Type: Adjective/Noun/Verb
Meaning/Definition of fake: Adjective describing something that is not genuine or authentic; Noun referring to a counterfeit or imitation; Verb describing the act of creating a replica or falsifying something.
What is the Opposite of fake?
The Opposite of fake is genuine.
Other Opposites of fake:
Here is the list of all opposites or antonyms of fake:
- absolute
- actual
- authentic
- bona fide
- dinkum
- distilled
- exact
- genuine
- main
- master
- naive
- original
- principal
- pristine
- pure
- real
- true
- veritable
Example Sentences Using Opposites of Fake:
- She was genuine and didn’t pretend or fake anything.
- He authentically expressed his thoughts and didn’t fake his emotions.
- The product was authentic and didn’t have any fake components.
- Instead of being fake, she was real and true to herself.
- The information was verified and not based on fake sources.
- He didn’t engage in deception and didn’t fake his intentions.
- Instead of being fake, she was sincere and didn’t put on a false persona.
- The news was accurate and not based on fake rumors.
- Instead of being fake, he was honest and transparent in his actions.
- The item was genuine and didn’t have any fake qualities.
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