100 Examples of Descriptive Adjectives in Sentences

100 Examples of Descriptive Adjectives in Sentences! Grammatical knowledge is important in all aspects of communication, particularly writing. One important part of grammar is adjectives, which help to describe nouns. Descriptive adjectives are an especially important type of adjective that can be beneficial to understand when constructing sentences. In this article, 100 examples of descriptive adjectives in sentences will be provided to give an illustrative understanding of how they are used.

What is a Descriptive Adjective?

A descriptive adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun by providing additional information about its qualities or characteristics. Descriptive adjectives are used to give more detail and depth to a sentence, and can help to create a vivid image in the reader’s mind.

For example, in the sentence “The tall, dark-haired man walked slowly down the street,” the adjectives “tall” and “dark-haired” are descriptive adjectives that provide more information about the man. They help the reader to form a more specific mental picture of the man, beyond just “man.”

Other examples of descriptive adjectives include “blue,” “shiny,” “happy,” “fast,” “spacious,” “old,” “new,” “delicious,” and “fragrant.”

100 Examples of Descriptive Adjectives

  1. Lethargic
  2. Incredible
  3. Grieving
  4. Adorable
  5. Long
  6. Ignorant
  7. Complicated
  8. Broad
  9. Ordinary
  10. Resilient
  11. High
  12. Insidious
  13. Curious
  14. Juicy
  15. Handsome
  16. Dusty
  17. Perfect
  18. Furious
  19. Icy
  20. Dense
  21. Moody
  22. Cute
  23. Majestic
  24. Dry
  25. Huge
  26. Fragile
  27. Disturbed
  28. Depressed
  29. Creepy
  30. Massive
  31. Dangerous
  32. Elated
  33. Horrible
  34. Plump
  35. Light
  36. Real
  37. Overwhelming
  38. Invincible
  39. Romantic
  40. Poised
  41. Hidden
  42. Quiet
  43. Ratty
  44. Great
  45. Boisterous
  46. Full
  47. Prideful
  48. Glamorous
  49. Miniature
  50. Fearful
  51. Cheap
  52. Confused
  53. Clumsy
  54. Mad
  55. Lazy
  56. Comfortable
  57. Important
  58. Inquisitive
  59. Melancholy
  60. Peaceful
  61. Loud
  62. Embarrassed
  63. Rancid
  64. Cozy
  65. Intense
  66. Broken
  67. Pungent
  68. Clean
  69. Natural
  70. Mossy
  71. Repulsive
  72. Pesky
  73. Haunted
  74. Rotten
  75. Deep
  76. Greedy
  77. Palpable
  78. Putrid
  79. Faithful
  80. Fancy
  81. Proud
  82. Jumpy
  83. Empty
  84. Intimidating
  85. Ample
  86. Noisy
  87. Immense
  88. Magical
  89. Grateful
  90. Frightened
  91. Flaky
  92. Rippling
  93. Nutty
  94. Ancient
  95. Dull
  96. Ideal
  97. Messy
  98. Mighty
  99. Enormous
  100. Lumpy

