Language, with its oscillating rhythms and ornate expressions, often draws us into its orbit.
Today, our odyssey delves deep into the opulent world of adjectives that originate with the often overlooked letter ‘O’.
In this organized guide, we’ve ordered adjectives based on their number of letters, ensuring an optimal browsing experience. But the journey doesn’t end there!
We further shine a spotlight on the top 100 ‘O’ adjectives, enriching each with a clear definition and an illustrative example to provide context.
As we advance, we’ll unearth adjectives perfectly poised to portray personalities, oscillating between the optimistic positives and the ominous negatives.
For orators, writers, and anyone with an ounce of curiosity about the English language, this exploration promises a plethora of ‘O’-inspired revelations. Are you ready to be overtaken by the allure of ‘O’? Let’s set sail!
Also, Check More Adjectives A-Z:
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z
All Adjectives that Start with O (Sorted by Number of Letters)
Launching our deep dive, we first present ‘O’ adjectives, systematically organized by length. Traverse through this orderly array, discovering the diverse nuances each word offers.
2 Letter Adjectives that Start with O
- Ok
- On
- Oo
- Os
3 Letter Adjectives that Start with O
- Oak
- Odd
- Off
- Old
- Ole
- One
- Oob
- Out
- Own
4 Letter Adjectives that Start with O
- Odic
- Oily
- Okay
- Olde
- Only
- Onyx
- Oofy
- Oozy
- Open
- Oral
- Otic
- Oval
- Over
- Ovid
- Ower
5 Letter Adjectives that Start with O
- Oaken
- Obedt
- Obese
- Ocher
- Ochre
- Octal
- Ohmic
- Olden
- Older
- Oleic
- Olent
- Olive
- Omani
- Onkus
- Onlie
- Ontic
- Optic
- Ossom
- Other
- Otter
- Outer
- Ovate
- Overt
- Owing
- Owned
6 Letter Adjectives that Start with O
- Oafish
- Oblate
- Oblike
- Oblite
- Oblong
- Obtuse
- Occult
- Octoic
- Octoid
- Ocular
- Oddish
- Odinic
- Odious
- Offish
- Ogival
- Oldest
- Oldish
- Oleose
- Omasal
- Omotic
- On-air
- Oniony
- Oniric
- Onlest
- Online
- On-off
- Onside
- Onsite
- Onward
- Opaque
- Opened
- Opiate
- Orange
- Orangy
- Orcish
- Ordeal
- Orient
- Orkish
- Ornate
- Ornery
- Oroqen
- Orphic
- Oscine
- Osteal
- Ostial
- Outcut
- Outlaw
- Overly
- Ovular
- Owlish
- Oxalic
- Oxeyed
7 Letter Adjectives that Start with O
- Obliged
- Oblimin
- Oblique
- Obscene
- Obscure
- Obverse
- Obvious
- Occluse
- Oceanic
- Ocellar
- Ochrous
- Ocreate
- Octopic
- Octuple
- Odds-on
- Odorant
- Odorous
- Oedipal
- Oestral
- Off-air
- Offbeat
- Offduty
- Offhand
- Off-key
- Offline
- Off-put
- Offside
- Offsite
- Ogreish
- Old-hat
- Oldline
- Olivary
- Olympic
- Omakase
- Ominous
- Omnibus
- One-day
- Oneiric
- One-off
- One-pot
- Onerous
- Onetime
- One-way
- Ongoing
- On-hand
- Onioned
- On-line
- On-road
- Onshore
- On-site
- Onstage
- Onymous
- Oolitic
- Opacous
- Opaline
- Opencut
- Opening
- Operant
- Operose
- Opposed
- Opsonic
- Optical
- Optimal
- Optimum
- Opulent
- Orangey
- Orbital
- Orbless
- Orblike
- Ordered
- Orderly
- Ordinal
- Orectic
- Organic
- Orotund
- Osmolar
- Osmotic
- Osseous
- Osteoid
- Outback
- Outbred
- Outcast
- Outdate
- Outdoor
- Outland
- Outmost
- Outside
- Outsize
- Outward
- Ovaloid
- Ovarian
- Ovation
- Overage
- Overall
- Overapt
- Overarm
- Overdue
- Overfed
- Overful
- Overish
- Overnew
- Oversea
- Oviform
- Oxblood
- Ox-eyed
- Oxonian
- Oxyntic
8 Letter Adjectives that Start with O
- Obdurant
- Obdurate
- Obedible
- Obedient
- Obeisant
