50 Normal English Vs Advanced English – Sentences & PDF

Below is the List of normal English vs advanced English Sentences. Learn this interesting lesson to improve your Spoken English. ESL Pictures of this lesson can also be downloaded in the form of a PDF.

What is Advanced English?

Advanced English language is a super-power language. Advanced English Language skills to strengthen the speaking and listening abilities of ESL students.

Below are some very interesting sentences instead of some simple sentences, that you can use to empower your English speaking and listening.

Normal English Vs Advanced English Sentences

Below is the list of 50 Normal Vs Advance English sentences.:

Normal vs advance english

Normal English: ” How are you? ”

Advanced English: ” How’s it going? ”


Normal English: ” Let’s meet today. ”

Advanced English: ” Let’s catch up today. ”


Normal English: ” Are you mad? ”

Advanced English: ” Are you out of mind? ”


Normal English: ” Good luck bro. ”

Advanced English: ” Break a leg bro. ”


Normal English: ” It’s time to study. ”

Advanced English: ” It’s time to hit the books. ”

advance english sentences

Normal English: ” I’m very hungry. ”

Advanced English: ” I’m starving. ”


Normal English: ” Text me when you get free. ”

Advanced English: ” Hit me up when you get free. ”


Normal English: ” I’m very busy. ”

Advanced English: ” I’m swamped. ”


Normal English: ” Hurry up, we’re getting late. ”

Advanced English: ” Chop chop, we’re getting late. ”


Normal English: ” Keep it a secret. ”

Advanced English: ” Keep it under wraps. ”

advance english sentences

Normal English: ” I like you a lot. ”

Advanced English: ” I’m so into you. ”


Normal English: ” Stop wasting time. ”

Advanced English: ” Stop faffing around. ”


Normal English: ” You are so lucky. ”

Advanced English: ” You are so jammy. ”


Normal English: ” I’m very tired. ”

Advanced English: ” I’m worn out. ”


Normal English: ” I’m very tired. ”

Advanced English: ” I’m exhausted. ”


Normal English: “Senorita! You are so beautiful. ”

Advanced English: “Senorita! You are drop -> dead gorgeous. ”

Normal English Vs Advanced English

Normal English: ” I’m a bit busy. ”

Advanced English: ” I’m a bit tied up. ”


Normal English: ” Why are you so angry? ”

Advanced English: ” Why are you so pissed off? ”


Normal English: ” It’s not so difficult. ”

Advanced English: ” It’s not rocket science. ”


Normal English: ” I’m going to get married tomorrow. ”

Advanced English: ” I’m going to tie the knot tomorrow. ”


Normal English: ” I’m very happy. ”

Advanced English: ” I’m over the moon. ”


Normal English: ” I visit my hometown very rarely. ”

Advanced English: ” I visit my hometown once in a blue moon. ”


Normal English: ” Sorry, I fell asleep. ”

Advanced English: ” Sorry, I nodded off. ”


Normal English: ” I’m fit and healthy. ”

Advanced English: ” I’m fit as a fiddle. ”


Normal English: ” It’s very cold outside. ”

Advanced English: ” It’s freezing outside. ”


Normal English: ” Can I come tomorrow? ”

Advanced English: ” Can I drop in tomorrow? ”

Normal English Vs Advanced English

Normal English Vs Advanced English

20 Advanced English Sentences For Daily Use

Big vs. Enormous:

Normal: “That’s a big house.”
Advanced: “That’s an enormous house.”

Quiet vs. Silent:

Normal: “It’s quiet in here.”
Advanced: “It’s absolutely silent in here.”

Cold vs. Freezing:

Normal: “It’s a bit cold outside.”
Advanced: “It’s absolutely freezing outside.”

Old vs. Ancient:

Normal: “That’s an old book.”
Advanced: “That’s an ancient book.”

Hot vs. Scorching:

Normal: “It’s a hot day today.”
Advanced: “It’s a scorching day today.”

Interesting vs. Fascinating:

Normal: “That’s an interesting article.”
Advanced: “That’s a fascinating article.”

Happy vs. Delighted:

Normal: “I’m happy to see you.”
Advanced: “I’m absolutely delighted to see you.”