100 Examples of Descriptive Adjectives in Sentences

100 Examples of Descriptive Adjectives in Sentences

  1. The book’s characters are vividly depicted.
  2. He has a bright future ahead of him.
  3. His letter raises many puzzling issues.
  4. Every brave man is a man who keeps his promises.
  5. Julie now appears to be relaxing a little.
  6. Paintings that are gay and relaxing appeal to me.
  7. Her ankle stockings were wrinkled.
  8. It was a very bright day.
  9. The instructions were a little complicated to follow.
  10. Others were as darkly blue as mountains in the distance.
  11. Try soaking in a hot tub with some relaxing bath oil.
  12. I recall our first meeting vividly.
  13. His grin wrinkled his face.
  14. The bright lights were hurting her eyes.
  15. His most recent works are perhaps the most puzzling.
  16. Consider the bright side of things.
  17. Animal husbandry on the grassland is rapidly evolving.
  18. Brave acts are never accompanied by a trumpet.
  19. It all appears to be quite complicated.
  20. You don’t have to feel guilty for relaxing.
  21. The broken pipe let loose a torrent of water.
  22. Make an effort to make each day joyful and meaningful.
  23. He began solemnly, ‘I have some distressing news for you.’
  24. His brow wrinkled in concentration.
  25. We have three adorable kids.
  26. I’m planning on relaxing it easy this weekend.
  27. Mary and John’s engagement has broken to an end.
  28. These germs multiply rapidly in warm weather.
  29. The broken pipe let loose a torrent of water.
  30. Conflicts between politics and art are vividly depicted in the film.
  31. Even if a brave man falls, he will not surrender.
  32. All week, Ted Robinson has been worried.
  33. A bright young man picks things up quickly.
  34. She vividly narrated the entire story.
  35. In the hearth, a bright fire was burning.
  36. The story was extremely distressing to me.
  37. She was witness to some distressing events.
  38. In the bright sunlight, the water glistened.
  39. Against the bright light, I closed my eyes.
  40. The water was wrinkled by the wind, which created waves.
  41. The cost of housing has risen rapidly.
  42. In the sun, the puddle rapidly evaporated.
  43. He rapidly rigged up all of the electric wires.
  44. Frequently, a nurse stood alone, in adorable vigil.
  45. Alex’s brow wrinkled in response to the odor.
  46. He walked away from the accident without any broken bones.
  47. It was “a most unhappy and distressing case,” he said.
  48. Carter’s brow wrinkled in concentration.
  49. The issues became irrationally complicated.
  50. In the gentle breeze, palm trees swayed lazily.
  51. A complicated buttoned flap was used to close the jacket.
  52. All who witnessed the distressing scene were appalled.
  53. The peasant’s wrinkled face is palmed.
  54. His mind was brimming with bright ideas.
  55. For weeks, she’s been perplexed by his strange letter.
  56. He pulled off a spectacular acrobatic feat.
  57. The two rapidly turned into mortal enemies.
  58. The structure of a flower is quite complicated.
  59. The city is served by a complicated sewer system.
  60. After twenty minutes, I became worried.
  61. I’m worried about my wife’s safety.
  62. There’s nothing complicated about it.
  63. Even happiness is worried as we walked slowly.
  64. He hinted darkly that something wasn’t right.
  65. The number of students is rapidly increasing.
  66. He yawned and stretched lazily.
  67. Campbell’s broken leg will almost certainly necessitate surgery.
  68. Ari sat back and watched it grow louder and louder.
  69. She gave me a worried expression.
  70. Her eyes were darkly burning.
  71. Frannie frowned at her daughter and wrinkled her nose.
  72. His brow wrinkled in disgust.
  73. On a shard of broken glass, I cut myself.
  74. The key that is used is always bright.
  75. Young, bright, and energetic, with a strong desire to advance in their careers.
  76. This is a plot-complicated novel.
  77. I sat quietly for a few hours, relaxing.
  78. They did some incredible acrobatic feats.
  79. What an adorable little one!
  80. She was cut by shards of broken glass.
  81. It’s distressing to see an animal in pain.
  82. The novel by Arjelo vividly depicts 15th-century Spain.
  83. English spelling can be puzzling at times.
  84. Oh, what an adorable baby!
  85. The thief had broken through a window.
  86. Elaine turned and walked away, waving her hand lazily.
  87. In the sudden bright sunlight, Anna squinted.
  88. She was the offspring of a broken marriage.
  89. His poetry vividly depicts working-class life in vivid detail.
  90. The calves were adorably adorable.
  91. On the foggy moor, his figure could be seen darkly.
  92. Junior ranks were becoming rapidly dissatisfied.
  93. He spoke darkly of impending disaster.
  94. She has a two-year-old daughter who is adorable.
  95. He was brave in the face of danger.
  96. Josephine was bright, vivacious, and upbeat.
  97. The boat had broken itself from the moorings.
  98. For children, Christmas is a joyful occasion.
  99. This is a very puzzling situation.
  100. The brave man puts his life on the line, but not his morals.


  1. 50 Examples of Descriptive Adjectives
  2. 20 Examples of Descriptive Adjectives
  3. 15 Examples of Descriptive Adjectives
  4. 10 Examples of Descriptive Adjectives
  5. 5 Examples of Descriptive Adjectives