- Obituary
- Obligate
- Obliging
- Obliquid
- Observed
- Obsessed
- Obsolete
- Occluded
- Occlusal
- Occulent
- Occultic
- Occupied
- Ochreous
- Octacore
- Octanoic
- Octonary
- Octopean
- Octopian
- Octopine
- Octopoid
- Odd-toed
- Odontoid
- Odorless
- Odourful
- Oestrous
- Off-base
- Off-beam
- Off-book
- Offended
- Off-hand
- Official
- Off-line
- Off-peak
- Off-road
- Off-sale
- Offshore
- Offsides
- Off-site
- Offstage
- Old-line
- Old-time
- Olefinic
- Oliguric
- Olympian
- Omissive
- Omphalic
- Oncoming
- One-eyed
- One-half
- One-note
- One-shot
- Onesided
- One-stop
- One-time
- On-going
- On-scene
- Onscreen
- On-stage
- Opacular
- Openable
- Open-air
- Opencast
- Operable
- Operatic
- Ophidian
- Opponent
- Opposing
- Opposite
- Optative
- Optional
- Optronic
- Oracular
- Orangish
- Orbitary
- Orbitual
- Ordained
- Ordinary
- Ordinate
- Ordurous
- Orgasmic
- Orgastic
- Orgulous
- Oriental
- Oriented
- Original
- Orinasal
- Orinocan
- Orogenic
- Oronasal
- Orphaned
- Orthodox
- Oscitant
- Ossified
- Ototoxic
- Outboard
- Outbound
- Outdated
- Outflung
- Outgoing
- Outlawed
- Outlined
- Outlying
- Outmoded
- Outraged
- Outright
- Outshore
- Outsized
- Overaged
- Overawed
- Overbold
- Overbusy
- Overcast
- Overclad
- Overdone
- Overfond
- Overfree
- Overfull
- Overhand
- Overhead
- Overjust
- Overkeen
- Overland
- Overmuch
- Overneat
- Overnice
- Overrank
- Overrash
- Overread
- Overripe
- Overseas
- Oversewn
- Overshot
- Oversize
- Overslow
- Oversoft
- Oxygenic
- Oxytocic
9 Letter Adjectives that Start with O
- Obeisaunt
- Objective
- Objectual
- Obligated
- Oblivious
- Obnoxious
- Obscurant
- Observant
- Observing
- Obsessive
- Obsoleter
- Obstetric
- Obstinant
- Obstinate
- Obstruent
- Obtrusive
- Obviating
- Occipital
- Occlusive
- Occultive
- Occurrent
- Oceanward
- Ocellated
- Octabasic
- Octagonal
- Octameric
- Octoploid
- Octopodal
- Octopolar
- Odiferous
- Odobenine
- Odometric
- Odourless
- Oecumenic
- Offending
- Offensive
- Off-field
- Off-guard
- Officiary
- Officinal
- Officious
- Off-piste
- Offscreen
- Off-track
- Off-white
- Old-world
- Oleaceous
- Oleanolic
- Olfactive
- Olfactory
- Oligaemic
- Olivelike
- Omissible
- Omophagic
- Omphacine
- Onanistic
- On-camera
- On-campus
- Oncogenic
- Oncologic
- One-armed
- One-fifth
- One-ninth
- One-piece
- One-sided
- One-sixth
- One-tenth
- One-third
- One-touch
- One-track
- Onionless
- Onionlike
- Onlooking
- Onomastic
- Onrushing
- On-screen
- Ontologic
- Opacating
- Open-book
- Open-eyed
- Open-plan
- Operating
- Operative
- Opercular
- Opportune
- Opposable
- Oppressed
- Opthalmic
- Optimific
- Optomotor
- Optotypic
- Oratorial
- Oratorian
- Orbicular
- Orderable
- Oregonian
- Orgiastic
- Orienting
- Origenian
- Origenist
- Originary
- Orolabial
- Orosirian
- Orthoepic
- Orthoptic
- Ossicular
- Ostensive
- Otherwise
- Otoscopic
- Otterless
- Otterlike
- Outcoming
- Outdoorsy
- Outermost
- Outfitted
- Outgunned
- Outspoken
- Outspread
- Ovenproof
- Overalert
- Overalled
- Overblown
- Overclear
- Overclose
- Overdoped
- Overdosed
- Overeager
- Over-fond
- Overfussy
- Overgrown
- Overhasty
- Overhyped
- Overjoyed
- Overladen
- Overlarge
- Overlying
- Overnight
- Overproof
- Overproud
- Overraced
- Overready
- Over-ripe
- Oversexed
- Oversized
- Oversolar
- Overtight
- Overtired
- Overwater
- Ovigerous
- Oviparous
- Ownerless
- Oxyacetic
10 Letter Adjectives that Start with O
- Objectless
- Obligatory
- Obsequious
- Observable
- Obstacular
