100 Most Common Sentences in English | English Speaking Patterns

100 Most Common Sentences in English! Learning English can be challenging, but it’s also immensely rewarding. To help make the process easier, this article will provide you with a list of the 100 most common sentences in English. Knowing the most common sentences can help you understand how to use them in conversation and writing. Being able to recognize these phrases faster can also improve your fluency and comprehension of the language. Here we will go over some useful examples of commonly heard sentences that are used in everyday life.

English Speaking Patterns

English speaking patterns can vary depending on the speaker’s region, cultural background, and level of education. However, there are some common patterns and structures that are often used in spoken English.

  1. Subject-verb-object (SVO) sentence structure: This is the most common sentence structure in English. It involves placing the subject at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the verb, and then the object. For example, “I ate an apple.”
  2. Use of contractions: Contractions are shortened versions of words that are commonly used in spoken English. For example, “I’m” instead of “I am” or “won’t” instead of “will not”.
  3. Use of slang and informal language: In casual conversations, people often use slang and informal language to make the conversation more relaxed and friendly. For example, “Hey, what’s up?” instead of “Hello, how are you?”
  4. Use of phrasal verbs: Phrasal verbs are verbs that are made up of a base verb and one or more prepositions. They are commonly used in English and can be challenging for non-native speakers to learn. For example, “turn off” or “give up”.
  5. Use of intonation and stress: English speakers often use intonation and stress to convey different meanings. Rising intonation at the end of a sentence can indicate a question while stressing a particular word can emphasize its importance in the sentence.

Overall, English speaking patterns can vary widely depending on the context and the speaker’s individual style. However, by learning some common structures and expressions, non-native speakers can improve their ability to communicate effectively in English.

100 most Common Sentences 1

100 Most Common Sentences in English

Below are the most common sentences:

  1. Can you help me, please?
  2. I am working on this job for 2 years.
  3. Where do you work?
  4. What’s the best way to…?
  5. Do you have this in a different size?
  6. What’s your phone number?
  7. How was your day?
  8. Excuse me, where’s the bathroom?
  9. I will not come to the party without you.
  10. Can you give me directions to the nearest gas station?
  11. See you later/goodbye.
  12. She can not speak English, but I can speak English.
  13. Can you tell me a joke?
  14. What time is it?
  15. They won’t come to the party tomorrow.
  16. What’s the weather like?
  17. How much is a taxi to the city center?
  18. Can I have the bill, please?
  19. Joe wants some water.
  20. I can’t speak English, but he can speak English.
  21. Sara is running on the beach.
  22. That’s a great idea!
  23. She is a bad girl.
  24. Hello, how are you?
  25. What’s up?
  26. I’m not sure.
  27. What’s your name?
  28. Have a nice day!
  29. What’s the best way to get around the city?
  30. You’re welcome.
  31. What are your plans for the weekend/holidays, etc.?
  32. What time does the museum open?
  33. What’s the weather like today?
  34. How old are you?
  35. He is eating some lemon juice.
  36. Nice to meet you.
  37. Can I try it on?
  38. What’s your favorite food?
  39. I’m looking for a job/apartment/etc.
  40. I can help you, but he cannot help you.
  41. How do I get to the train station?
  42. Can you recommend a good hotel?
  43. Can I pay in cash?
  44. Mary is a bad girl.
  45. Is there a pharmacy nearby?
  46. It was nice talking to you!
  47. Thank you.
  48. I’m fine, thanks.
  49. He won’t come to the party tomorrow.
  50. What do you do for a living?
  51. She wants to buy some things.
  52. You are sleeping on the couch.
  53. Do you have any hobbies?
  54. How far is the airport from here?
  55. How can I improve my English?
  56. How do you spell that?
  57. What time does the store close?
  58. The boys are playing football.
  59. I don’t have any preference.
  60. Where is the nearest ATM?
  61. What’s your favorite movie?
  62. I’m hungry/thirsty/tired/etc.
  63. Can you repeat that, please?
  64. Where did you learn English?
  65. That’s a good point.
  66. Where is the bathroom?
  67. Do you have any recommendations for restaurants?
  68. I am studying English.
  69. I’m interested in learning more about…?
  70. Sorry, I can’t help you.
  71. I have to go now.
  72. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.
  73. Sorry, I don’t understand.
  74. I don’t understand.
  75. What are your hobbies?
  76. You will not go there.
  77. See you later.
  78. I don’t speak (language).
  79. I can not come to see you today.
  80. Where can I find a good restaurant/coffee shop, etc.?
  81. I want to eat apples.
  82. I can not go there.
  83. How long have you been learning English?
  84. What is your name?
  85. I’m really excited/nervous/worried, etc.
  86. Excuse me, do you have a moment?
  87. You are a good girl.
  88. How long have you been here?
  89. What’s the worst that could happen?
  90. Where can I find a good book?
  91. I am sleeping on the couch.
  92. What’s your favorite color?
  93. What do you recommend?
  94. The boys are working in the garden.
  95. How are you?
  96. The girl is pretty.
  97. Thank you very much.
  98. You will come to the party tomorrow.
  99. I love spending time with my family and friends.
  100. I will play tomorrow.

