3 Degrees of Sleepy, Comparative Degree of Sleepy, Superlative Degree of Sleepy

Meaning of Sleepy: needing or ready for sleep.

Comparative and Superlative Degree of Sleepy

Comparative degree of Sleepy is sleepier, superlative degree of Sleepy is sleepiest.

Comparative and Superlative Degree of Sleepy

Adjective Comparative Superlative
Sleepy sleepier sleepiest

Examples Using Positive Degree Of Sleepy:

  • I feel sleepy after a long day at work.
  • The baby looked sleepy and yawned softly.
  • He stayed up all night and now he’s sleepy.
  • She felt so sleepy that she could barely keep her eyes open.
  • After a relaxing massage, I feel pleasantly sleepy.
  • The warm, cozy bed made her feel wonderfully sleepy.
  • The rhythmic sound of rain made him feel sleepy.
  • I love the feeling of being sleepy on a rainy day.
  • The soft music helped me drift into a peaceful, sleepy state.
  • A warm cup of chamomile tea makes me feel pleasantly sleepy.

Example Using Comparative Degree Of Sleepy:

  • I feel sleepier today than I did yesterday.
  • She looked even sleepier after the long flight.
  • The lack of sleep made him feel sleepier than ever.
  • After running a marathon, I felt much sleepier than usual.
  • The early morning hours made everyone feel sleepier.
  • I am sleepier in the mornings compared to evenings.
  • He felt sleepier after staying up late studying.
  • The warm temperature made me feel even sleepier.
  • As the day progressed, she felt sleepier and more tired.
  • The sound of rain made me feel even sleepier.

Example Using Superlative Degree Of Sleepy:

  • I am the sleepiest person in the morning.
  • After the long hike, he was the sleepiest of the group.
  • The warm blanket made her feel the sleepiest she had ever been.
  • The lack of sleep made him the sleepiest person in the room.
  • After a week of intense work, I was the sleepiest I had ever been.
  • The early morning hours made everyone feel the sleepiest they had ever felt.
  • She was the sleepiest person in the office after the night shift.
  • The relaxing spa treatment made me feel the sleepiest I had felt in ages.
  • After the long flight, he was the sleepiest he had ever been.
  • The cozy bed and soothing music made her feel the sleepiest she had ever felt.

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