30 Common Collocation Words List

30 Common Collocation Words! One of the challenges of learning English is understanding and using collocations. Collocations are words that go together, like “make a decision” or “take action.” While you can often guess the meaning of collocation by looking at the individual words, it can be difficult to know which ones to use in certain situations.

This blog post will define collocations and provide a list of common English collocations for ESL students to reference. With practice, using collocations will become second nature and help you sound more like a native speaker.

Common Collocations

30 Collocation Words List

  • Ask card

Please ask card before using the device.

  • Do the shopping

I’ll do the shopping tomorrow morning.

  • Say no more

“Fine,” she said, “say no more.”

  • Grow vegetables

We grow vegetables in our backyard.

  • Keep someone’s place

He’ll keep someone’s place in line.

  • Take a shower

I need to take a shower now.

  • Go a rest

You should go a rest awhile.

  • Pay one’s respects

They went to pay one’s respects.

  • Play over

The scene will play over again.

  • Carry cargo

Ships carry cargo across the ocean.

  • Lose weight

She’s determined to lose weight this year.

  • Say nothing

During the meeting, he said nothing.

  • Catch someone’s attention

Bright colors often catch someone’s attention.

  • Save money

It’s wise to save money regularly.

  • Tell somebody the way

Can you tell somebody the way home?

  • Go a drink

Let’s go a drink after work.

  • Keep sth to yourself

You should keep sth to yourself.

  • Play music

He loves to play music loudly.

  • Give evidence

The witness came to give evidence.

  • Grow hair

It takes time to grow hair out.

  • Make a sound

The device didn’t make a sound.

  • Pay well

This job does pay well, fortunately.

  • Get drunk

It’s easy to get drunk quickly.

  • Have a conversation

We should have a conversation about it.

  • Make breakfast

I’ll make breakfast for everyone tomorrow.

  • Do business

It’s crucial to do business ethically.

  • Fall in love

They fell in love instantly.

  • Get worried

It’s natural to get worried sometimes.

  • Give a description

She had to give a description of the thief.

  • Come in last

Sadly, I came in last in the race.


  1. 20 Common Collocation Words
  2. 10 Common Collocation Words
  3. 40 Common Collocation Words
  4. 50 Common Collocation Words

30 common collocations