3 Degrees of Angry, Comparative Degree of Angry, Superlative Degree of Angry

3 Degrees of Angry, Comparative Degree of Angry, Superlative Degree of Angry

Comparative and Superlative Degree of Angry

The comparative degree of angry is angrier and the Superlative degree of angry is angriest. Here is the comparative and superlative degree for angry.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
Angry angrier angriest

Examples Using Positive Degree of angry:

  • He was angry when he found out the truth.
  • She gave me an angry look after I spilled the drink.
  • I could hear his angry voice from the other room.
  • The customer was angry about the poor service.
  • My boss was angry because I missed the deadline.
  • The child’s angry tantrum made everyone uncomfortable.
  • They had an angry argument over the disagreement.
  • The teacher had an angry expression on her face.
  • I received an angry email from my neighbor about the noise.
  • His angry reaction surprised everyone in the room.

Example Using Comparative Degree of angry:

  • He was angrier than I had ever seen him before.
  • She became angrier as the argument escalated.
  • My boss was angrier today than yesterday.
  • The customer grew angrier as they waited longer.
  • Their angrier tone of voice made the situation tense.
  • He got angrier when he realized he was being lied to.
  • The teacher’s face turned even angrier as the student argued back.
  • The email response was even angrier than I expected.
  • The dog’s growl sounded angrier as we approached.
  • He became angrier and angrier as the conversation continued.

Example Using Superlative Degree of angry:

  • He was the angriest I had ever seen him.
  • She became the angriest person in the room.
  • My boss was the angriest I’ve ever seen him today.
  • The customer was the angriest customer I’ve encountered.
  • Their argument escalated to the angriest level.
  • He was the angriest person in the entire building.
  • The teacher’s face turned the angriest shade of red.
  • The email response was the angriest I’ve ever received.
  • The dog’s growl was the angriest I’ve heard from him.
  • He became the angriest and most frustrated person in the room.

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Complete List: Degree of Adjectives