Small vs. Petite:

Normal: “She’s a small person.”
Advanced: “She’s a petite person.”

Bad vs. Terrible:

Normal: “That’s a bad movie.”
Advanced: “That’s a terrible movie.”

Funny vs. Hilarious:

Normal: “That’s a funny joke.”
Advanced: “That’s a hilarious joke.”

Smart vs. Brilliant:

Normal: “He’s a smart student.”
Advanced: “He’s a brilliant student.”

Easy vs. Effortless:

Normal: “That’s an easy task.”
Advanced: “That’s an effortless task.”

Nice vs. Wonderful:

Normal: “That’s a nice park.”
Advanced: “That’s a wonderful park.”

Hard vs. Challenging:

Normal: “That’s a hard test.”
Advanced: “That’s a challenging test.”

Bad vs. Atrocious:

Normal: “That’s a bad haircut.”
Advanced: “That’s an atrocious haircut.”

Dirty vs. Filthy:

Normal: “That’s a dirty shirt.”
Advanced: “That’s a filthy shirt.”

Happy vs. Overjoyed:

Normal: “I’m happy with the results.”
Advanced: “I’m overjoyed with the results.”

Small vs. Miniscule:

Normal: “That’s a small mistake.”
Advanced: “That’s a minuscule mistake.”

Good vs. Exceptional:

Normal: “That’s a good performance.”
Advanced: “That’s an exceptional performance.”

Clever vs. Ingenious:

Normal: “He’s a clever inventor.”
Advanced: “He’s an ingenious inventor.”

Normal English Vs Advanced English Vocabulary

  1. Hot: Scorching, torrid, sweltering
  2. People: Populace, citizenry, denizens
  3. Attach: Affix, fasten, connect
  4. Luck: Fortuity, serendipity, providence
  5. First: Inaugural, foremost, primary
  6. Determined: Resolute, unwavering, steadfast
  7. Chief: Head, leader, principal
  8. Mark: Emblem, insignia, symbol
  9. Might: Potency, potentiality, forcefulness
  10. Settle: Resolve, reconcile, establish
  11. Pollute: Contaminate, defile, taint
  12. Seat: Throne, pew, bench
  13. Loud: Deafening, cacophonous, thunderous
  14. Belong: Pertain, own, affiliate
  15. Yesterday: Yesteryear, former times, bygone era
  16. Government: Regime, administration, governance
  17. Achieve: Accomplish, attain, realize
  18. Ray: Beam, gleam, shaft
  19. Regain: Recoup, retrieve, recover
  20. Adjust: Acclimate, adapt, regulate
  21. Morning: Dawn, forenoon, sunrise
  22. Peace: Tranquility, serenity, harmony
  23. Crowd: Multitude, throng, swarm
  24. Moon: Lunar, satellite, celestial body
  25. Above: Overhead, aloft, skyward
  26. Different: Dissimilar, divergent, distinct
  27. Body: Corpus, anatomy, physique
  28. Before: Prior, antecedent, former
  29. Track: Pathway, route, course
  30. Inferior: Substandard, mediocre, inadequate
  31. Day: Diurnal, daylight, 24-hour period
  32. Art: Fine art, craftsmanship, creativity
  33. Sleep: Slumber, repose, rest
  34. River: Stream, watercourse, brook
  35. Him: He, male, gentleman
  36. Car: Automobile, vehicle, motorcar
  37. Cordial: Amicable, genial, affable
  38. Laugh: Chuckle, giggle, chortle
  39. Smooth: Sleek, polished, suave
  40. Entertainment: Amusement, diversion, recreation
  41. Wet: Moist, damp, soggy
  42. Land: Terrain, earth, territory
  43. Win: Triumph, prevail, conquer
  44. Sad: Melancholy, despondent, gloomy
  45. Leader: Trailblazer, guide, mentor
  46. Waves: Undulation, surge, billow
  47. Large: Colossal, immense, prodigious
  48. Whoever: Whomever, whichever, anyone who
  49. Better: Superior, superior quality, surpassing
  50. Guest: Visitor, invitee, attendee
  51. Permit: Authorization, license, sanction
  52. Possible: Feasible, viable, attainable
  53. Brother: Sibling, male sibling, fraternal relation
  54. Wish: Desire, aspiration, longing
  55. Everything: All, entirety, whole
  56. Last: Final, ultimate, conclusive
  57. Official: Formal, authorized, sanctioned
  58. Conclude: Deduce, infer, come to a decision
  59. Chief: Head, leader, principal
  60. Range: Spectrum, variety, Array
  61. Children: Offspring, progeny, young ones
  62. Strong: Robust, vigorous, stalwart 63
  63. Alone: Solitary, isolated, unaccompanied
  64. Abroad: Overseas, foreign, in a foreign country
  65. Silent: Hushed, noiseless, soundless
  66. Tender: Delicate, gentle, affectionate
  67. Place: Locale, site, position
  68. Poem: Verse, sonnet, ode
  69. Feet: Pedals, paws, hooves
  70. Congratulate: Felicitate, compliment, applaud
  71. Idea: Notion, concept, thought
  72. Catch: Seize, apprehend, intercept
  73. Disappear: Vanish, evaporate, fade away
  74. Up: Aloft, upward, skyward
  75. East: Orient, easternmost, oriental
  76. Often: Frequently, regularly, repeatedly
  77. Various: Diverse, manifold, heterogeneous
  78. Punch: Jab, blow, hit
  79. Value: Worth, merit, significance
  80. Believe: Trust, have faith in, and credit
  81. Birth: Nativity, delivery, parturition
  82. Fine: Superb, excellent, exquisite
  83. Impossible: Inconceivable, impracticable, unattainable
  84. Low: Inferior, humble, depressed
  85. Skill: Expertise, proficiency, dexterity
  86. Belated: Tardy, overdue, delayed
  87. Master: Expert, virtuoso, maestro
  88. Fly: Soar, glide, take flight
  89. Fasten: Secure, fix, attach
  90. Sure: Certain, confident, convinced
  91. Admiring: Appreciative, approving, praising
  92. Fire: Blaze, conflagration, inferno
  93. Ignore: Disregard, neglect, overlook
  94. Growth: Development, expansion, progression
  95. Work: Labor, toil, exertion
  96. Task: Assignment, mission, job
  97. Great: Magnificent, splendid, superb
  98. Coat: Jacket, outerwear, overcoat
  99. Another: Additional, different, alternative
  100. Medicine: Medication, remedy, drug