- Obstetrick
- Obstructed
- Obtainable
- Occasional
- Occidental
- Occultural
- Occupiable
- Octacyclic
- Octahedral
- Octangular
- Octogynous
- Octonionic
- Octopodous
- Octopoidal
- Oedematous
- Oenophilic
- Off-campus
- Off-center
- Off-colour
- Off-kilter
- Off-limits
- Offputting
- Off-screen
- Off-street
- Off-target
- Old-growth
- Old-school
- Oleaginous
- Oleophilic
- Oleophobic
- Oleraceous
- Oligarchic
- Oligomeric
- Oligosemic
- Ommatidial
- Omnipotent
- Omniscient
- Omnivorous
- Omophagous
- Omosternal
- Omphacitic
- One-eighth
- One-fourth
- One-handed
- One-legged
- One-on-one
- One-to-one
- On-the-job
- Opalescent
- Open-armed
- Open-ended
- Open-faced
- Opensource
- Opephoroid
- Operculate
- Ophiolitic
- Oppilative
- Oppositive
- Oppressive
- Optimistic
- Oratorical
- Orbiculate
- Orchestral
- Organismal
- Organismic
- Orientated
- Originable
- Originless
- Ornamental
- Orogastric
- Orogenital
- Orographic
- Orolingual
- Orological
- Oromucosal
- Orosensory
- Orthogenic
- Orthogonal
- Orthograde
- Orthopedic
- Orthotopic
- Osculating
- Osculatory
- Osmobiotic
- Osmometric
- Ossiculate
- Ossiferous
- Ostensible
- Osteogenic
- Outclassed
- Outdacious
- Outflowing
- Outjutting
- Outlandish
- Outrageous
- Ouvrierist
- Oven-proof
- Overactive
- Overbanked
- Overbooked
- Overcoated
- Overcoming
- Overdamped
- Overgreedy
- Overhanded
- Overheated
- Overjoyous
- Overloaded
- Overlooked
- Overmighty
- Overmodest
- Overpriced
- Overracked
- Over-rated
- Overriding
- Oversnowed
- Overstated
- Overstrung
- Overturned
- Overweight
11 Letter Adjectives that Start with O
- Obediential
- Obfuscatory
- Objectional
- Oblationary
- Obliterable
- Obliterated
- Obsessional
- Obsignatory
- Obsolescent
- Obstetrical
- Obstructive
- Occlusional
- Occulomotor
- Occultistic
- Ocean-going
- Octolateral
- Octolocular
- Octonocular
- Octopartite
- Odometrical
- Odoriferous
- Oecumenical
- Oenological
- Oestrogenic
- Offenceless
- Off-putting
- Off-the-peg
- Old-maidish
- Oleographic
- Oligosaline
- Omnipresent
- Omohyoidean
- Omphalinoid
- Oncogenetic
- Oncogenomic
- Oncological
- One-quarter
- One-seventh
- Onirocritic
- On-the-spot
- Ontogenetic
- Ontological
- Opacifiable
- Open-handed
- Open-hearth
- Open-minded
- Opensightly
- Operational
- Operculated
- Opinionated
- Opportunist
- Opprobrious
- Optokinetic
- Optothermal
- Orientating
- Origenistic
- Originative
- Orthodontic
- Orthologous
- Orthometric
- Orthostatic
- Orthotropic
- Oscillating
- Oscillatory
- Os-specific
- Osteopathic
- Out of work
- Out-and-out
- Out-of-body
- Out-of-date
- Out-of-town
- Out-of-work
- Outstanding
- Overanxious
- Overbearing
- Overcareful
- Overcharged
- Overclaimed
- Overclothed
- Overcoached
- Overcounted
- Overcurious
- Overdressed
- Overexcited
- Overexerted
- Overexposed
- Overflowing
- Overfocused
- Overforward
- Overfraught
- Overfriezed
- Overintense
- Overionized
- Overjealous
- Overjittery
- Overlayered
- Overmuscled
- Overnighter
- Overplayful
- Over-polite
- Overrefined
- Overserious
- Oversparred
- Oversteered
- Overstuffed
- Overuniform
- Overvaliant
- Overweening
- Overwhelmed
- Overwrought
- Overzealous
- Ovulational
12 Letter Adjectives that Start with O
- Object-based
- Obligational
- Obliterative
- Obstreperous
- Occupational
- Octacosanoic
- Octogenarian
- Octopetalous
- Octosyllabic
- Off-broadway
- Off-the-ball
- Off-the-cuff
- Off-the-rack
- Off-the-wall
- Oft-repeated
- Oldfashioned
- Oleochemical
- Oleoresinous
