50 Examples of Possessive Pronouns in Sentences

Possessive pronouns are a type of pronoun in English grammar that is used to indicate ownership. They can be found in many different types of sentences, from simple conversations to more formal written texts. Knowing how to use possessive pronouns correctly is essential for communicating effectively in any language. In this article, we will provide 50 examples of possessive pronouns in different contexts.

Related: 100 Examples of Possessive Pronouns

50 Examples of Possessive Pronouns in Sentences

  1. Mine is the book on the table.
  2. Is this pen yours or mine?
  3. He said the decision was his to make.
  4. The final choice should be hers, not ours.
  5. That car is ours, not theirs.
  6. The house over there is theirs, not ours.
  7. Is that dog yours?
  8. The responsibility is mine, not yours.
  9. The victory was all his, thanks to his hard work.
  10. The garden with the roses is hers.
  11. This project is ours; we worked on it together.
  12. That space is theirs; we should not interfere.
  13. The fault was mine, and I accept it.
  14. The idea was originally yours, wasn’t it?
  15. The success of the mission was his to celebrate.
  16. The artwork displayed in the gallery is hers.
  17. The apartment on the top floor is ours.
  18. The luggage by the door is theirs; they’re leaving today.
  19. The mistake was mine; I misunderstood the instructions.
  20. That wonderful aroma coming from the kitchen is all hers; she’s an excellent cook.
  21. This seat is mine; I’ve reserved it.
  22. Is this jacket yours? It looks similar to mine.
  23. The winning goal was his; he scored in the last minute.
  24. The beautiful painting in the living room is hers.
  25. The idea to start a book club was ours.
  26. That vacation plan sounds amazing; is it theirs?
  27. The responsibility for this task is mine alone.
  28. I can’t find my notebook; is this one yours?
  29. The credit for this invention goes to him; it was all his idea.
  30. All the recipes in this cookbook are hers; she’s a fantastic chef.
  31. The decision to move to a new city was ours.
  32. Are those keys yours? I found them on the desk.
  33. The championship trophy was his after years of hard work.
  34. The collection of vintage cars is theirs; they’ve been collecting for years.
  35. This apology is mine to make; I was wrong.
  36. Is this homework assignment yours? It’s not mine.
  37. The triumph in the debate competition was his; he outperformed everyone.
  38. The design for the new garden is hers; she’s an amazing landscape artist.
  39. The initiative to clean up the beach was ours.
  40. That innovative business model is theirs; they presented it last week.
  41. The mistake in the report was mine; I’ll correct it.
  42. This laptop is yours, right? You left it in the meeting room.
  43. The record-breaking performance was his; he trained incredibly hard for it.
  44. The collection of rare books in the library is hers.
  45. The plan to renovate the community center was ours.
  46. The creative project displayed in the hall is theirs; they’ve been working on it for months.
  47. Admitting the error in judgment is mine; I should have been more careful.
  48. This smartphone is yours, isn’t it? It looks just like the one you showed me.
  49. The distinction of being the first to climb the peak was his.
  50. That impressive array of homemade jams is hers; she makes them every summer.

50 Examples of Possessive Pronouns in Sentences