20 Examples of Adverbs of Time in Sentences

Time is an integral part of language, and adverbs of time are an important part of expressing ideas. Adverbs of time help to add clarity and precision to a sentence by providing information regarding when an event or action takes place. In this article, we will explore 20 examples of adverbs of time in sentences, as well as discuss the various types and uses of adverbs of time.

Want More? Here are 100 Examples of Adverbs of Time

Examples of Adverbs of Time in Sentences

  1. They annually host a charity event.
  2. The flowers bloom every spring.
  3. He sometimes takes the bus to work.
  4. The store recently underwent renovation.
  5. We’ll start the project next week.
  6. She finally received the package yesterday.
  7. I have to leave in a few minutes.
  8. The meeting was originally scheduled for Friday.
  9. They seldom watch television.
  10. I immediately knew something was wrong.
  11. We periodically review our policies.
  12. He eventually apologized for his mistake.
  13. The library is closed on Sundays.
  14. She currently works from home.
  15. I earlier mentioned the main issue.
  16. The stars are visible at night.
  17. He briefly visited the office this morning.
  18. We regularly update our software.
  19. She then realized she had forgotten her keys.
  20. The plane will land shortly.

20 Examples of Adverbs of Time in Sentences