to
  • Keen on
  • Kind to
  • Associated with
  • Responsible for
  • Fond of
  • Different from/to
  • Aware of
  • Sick of
  • Annoyed about/with/at
  • Pleased with
  • Enthusiastic about
  • Angry about/with
  • Patient to
  • Ashamed of
  • Related to
  • Good at
  • Clever at
  • Used to
  • Impressed with
  • Mad about/at
  • Familiar with/to

Adjective + Preposition

List of Adjectives + Prepositions with Meaning

Adjectives + “about”

  • anxious about – feeling worried or nervous.
  • excited about – feeling enthusiastic and eager.
  • serious about – having a sincere intention or thought.
  • passionate about – having strong feelings or a strong belief.
  • happy about – feeling pleased or content.
  • upset about – feeling distressed or troubled.
  • optimistic about – hopeful and confident about the future.
  • pessimistic about – expecting the worst possible outcome.
  • confused about – unable to understand or think clearly.
  • indifferent about – having no particular interest or sympathy.

Adjectives + “at”

  • good at – having the ability to do something well.
  • terrible at – very bad at doing something.
  • skilled at – having a special ability in a task.
  • amazed at – greatly surprised or impressed.
  • angry at – feeling strong annoyance or displeasure.
  • efficient at – achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort.
  • surprised at – feeling mild shock or astonishment.
  • talented at – having a natural aptitude or skill.
  • useless at – not able to do something well.
  • proficient at – competent or skilled in doing something.

Adjectives + “by”

  • amazed by – greatly surprised or impressed by someone or something.
  • fascinated by – extremely interested in.
  • inspired by – given the urge or ability to do or feel something.
  • surprised by – unexpectedly impressed by something.
  • shocked by – caused to feel surprised and upset.
  • impressed by – admiring someone or something deeply.
  • disturbed by – upset or worried by something.
  • appalled by – greatly dismayed or horrified.
  • excited by – very enthusiastic and eager about something.
  • disgusted by – feeling strong disapproval or revulsion.

Adjectives + “for”

  • ready for – fully prepared.
  • famous for – known about by many people.
  • grateful for – feeling or showing thanks.
  • sorry for – feeling regret or penitence.
  • responsible for – being the cause of something.
  • necessary for – needed to be done, achieved, or present.
  • prepared for – made ready or fit.
  • important for – of great significance or value.
  • eligible for – qualified or entitled to something.
  • late for – not arriving until after the expected time.

Adjectives + “in”

  • interested in – showing curiosity or concern about something.
  • successful in – achieving desired aims or attaining prosperity.
  • rich in – containing a large amount of.
  • poor in – lacking in.
  • confident in – feeling or showing confidence.
  • skilled in – having the skills in a specific field.
  • proficient in – competent or skilled in doing or using something.
  • experienced in – having knowledge or skill in a particular area.
  • involved in – participating in an activity or event.
  • interested in – having an interest in doing or learning something.

adjectives and prepositions