3 Degrees of Kind, Comparative Degree of Kind, Superlative Degree of Kind

Meaning of Kind:  having or showing a gentle nature

Comparative and Superlative Degree of Kind

The comparative degree of the kind is the kinder, superlative degree of the kind is the kindest.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
Kind kinder kindest

Examples Using Positive Degree Of Kind:

  • She is a kind person who always helps others.
  • The teacher showed kind patience with her students.
  • We received a kind gesture from our neighbors.
  • He has a kind heart and always volunteers.
  • The organization does kind acts of charity.
  • The nurse was very kind and comforting to the patient.
  • They offered us a kind invitation to their party.
  • The couple showed kind hospitality to their guests.
  • The child shared his toys with a kind smile.
  • It was a kind act of generosity that touched our hearts.

Example Using Comparative Degree Of Kind:

  • She is kinder than anyone I know.
  • The new teacher is kinder than the previous one.
  • He spoke in a kinder tone after the misunderstanding.
  • My sister is kinder to animals than I am.
  • The neighbor’s offer was kinder than expected.
  • His words were kinder than I had anticipated.
  • She is kinder to strangers than most people.
  • The manager’s approach was kinder than I had imagined.
  • The gesture made me feel kinder towards them.
  • He is kinder to his siblings than to his friends.

Example Using Superlative Degree Of Kind:

  • She is the kindest person I’ve ever met.
  • The teacher showed the kindest patience with her students.
  • We received the kindest gesture from our neighbors.
  • He has the kindest heart and always volunteers.
  • The organization does the kindest acts of charity.
  • The nurse was the kindest and most comforting to the patient.
  • They offered us the kindest invitation to their party.
  • The couple showed the kindest hospitality to their guests.
  • The child shared his toys with the kindest smile.
  • It was the kindest act of generosity that touched our hearts.

Explore More Adjectives:

Complete List: Degree of Adjectives