20+ Slang for Heroin (Their Uses & Meanings)

What does Heroin Mean?

Heroin is an illegal, highly addictive opioid drug derived from morphine. It is commonly injected, snorted, or smoked to produce intense euphoria.

Slang For Heroin

Slang Words for Heroin

  1. Smack – Pure form of heroin
  2. Horse – A street name for heroin
  3. China White – Pure, high-quality heroin
  4. Black Tar – Dark, gummy heroin
  5. Junk – General term for heroin
  6. Dragon – Refers to chasing the high
  7. Skag – Low-quality heroin
  8. Brown Sugar – Unrefined heroin
  9. Dope – Another general term for heroin
  10. H – Short form for heroin
  11. Boy – Slang specifically for heroin
  12. Big H – A common nickname for heroin
  13. Chiva – Spanish slang for heroin
  14. Snowball – Heroin and cocaine mix
  15. Gear – UK slang for heroin
  16. Thunder – Strong, potent heroin
  17. White Lady – High-grade heroin
  18. Scag – Another term for low-quality heroin
  19. Golden Triangle – High-purity heroin
  20. Hell Dust – Extremely potent heroin

Use of Heroin Slang in Example Sentences

  1. She got caught buying smack from a dealer.
  2. He lost everything chasing the horse.
  3. They found China White in his pocket.
  4. He’s addicted to Black Tar, unfortunately.
  5. Don’t mess with that junk; it’s dangerous.
  6. He’s always chasing the dragon for a better high.
  7. She overdosed on skag last year.
  8. Brown Sugar is a dangerous substance.
  9. He’s struggling with a dope addiction.
  10. Police confiscated the H from his car.
  11. She was selling boy to undercover cops.
  12. Stay away from the Big H.
  13. Many don’t even know what Chiva is.
  14. Mixing a snowball is extremely risky.
  15. He had some gear stashed away.
  16. The thunder had him hooked instantly.
  17. She thought the White Lady would solve her problems.
  18. He said Scag was all he could afford.
  19. Golden Triangle heroin is flooding the market.
  20. Just one dose of Hell Dust can be lethal.

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