List of Vegetables That Start With R

List of Vegetables With R

list of vegetable with r

Vegetables are often used as a primary ingredient in many popular cuisines, such as Italian, Asian, and Mediterranean. Below is the list of vegetables that start with r.

Popular Vegetables That Start with R

  • Radishes
  • Rutabaga
  • Red Pepper
  • Radicchio
  • runner bean

All Vegetables That Start With R

  1. Rabe
  2. Radicchio
  3. Radish
  4. Ragged Jack kale
  5. Rainbow chard
  6. Rainbow lacinato kale
  7. Rainbow Swiss chard
  8. Raita cucumber
  9. Rakkyo
  10. Ramalina
  11. Ramsons
  12. Ramp
  13. Rampion
  14. Ranchero pepper
  15. Rangpur lime
  16. Rapeseed
  17. Rappini
  18. Ras el hanout
  19. Raspberry
  20. Ratatouille
  21. Rat’s tail radish
  22. Rattlesnake beans
  23. Rattlesnake chile
  24. Rattlesnake pepper
  25. Rattlesnake pole bean
  26. Red Acre cabbage
  27. Red Amaranth
  28. Red Anjou pear
  29. Red Baron onion
  30. Red Beetroot
  31. Red bell pepper
  32. Red Birch leaf lettuce
  33. Red Boston lettuce
  34. Red butter lettuce
  35. Red cabbage
  36. Red cardinal lettuce
  37. Red carrots
  38. Red celery
  39. Red chicory
  40. Red choy sum
  41. Red Clover
  42. Red corn
  43. Red cranberry beans
  44. Red currant
  45. Red dandelion
  46. Red delicious apple
  47. Red dragon fruit
  48. Red Duke of York potato
  49. Red endive
  50. Red finger chili pepper
  51. Red futsu squash
  52. Red garnet yam
  53. Red grapefruit
  54. Red Habanero pepper
  55. Red Iceberg lettuce
  56. Red jalapeno pepper
  57. Red kuri squash
  58. Red leaf lettuce
  59. Red lentil
  60. Red lettuce
  61. Red malabar spinach
  62. Red mizuna
  63. Red mustard
  64. Red okra
  65. Red onion
  66. Red pear tomato
  67. Red pepper flakes
  68. Red pontiac potato
  69. Red potatoes
  70. Red radicchio
  71. Red radish
  72. Red raspberries
  73. Red romaine lettuce
  74. Red Russian kale
  75. Red salad bowl lettuce
  76. Red shallots
  77. Red shiso
  78. Red Siberian kale
  79. Red spinach
  80. Red sprouting broccoli
  81. Rampicante squash
  82. Rampion bellflower
  83. Rancho Gordo beans
  84. Rangpur lime juice
  85. Rapeseed oil
  86. Ras el hanout spice blend
  87. Raspberry leaf
  88. Rattlesnake pole beans
  89. Rattlesnake tomato
  90. Rattlesnake weed
  91. Rattleshirt beans
  92. Raven zucchini
  93. Raw food pizza crust
  94. Rayburn lettuce
  95. Razorblade lettuce
  96. Razzleberry
  97. Red Admiral lettuce
  98. Red baby butterhead lettuce
  99. Red baby cos lettuce
  100. Red bean paste
  101. Red beret lettuce
  102. Red black turtle bean
  103. Red bok choy
  104. Red Bull horn pepper
  105. Red Cabernet onion
  106. Red carpet lettuce
  107. Red celery seeds
  108. Red Cherokee lettuce
  109. Red chile pepper
  110. Red choi sum
  111. Red clay lettuce
  112. Red Cliffs lettuce
  113. Red clover blossom
  114. Red dragon choy sum
  115. Red durum wheat
  116. Red emperor bean
  117. Red epazote
  118. Red Florence onion
  119. Red frill mustard greens
  120. Red gem lettuce
  121. Red giant mustard greens
  122. Red gourd
  123. Red hawk lettuce
  124. Red head lettuce
  125. Red Italian dandelion
  126. Red kohlrabi
  127. Red komatsuna
  128. Red Lacinato kale
  129. Red lentil sprouts
  130. Red lettuce mix
  131. Red lily flower
  132. Red lion pepper
  133. Red loose-leaf lettuce
  134. Red meat radish
  135. Red moon lettuce
  136. Red mulberry
  137. Red mustard cabbage
  138. Red mustard frills
  139. Red mustard spinach
  140. Red noodle bean
  141. Red oak lettuce
  142. Red okra pods
  143. Red onions in vinegar
  144. Red pac choi
  145. Red pak choi
  146. Red pearl onion
  147. Red pepper jelly
  148. Red pontiac potato sprouts