100 Sentence Patterns For Speaking Practice

  1. She is a professional dancer…
  2. She loves to read books…
  3. She is afraid of heights…
  4. They are planning a surprise party…
  5. They are planning a romantic dinner…
  6. He is an excellent cook…
  7. They are having a party tonight…
  8. He is a good listener…
  9. They are having a family reunion…
  10. She is a fashionista…
  11. He is a successful businessman…
  12. I love to watch movies in my free time…
  13. We are going on a cruise…
  14. She is a fitness enthusiast…
  15. He is a math genius…
  16. He is a sports fan…
  17. We are going to the beach…
  18. They are watching a movie…
  19. I want to learn a new language…
  20. They are arguing about politics…
  21. She is always late…
  22. I like to go for a walk in the park…
  23. She is a dedicated teacher…
  24. They are practicing yoga…
  25. They are celebrating their anniversary…
  26. They are organizing a charity event…
  27. We are going to a comedy show…
  28. They are planning a surprise vacation…
  29. We are going to a museum…
  30. He is studying for his exams…
  31. They are training for a marathon…
  32. I need to make a doctor’s appointment…
  33. They are learning to meditate…
  34. She is a dedicated social worker…
  35. She is a passionate activist…
  36. She is a dog lover…
  37. He is a skilled carpenter…
  38. She is looking for a job…
  39. They are discussing a business proposal…
  40. I love to watch sports on TV…
  41. We should get some rest…
  42. She is a great listener…
  43. He enjoys playing video games…
  44. He doesn’t like spicy food…
  45. He is a fitness coach…
  46. She is working on a new project…
  47. He is a master chef…
  48. They are good friends…
  49. He is a history buff…
  50. He is a talented artist…
  51. We are having a picnic in the park…
  52. We are having a barbecue in the backyard…
  53. She is a skilled hair stylist…
  54. They are going to have a baby…
  55. She is a caring nurse…
  56. He is a hard worker…
  57. He is a computer programmer…
  58. We are planning a weekend getaway…
  59. He is a talented photographer…
  60. She is taking care of her sick mother…
  61. I love to go to the beach and swim…
  62. They are volunteering at a homeless shelter…
  63. We are going to a soccer game…
  64. We are going to a theme park…
  65. I need to finish writing my report…
  66. They are going to a concert…
  67. We have to finish this project…
  68. He is a talented graphic designer…
  69. I love to travel and see new places…
  70. She is trying to lose weight…
  71. They are saving money for a vacation…
  72. They are renovating their house…
  73. She is a nature lover…
  74. She is an animal rights activist…
  75. She is a creative writer…
  76. She is a successful lawyer…
  77. I need to do some laundry…
  78. We are having dinner with friends tonight…
  79. He is feeling sick…
  80. They are learning a new dance routine…
  81. He is working on his computer…
  82. He is a successful author…
  83. He is taking a break from work…
  84. She is interested in learning about different cultures…
  85. I need to go grocery shopping…
  86. He is a history teacher…
  87. We are going to a music festival…
  88. She is a good singer…
  89. He is very busy today…
  90. I need to buy some groceries…
  91. They are going to a wedding…
  92. They are going on a road trip…
  93. He is a skilled mechanic…
  94. They are discussing their future plans…
  95. She is learning to play the guitar…
  96. I like to go hiking in the mountains…
  97. He is an avid reader…
  98. I need to clean my house…
  99. They are taking a photography class…
  100. She is a great cook…


  1. Common English Sentences Used In Daily Life
  2. Common English Phrases For Conversation
  3. Most Common English Phrases