15 Examples of Comparative Adjectives in Sentences

15 Examples of Comparative Adjectives in Sentences

Related: 100 Examples of Comparative Adjectives

15 Examples of Comparative Adjectives in Sentences

  1. The key that is used is always bright.
  2. There is a big environmental benefit to using electric vehicles.
  3. There are two broad types of approaches that can be distinguished.
  4. He unleashed a barrage of abuse and angry retorts.
  5. Lightning struck the big tree.
  6. Accept no cheap imitations of our product!
  7. My headlights shone down on a broad water ditch.
  8. I won’t be able to attend the meeting because I’ll be too busy.
  9. It is not cheap to obtain a good education.
  10. He sneered at the bitter taste.
  11. The drinking water can become cloudy at times.
  12. Anger swept over her in a bold wave.
  13. It is both cheap and widely available.
  14. Keeping my calm took a lot of effort.
  15. A black ribbon was used to tie her hair back.