List of Adverbs by Category / Types Pdf

List of Adverbs by Category!

Here we are going to provide you with a list of adverbs that are divided into different categories and of different types.

List of Adverbs by Types

Adverbs of MANNER

Positive Manner

  • Elegantly
  • Easily
  • Eagerly
  • Cheerfully
  • Cautiously
  • Carefully
  • Calmly
  • Bravely
  • Boldly
  • Beautifully
  • Well
  • Rapidly
  • Quietly
  • Quickly
  • Promptly
  • Powerfully
  • Politely
  • Perfectly
  • Patiently
  • Openly
  • Obediently
  • Neatly
  • Kindly
  • Justly
  • Joyously
  • Honestly
  • Gladly
  • Gently
  • Generously
  • Frankly
  • Faithfully
  • Equally


Negative Manner

  • Cruelly
  • Carelessly
  • Blindly
  • Badly
  • Awkwardly
  • Anxiously
  • Angrily
  • Violently
  • Tensely
  • Suspiciously
  • Stupidly
  • Shyly
  • Selfishly
  • Sadly
  • Rudely
  • Roughly
  • Recklessly
  • Poorly
  • Painfully
  • Noisily
  • Nervously
  • Madly
  • Loudly
  • Lazily
  • Irritably
  • Inadequately
  • Hungrily
  • Hastily
  • Greedily
  • Frantically
  • Foolishly

 Also Check: Complete Lesson of Adverbs of Manner

Adverbs of TIME

  • Eventually
  • Early
  • Earlier
  • Daily
  • Constantly
  • Before
  • Annually
  • Always
  • Already
  • Yet
  • Yesterday
  • Yearly
  • Weekly
  • Usually
  • Tonight
  • Tomorrow
  • Today
  • Then
  • Still
  • Soon
  • Sometimes
  • Since
  • Seldom
  • Regularly
  • Recently
  • Rarely
  • Quarterly
  • Previously
  • Often
  • Occasionally
  • Now
  • Not until
  • Normally
  • Next
  • Never
  • Monthly
  • Later
  • Lately
  • Late
  • Last
  • Just
  • Infrequently
  • Immediately
  • Hourly
  • Generally
  • Frequently
  • Fortnightly
  • Formerly
  • First
  • Finally
  • Ever


Adverbs of PLACE

  • Anywhere
  • Along
  • Abroad
  • Above
  • About
  • Upstairs
  • Up
  • Underground
  • Under
  • Towards
  • There
  • Somewhere
  • Right
  • Overseas
  • Over
  • Outside
  • Out
  • On
  • Off
  • Next door
  • Nearby
  • Near
  • Inside
  • Indoors
  • In
  • Here
  • Far
  • Elsewhere
  • East
  • Downstairs
  • Down
  • Below
  • Behind
  • Backward/s
  • Back
  • Away

Adverbs of Degree

  • barely
  • badly
  • awfully
  • almost
  • absolutely
  • well
  • virtually
  • very
  • utterly
  • totally
  • too
  • thoroughly
  • terribly
  • strongly
  • somewhat
  • so
  • simply
  • scarcely
  • really
  • rather
  • quite
  • purely
  • pretty
  • practically
  • positively
  • perfectly
  • nearly
  • much
  • most
  • lots
  • little
  • less
  • least
  • just
  • intensely
  • indeed
  • incredibly
  • how
  • highly
  • hardly
  • greatly
  • fully
  • far
  • fairly
  • extremely
  • entirely
  • enough
  • enormously
  • deeply
  • decidedly
  • completely

Also Check: Grammar Rules Related Adverb in English

Frequency Adverbs

  • almost never
  • always
  • constantly
  • continually
  • eventually
  • frequently
  • generally
  • hardly ever
  • infrequently
  • intermittently
  • later
  • never
  • normally
  • now and then
  • occasionally
  • often
  • periodically
  • quarterly
  • rarely
  • regularly
  • seldom
  • sometimes
  • then
  • usually
  • weekly


Linking Adverbs

  • Furthermore
  • Consequently
  • Besides
  • As a result
  • As a consequence
  • Anyway
  • Additionally
  • Unlike
  • Therefore
  • Similarly
  • Rather
  • Otherwise
  • Otherwise
  • On the other hand
  • Nonetheless
  • Nevertheless
  • Moreover
  • Indeed
  • In the same way
  • In the event
  • In fact
  • In contrast to
  • In contrast
  • In addition


Sentence Adverb

  • Curiously
  • Confidentially
  • Conceivably
  • Clearly
  • Certainly
  • Briefly
  • Basically
  • Apparently
  • Actually
  • Wisely
  • Ultimately
  • Truthfully
  • Theoretically
  • Thankfully
  • Surprisingly
  • Strangely
  • Seriously
  • Regrettably
  • Presumably
  • Predictably
  • Naturally
  • Ironically
  • Interestingly
  • Indeed
  • Incidentally
  • Ideally
  • Hopefully
  • Fortunately
  • Evidently


Irregular Adverbs

  • Hard
  • Fast
  • Early
  • Wrongly
  • Wrong
  • Straight
  • Late
  • Daily

Also Check: 300+ List of Adverbs

Adverbs of Evaluation

  • Apparently
  • Astonishingly
  • Bravely
  • Carelessly
  • Clearly
  • Definitely
  • Doubtfully
  • Doubtfully
  • Doubtlessly
  • Fairly
  • Foolishly
  • Fortunately
  • Frankly
  • Generously
  • Honestly
  • Hopefully
  • Interestingly
  • Kindly
  • Luckily
  • Obviously
  • Presumably
  • Probably
  • Rightly
  • Sadly
  • Seriously
  • Spitefully
  • Stupidly
  • Surprisingly
  • Unbelievably
  • Undoubtedly
  • Unfairly
  • Wisely
  • Wrongly



  • Hurriedly
  • Hard
  • Fiercely
  • Fast
  • Exactly
  • Deliberately
  • Daringly
  • Busily
  • Accidentally
  • Unexpectedly
  • Tightly
  • Swiftly
  • Suddenly
  • Speedily
  • Solemnly
  • So
  • Slowly
  • Sleepily
  • Sharply
  • Seriously
  • Rightfully
  • Repeatedly
  • Reluctantly
  • Regularly
  • Really
  • Rarely
  • Mysteriously
  • Loosely
  • Inquisitively

Info-Graphics (List of Adverbs by Category/Type)

List of Adverbs by Category List of Adverbs by types List of Adverbs by Category


List of Adverbs by Category PDF