100 Most Common Adverbs List

Looking to improve your English skills? Check out this list of the 100 most common adverbs! Adverbs are an important part of speech that helps to modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. This list will help you understand and use adverbs in your writing and conversation.

100 Common Adverbs List

  1. About
  2. Above
  3. Absolutely
  4. Actually
  5. After
  6. Almost
  7. Always
  8. Anywhere
  9. Around
  10. Backward
  11. Basically
  12. Before
  13. Below
  14. Brightly
  15. Broadly
  16. Carefully
  17. Certainly
  18. Clearly
  19. Closely
  20. Completely
  21. Daily
  22. Definitely
  23. Directly
  24. Downward
  25. Early
  26. Eastward
  27. Enough
  28. Especially
  29. Essentially
  30. Even
  31. Everywhere
  32. Exactly
  33. Exclusively
  34. Extensively
  35. Firmly
  36. Forward
  37. Frequently
  38. Generally
  39. Gently
  40. Happily
  41. Here
  42. Indirectly
  43. Inside
  44. Inwardly
  45. Just
  46. Kindly
  47. Late
  48. Likely
  49. Loudly
  50. Mainly
  51. Meanwhile
  52. Merely
  53. Naturally
  54. Nearly
  55. Never
  56. Northward
  57. Notably
  58. Nowhere
  59. Obviously
  60. Often
  61. Outside
  62. Outwardly
  63. Partially
  64. Particularly
  65. Possibly
  66. Pretty
  67. Probably
  68. Quickly
  69. Quietly
  70. Quite
  71. Rarely
  72. Rather
  73. Really
  74. Remarkably
  75. Sadly
  76. Sharply
  77. Significantly
  78. Simply
  79. Slightly
  80. Slowly
  81. So
  82. Solely
  83. Sometimes
  84. Somewhat
  85. Somewhere
  86. Southward
  87. Specifically
  88. Suddenly
  89. There
  90. Too
  91. Totally
  92. Universally
  93. Upward
  94. Usually
  95. Utterly
  96. Very
  97. Warmly
  98. Westward
  99. Wholly
  100. Widely

most common adverbs

Using 100 Common Adverbs in Example Sentences

  1. He looked about, confused by the noise.
  2. Eagles soar above the mountain peaks.
  3. She was absolutely thrilled with the gift.
  4. The story is actually quite fascinating.
  5. Meet me after the show ends.
  6. She was almost ready to leave.
  7. He always drinks his coffee black.
  8. You can find flowers anywhere in spring.
  9. They walked around the park leisurely.
  10. He glanced backward with a hint of regret.
  11. The solution is basically quite simple.
  12. Before sunrise, the world is quiet.
  13. The cat sat below the window sill.
  14. Stars shone brightly in the night sky.
  15. Speaking broadly, the concept is revolutionary.
  16. She carefully placed the vase on the shelf.
  17. You are certainly welcome to join us.
  18. The path ahead was clearly marked.
  19. They worked closely to solve the puzzle.
  20. The room was completely dark and silent.
  21. She jogs daily before breakfast.
  22. This is definitely the right choice.
  23. Look directly at the camera lens.
  24. Leaves fell downward in the breeze.
  25. He wakes up early every morning.
  26. Birds migrate eastward in spring.
  27. One cookie is enough for him.
  28. I enjoy coffee, especially in the mornings.
  29. The plan is essentially sound.
  30. He even sings in the shower.
  31. Flowers bloom everywhere during spring.
  32. That’s exactly what I meant.
  33. This area is exclusively for members.
  34. The topic was researched extensively.
  35. She gripped the rope firmly.
  36. Step forward to claim your prize.
  37. He frequently forgets his keys.
  38. It’s generally a quiet neighborhood.
  39. She spoke gently to the child.
  40. They lived happily ever after.
  41. Leave your shoes here by the door.
  42. She influenced him indirectly.
  43. The dog waited inside the house.
  44. He smiled, feeling inwardly proud.
  45. It’s just around the corner.
  46. She kindly offered her assistance.
  47. He arrived late to the meeting.
  48. It’s likely to rain today.
  49. The crowd cheered loudly for the team.
  50. The discussion was mainly about politics.
  51. Meanwhile, back at the ranch…
  52. It was merely a misunderstanding.
  53. Flowers bloom naturally in spring.
  54. The goal was nearly achieved.
  55. She never forgets a birthday.
  56. Geese fly northward in spring.
  57. The comet was notably bright.
  58. The keys were nowhere to be found.
  59. He was obviously upset about the news.
  60. She often visits the museum.
  61. They waited outside the cinema.
  62. He appeared outwardly calm.
  63. The door was partially open.
  64. She’s particularly fond of chocolate.
  65. Could you possibly lend me a pen?
  66. That’s pretty amazing, isn’t it?
  67. It will probably rain later.
  68. She moved quickly to avoid the puddle.
  69. He spoke quietly to avoid being overheard.
  70. The movie was quite entertaining.
  71. She rarely eats out.
  72. He was rather annoyed with the delay.
  73. Did you really see a shooting star?
  74. The view was remarkably stunning.
  75. Sadly, the event was canceled.
  76. The temperature dropped sharply overnight.
  77. The results were significantly better.
  78. It’s simply a matter of time.
  79. The color differs slightly from the sample.
  80. Traffic moved slowly during rush hour.
  81. The story was so captivating.
  82. He focused solely on his research.
  83. Sometimes, I prefer to be alone.
  84. The room was somewhat chilly.
  85. Let’s meet somewhere quiet.
  86. Birds flew southward for the winter.
  87. He asked specifically for vanilla ice cream.
  88. The weather changed suddenly.
  89. The keys are there, on the table.
  90. The soup was too hot to eat.
  91. The view was totally breathtaking.
  92. The theory is universally accepted.
  93. The balloon floated upward into the sky.
  94. She usually walks to work.
  95. The silence was utterly complete.
  96. The cake was very delicious.
  97. She greeted us warmly.
  98. The settlers moved westward.
  99. The building was wholly renovated.
  100. The issue is widely debated.

100 Adverbs