30+ Slang for Suicide (Their Uses & Meanings)

What does Suicide Mean?

Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one’s own death, often stemming from mental or emotional distress. It is a serious public health issue with complex underlying causes.

Slang For Suicide

Slang Words for Suicide

Here is the list of slang words for Suicide with meanings:

  1. Endgame: Final, often negative, outcome.
  2. Checkout: Depart permanently, often tragically.
  3. Exit: To leave, sometimes forever.
  4. Offing: Act of self-harm or killing.
  5. Bail: To give up or leave.
  6. Tapout: Admit defeat or give up.
  7. Lights-out: The end or conclusion.
  8. Game over: The end, often negatively.
  9. Clock out: To depart or end something.
  10. Fade: Disappear or diminish.
  11. Drop: Fall or give up.
  12. Cash in: Surrender or give up.
  13. Bite it: Fail or fall hard.
  14. Fold: To give up or surrender.
  15. Dip: Leave or exit suddenly.
  16. Peace out: Leave, sometimes permanently.
  17. Wipeout: Fail drastically or fall.
  18. Pull the plug: End or terminate.
  19. Curtains: The end or conclusion.
  20. Dust: Disappear or perish.
  21. Buy the farm: Meet a tragic end.
  22. Kick the bucket: Die or perish.
  23. Snuff it: End life or extinguish.
  24. Flatline: Die or stop functioning.
  25. Belly up: Fail or die.
  26. Conk out: Die or stop working.
  27. Croak: Die or perish.
  28. Punch out: Depart or end.
  29. Log off: Leave or end activity.
  30. Pushing daisies: Deceased or buried.

Use of Suicide Slang in Example Sentences

Below are example sentences using the slang term Suicide:

  1. I felt like the project was my endgame.
  2. After the argument, he wanted to checkout.
  3. Sometimes, it feels easier to just exit.
  4. She talked about offing in her dark times.
  5. He couldn’t handle the pressure, so he bailed.
  6. The match was tough; he had to tapout.
  7. When the news arrived, it was lights-out for him.
  8. After the third strike, it’s game over.
  9. Tired of the routine, he might clock out.
  10. As criticism grew, he wanted to fade away.
  11. The pressure became too much, so she dropped.
  12. With no options left, he might cash in.
  13. She lost balance and nearly bit it.
  14. Facing immense debt, the company had to fold.
  15. The news was too much; he dipped instantly.
  16. Without a goodbye, he decided to peace out.
  17. Without practice, he’s sure to wipeout during the race.
  18. If the business doesn’t improve, we’ll pull the plug.
  19. When the verdict came, it was curtains for him.
  20. After his speech, he quickly dusted from the scene.
  21. He took such risks; he might buy the farm.
  22. My old computer finally kicked the bucket.
  23. The old lamp might snuff it soon.
  24. The heart monitor began to flatline tragically.
  25. The business went belly up after the scandal.
  26. During the race, my car just conked out.
  27. The sick fish might croak soon.
  28. After working hard, I need to punch out.
  29. I’ll log off the system for the night.
  30. In that movie, the hero ends up pushing daisies.

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