Happy is the word used when we have done something good or expecting something good. Here is the list of different synonyms of word happy. After this you will be able to answer what is synonym of happy.
Synonyms of Happy Video Lesson
What is synonyms of happy?
- Amused
- beaming
- better
- blessed
- blest
- blissful
- blissful
- blithe
- blithe
- bright
- buoyant
- cheerful
- cheery
- chipper
- chirpy
- chuffed
- content
- contented
- convivial
- delighted
- ecstatic
- ecstatic
- elated
- euphoric
- exhilarated
- exultant
- exultant
- felicitous
- festive
- fortunate
- genial
- glad
- Gleeful
- gratified
- heaven
- in seventh heaven
- in the good mood
- jocular
- jolly
- jovial
- joyful
- joyous
- jubilant
- jubilant
- lively
- lucky
- merry
- mirthful
- on the cloud nine
- on top of the world
- over the moon
- overjoyed
- peaceful
- pleasant
- pleased
- radiant
- rapturous
- satisfied
- satisfied
- sunny
- thrilled
- upbeat
- walking on air
Also check. Synonyms