3 Degrees of Large, Comparative Degree of Large, Superlative Degree of Large

Meaning of Large: very big in size

Comparative and Superlative Degree of Large

Comparative degree of large is larger, superlative degree of large is largest.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
Large larger largest

Examples Using Positive Degree Of Large:

  • The elephant is a large animal in the zoo.
  • We need a large table for the dinner party.
  • She purchased a large bag to carry her belongings.
  • The company has a large office in the city.
  • The garden has a large variety of flowers.
  • He lives in a large house with a swimming pool.
  • The mall has a large selection of clothing stores.
  • The ship sailed across the large ocean.
  • The factory produces a large number of goods.
  • We went on a hike through a large forest.

Example Using Comparative Degree Of Large:

  • The elephant is larger than any other animal in the zoo.
  • We need a larger table for the dinner party.
  • She purchased a larger bag to carry her belongings.
  • The company has a larger office in the city.
  • The garden has a larger variety of flowers than before.
  • He lives in a larger house with a swimming pool.
  • The mall has larger department stores compared to others.
  • The ship sailed across a larger ocean than expected.
  • The factory produces larger quantities of goods now.
  • We went on a hike through a larger forest than anticipated.

Example Using Superlative Degree Of Large:

  • The elephant is the largest animal in the zoo.
  • We need the largest table for the dinner party.
  • She purchased the largest bag to carry her belongings.
  • The company has the largest office in the city.
  • The garden has the largest variety of flowers in town.
  • He lives in the largest house with a swimming pool.
  • The mall has the largest selection of clothing stores around.
  • The ship sailed across the largest ocean in the world.
  • The factory produces the largest quantity of goods in the industry.
  • We went on a hike through the largest forest in the country.

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Complete List: Degree of Adjectives