5 Examples of Intransitive Verbs (Sentences and Explanation)

5 Examples of Intransitive Verbs in Sentences! Verbs are an integral part of the English language, and intransitive verbs are a specific type of verb that does not require an object to complete their meaning. Knowing which verbs are intransitive helps one understand sentence structure and grammatical correctness. In this article, five examples of intransitive verbs will be provided with accompanying sentences and explanations. Each example will demonstrate how intransitive verbs can be used in a variety of contexts.

Related: 100 Examples of Intransitive Verbs

Intransitive Verb: An intransitive verb is a verb that doesn’t take an object. In other words, it doesn’t require a direct object to complete its meaning.

Examples of Intransitive Verbs

Here are five examples of intransitive verbs in sentences:

1. She sneezed loudly.

In this sentence, the intransitive verb is “sneezed.” It doesn’t require an object to complete its meaning. The subject “she” is the one performing the action of sneezing.

2. The flowers bloomed beautifully.

The intransitive verb in this sentence is “bloomed.” It doesn’t require an object to complete its meaning. The subject “flowers” is the one that is blooming.

3. He sleeps peacefully.

The intransitive verb in this sentence is “sleeps.” It doesn’t require an object to complete its meaning. The subject “he” is the one that is sleeping.

4. The bird flew away.

The intransitive verb in this sentence is “flew.” It doesn’t require an object to complete its meaning. The subject “bird” is the one that is flying away.

5. The child laughed uncontrollably.

The intransitive verb in this sentence is “laughed.” It doesn’t require an object to complete its meaning. The subject “child” is the one that is laughing uncontrollably.

Intransitive verbs are important to know because they can help you to identify the subject of a sentence and understand the action that is taking place. It is also important to note that some verbs can be both transitive and intransitive, depending on the context in which they are used.

5 Examples of Intransitive Verbs in Sentences