20 Examples of Correlative Conjunctions in Sentences

20 Examples of Correlative Conjunctions in Sentences! The English language is rich in conjunctions. These words are used to join together ideas and create meaningful sentences. Correlative conjunctions are a type of conjunction used to connect two equivalent words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence. In this article, we’ll explore 20 examples of corelative conjunctions in sentences. From simple comparisons to more complex ones, you’ll get a better grasp on how these conjunctions can be used in different contexts.

What is a Correlative Conjunction?

A correlative conjunction is a type of conjunction that works in pairs to connect two parts of a sentence that have equal importance. Correlative conjunctions are used to join words, phrases, or clauses, and they always come in pairs.

Correlative Conjunctions Words

The most common correlative conjunctions are:

  • Either/or
  • Neither/nor
  • Such/that
  • Not only/but also
  • Whether/or
  • Both/and
  • As many/as
  • Rather/than
  • No sooner/than

These pairs of words work together to show a relationship between two ideas or concepts. Correlative conjunctions are often used to add balance, emphasis, or clarity to a sentence.

20 Examples of Correlative Conjunctions in Sentences

20 Examples of Correlative Conjunctions in Sentences

  1. Either you study hard or you fail the exam.
  2. Neither the teacher nor the students knew the answer to the question.
  3. Such was his intelligence that he solved the problem in a matter of seconds.
  4. Not only did he win the race, but he also broke the world record.
  5. I am unsure whether I should go to the party or stay home.
  6. Both the parents and the children enjoyed the picnic in the park.
  7. He has as many books as his friend who is a librarian.
  8. I would rather have pizza than Chinese food for dinner.
  9. No sooner had he finished his breakfast than he started working on his project.
  10. Either you come with us to the beach or you stay at home alone.
  11. Neither the movie nor the book lived up to my expectations.
  12. Such was her kindness that she always volunteered to help those in need.
  13. Not only did she graduate with honors, but she also landed a job at a top company.
  14. Either you can come to the party or you can stay at home.
  15. Neither the teacher nor the students knew the answer to the difficult question.
  16. Such was the intensity of the storm that many trees were uprooted.
  17. Not only did he complete the project on time, but also he did it with great precision.
  18. I haven’t decided yet whether I should go for a walk or stay indoors.
  19. Both the father and the son are engineers.
  20. You can choose as many colors as you want for your painting.

20 Examples of Corelative Conjunctions in Sentences

Correlative Conjunctions Exercises

Here are some correlative conjunctions exercises with answers:

Exercise 1: Identify the correlative conjunction in each sentence.

  1. Either we go to the beach or we stay at home.

Answer: Either…or

  1. Neither the teacher nor the students understood the question.

Answer: Neither…nor

  1. Both the cat and the dog are sleeping.

Answer: Both…and

  1. Whether you like it or not, you have to go to the dentist.

Answer: Whether…or

  1. Not only did she win the race, but she also broke the record.

Answer: Not only…but also

  1. He is not only a great singer, but also an amazing dancer.

Answer: Not only…but also

  1. You can both have ice cream and cake for dessert.

Answer: Both…and

  1. Either you do your homework or you fail the class.

Answer: Either…or

  1. Neither the book nor the movie was very good.

Answer: Neither…nor

  1. Both my parents and my siblings will be coming to the party.

Answer: Both…and

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate correlative conjunction.

  1. _______ you study hard _______ you will do well on the exam.

Answer: Whether…or

  1. _______ the sun is shining _______ it’s raining, I still have to go to work.

Answer: Whether…or

  1. I want to _______ eat pizza _______ watch a movie tonight.

Answer: Either…or

  1. She not only plays the guitar, _______ she also sings beautifully.

Answer: but also

  1. _______ he finishes his homework _______ he can go outside and play.

Answer: Once…then

  1. _______ the team wins the game _______ they will advance to the playoffs.

Answer: If…then

  1. I have _______ a cat _______ a dog, but I prefer cats.

Answer: both…and

  1. _______ you come to the party _______ I will be very happy.

Answer: If…then

  1. _______ the car is expensive _______ it’s also very reliable.

Answer: Not only…but also

  1. _______ I have to work _______ I will be able to take a vacation next month.

Answer: Either…or

I hope this helps!


  1. 15 Examples of Corelative Conjunctions
  2. 10 Examples of Corelative Conjunctions
  3. 5 Examples of Corelative Conjunctions