Green Vegetables Starting With R

  1. Radicchio: A bitter, slightly spicy vegetable often used in salads and as a side dish.
  2. Radish greens: The edible leaves of the radish plant, often used in salads and as a garnish.
  3. Radishes: Small, crunchy vegetables with a slightly spicy taste, often used in salads and as a garnish.
  4. Red amaranth: A leafy green vegetable with a slightly sweet, earthy taste, often used in Asian cuisine.
  5. Red cabbage: A cruciferous vegetable with a sweet, slightly bitter taste, often used in salads and as a side dish.
  6. Red chard: A leafy green vegetable with a slightly bitter taste, often used in salads and soups.
  7. Red clover sprouts: Tiny sprouts from red clover, often used in salads and sandwiches.
  8. Red mustard leaves: A leafy green vegetable with a spicy, peppery taste, often used in salads and as a side dish.
  9. Red shiso leaves: The edible leaves of the red shiso plant, often used in Japanese cuisine.
  10. Red-veined sorrel: A leafy green vegetable with a slightly sour, lemony taste, often used in salads and soups.
  11. Rhubarb leaves: The large, poisonous leaves of the rhubarb plant, not typically consumed.
  12. Rocket: A leafy green vegetable with a slightly bitter, slightly peppery taste, often used in salads and as a garnish.
  13. Romaine lettuce: A crispy, slightly bitter lettuce often used in salads and sandwiches.
  14. Romanesco broccoli: A type of broccoli with a distinct, spiral pattern and a slightly milder taste than regular broccoli.
  15. Rose petals: Edible petals from the rose flower, often used in desserts and as a garnish.
  16. Rosemary: A fragrant herb with a pine-like flavor, often used in Mediterranean cuisine.
  17. Rue: A fragrant herb with a slightly bitter taste, often used in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisine.
  18. Rungia: A leafy green vegetable with a slightly sour, lemony taste, often used in Southeast Asian cuisine.

10 Common Vegetables Beginning with R (Definitions and Pictures)



Radicchio is a type of leafy vegetable that belongs to the chicory family. It has a distinctive, bitter taste that adds depth to salads and other dishes. Radicchio is high in vitamins K and C, as well as antioxidants, and has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.



Radishes are root vegetables that comes in many different varieties, including red, white, and black. They have a crisp, peppery flavor and are often used raw in salads and sandwiches. Radishes are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.



Rutabagas are a type of root vegetable that is a cross between a turnip and a cabbage. They have a sweet, earthy flavor and are often used in soups, stews, and casseroles. Rutabagas are high in vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.



Rhubarb is a vegetable that is often used in sweet dishes, such as pies and crisps. It has a tart, tangy flavor and bright red color. Rhubarb is a good source of fiber, vitamin C, and potassium.



Rocket, also known as arugula, is a leafy green vegetable that has a slightly bitter, peppery taste. It is often used in salads and sandwiches and is a good source of vitamin K, folate, and calcium.



Romanesco is a type of cauliflower that has a unique, spiral-shaped head. It has a nutty, earthy flavor and is often used in salads and roasted vegetable dishes. Romanesco is high in vitamin C and fiber.

Runner beans

Runner beans

Runner beans are a type of green bean that is native to Central and South America. They have a mild, slightly sweet flavor and are often used in soups, stews, and casseroles. Runner beans are a good source of vitamin C, folate, and fiber.



Radicchietto, also known as red endive or red chicory, is a type of leafy vegetable that is similar to radicchio. It has a slightly bitter flavor and is often used in salads and other dishes. Radicchietto is high in vitamins K and C, as well as antioxidants.

Red pepper

Red pepper

Red peppers are a type of sweet pepper that is often used in Mediterranean cuisine. They have a sweet, slightly spicy flavor and are often roasted or grilled. Red peppers are high in vitamin C and antioxidants.

Rhubarb Chard

Rhubarb Chard

Rhubarb chard, also known as ruby chard, is a leafy green vegetable that has red stems and veins. It has a mild, slightly sweet flavor and is often used in salads and sautéed dishes. Rhubarb chard is a good source of vitamins A and K, as well as fiber.

Vegetables that Start With r

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