Normal English Vs IELTS English

Normal English and IELTS English differ mainly in terms of their purpose and the level of proficiency required.

Normal English, also known as everyday or informal English, is the language used in everyday conversations, social interactions, and informal settings. It is the type of English that is used in daily life and is not subject to any specific standards or rules.

On the other hand, IELTS English refers to the type of English used in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) examination. IELTS is a standardized test that assesses the English language proficiency of non-native speakers who wish to study or work in countries where English is the primary language.

IELTS English requires a higher level of proficiency and accuracy than normal English. It involves using a broader vocabulary range, complex sentence structures, and formal language, as it aims to assess the test-takers ability to communicate effectively in academic and professional contexts.

In summary, normal English is the language used in everyday life, while IELTS English is a specific type of English used for a particular purpose, which requires a higher level of proficiency and accuracy.

Normal English Vs IELTS English Examples

Normal: Hi, how are you doing?

IELTS: Good morning, how are you today?

Normal: What’s up?

IELTS: What is your current state of being?

Normal: Can you pass me the salt, please?

IELTS: Kindly pass me the condiment, would you please?

Normal: I’m feeling hungry.

IELTS: I am experiencing pangs of hunger.

Normal: I like listening to music.

IELTS: I have an appreciation for the art of music.

Normal: Where are you from?

IELTS: May I inquire as to your country of origin?

Normal: What did you do yesterday?

IELTS: What activities did you engage in during the previous day?

Normal: What’s your favorite color?

IELTS: What hue do you find most aesthetically pleasing?

Normal: Have you seen that movie before?

IELTS: Have you previously viewed that cinematic production?

Normal: I’m going to the store.

IELTS: I am embarking on a journey to the retail establishment.

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