Type: Noun/Verb
Meaning/Definition of lack: Noun referring to the absence or insufficiency of something; Verb describing the state of being without or not having enough of something.
What is the Opposite of lack?
The Opposite of lack is abundance.
Other Opposites of lack:
Here is the list of all opposites or antonyms of lack:
- abundance
- blessing
- cornucopia
- excess
- fertility
- fruitfulness
- opulence
- plenty
- plethora
- profusion
- prosperity
- riches
- richness
- wealth
Example Sentences Using Opposites of Lack:
- She had abundance and didn’t experience any lack.
- He didn’t face any shortage or scarcity of resources.
- The organization had plenty and didn’t suffer from a lack of funding.
- Instead of lacking, she had an abundance of opportunities.
- The project didn’t have any deficiency or lack of necessary elements.
- He had sufficiency and didn’t experience any lack in his life.
- Instead of lacking, she had excess and didn’t need more.
- The product had adequacy and didn’t suffer from a lack of quality.
- Instead of lacking, he had fullness and didn’t need anything else.
- The situation had completeness and didn’t have any missing components.
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