- Oligarchical
- Oligotrophic
- Once-removed
- One-gallused
- Onomatopoeic
- Onygenaceous
- Open-hearted
- Open-mouthed
- Oppositional
- Oppressional
- Opuntiaceous
- Orchestrated
- Ornithogenic
- Orographical
- Orthogenetic
- Orthognathic
- Orthorhombic
- Ostentatious
- Osteogenetic
- Osteoporotic
- Ostrich-like
- Out-of-court
- Out-of-order
- Out-of-print
- Out-of-state
- Overabundant
- Overachiever
- Overbreathed
- Overburdened
- Overcautious
- Overcoatless
- Overcritical
- Overdelicate
- Overdominant
- Overdramatic
- Overeducated
- Overemphatic
- Overexerting
- Overextended
- Overfamiliar
- Overfatigued
- Overforceful
- Overforested
- Overfragrant
- Overfrequent
- Overfriendly
- Overfruitful
- Overgenerous
- Overindebted
- Overinvested
- Overinvolved
- Overjubilant
- Overlookable
- Overreaching
- Overreactive
- Oversmoothed
- Overspecific
- Overspeeding
- Over-the-top
- Overtroubled
- Overtrusting
- Overturnable
- Overwhelming
- Over-zealous
13 Letter Adjectives that Start with O
- Objectionable
- Objectionable
- Observational
- Obstetricious
- Obtuse-angled
- Off-the-shelf
- Old-fashioned
- Oligopolistic
- Oligosynaptic
- Oligotrichous
- Open-and-shut
- Opportunistic
- Orientational
- Other-worldly
- Out-of-pocket
- Overachieving
- Overattentive
- Overcivilized
- Overcluttered
- Overcommitted
- Overconcerned
- Overconfident
- Overconscious
- Overdependent
- Overdeveloped
- Over-educated
- Overemotional
- Overexcitable
- Overfreighted
- Overfulfilled
- Overfurnished
- Overinclusive
- Overmastering
- Overmotivated
- Overqualified
- Over-reactive
- Oversensitive
- Overtouristed
14 Letter Adjectives that Start with O
- Octopaminergic
- Off-the-record
- Operationalist
- Optoelectronic
- Optospintronic
- Ornithological
- Ornithophilous
- Osteoarthritic
- Out-of-context
- Out-of-service
- Overaggressive
- Overdetermined
- Overdocumented
- Over-elaborate
- Overoptimistic
- Over-sensitive
- Oversimplistic
- Oversocialized
- Oversolicitous
- Overstimulated
- Oversubscribed
- Oversuspicious
15-17 Letter Adjectives that Start with O
- Object-oriented
- Obstacle-ridden
- Overcomplicated
- Overconsiderate
- Overpessimistic
- Off-the-shoulder
- Out-of-character
- Overenthusiastic
- Over-the-counter
- Overconscientious
- Oversophisticated
Top 100 Adjectives That Start With O (Sorted Alphabetically)
Delving deeper, we bring forth a curated collection of the most outstanding ‘O’ descriptors. Immerse yourself in this alphabetic assortment, showcasing the cream of the ‘O’ adjective crop.
1. Obdurate
Meaning: Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion.
Example: His obdurate attitude frustrated his peers.
2. Objective
Meaning: Unbiased; not influenced by personal feelings.
Example: The scientist remained objective throughout the experiment.
3. Obligatory
Meaning: Required by law or rules.
Example: Attendance at the meeting is obligatory.
4. Oblivious
Meaning: Not aware of or concerned about surroundings.
Example: She was oblivious to the chaos around her.
5. Obscene
Meaning: Offensive or disgusting by accepted standards.
Example: The movie was banned due to its obscene content.
6. Obscure
Meaning: Not discovered or known about.
Example: The artist remained obscure despite his talent.
7. Obsequious
Meaning: Overly eager to please or obey.
Example: The assistant’s obsequious behavior was off-putting.
8. Observant
Meaning: Quick to notice things.
Example: Being observant is key for a detective.
9. Obsessive
Meaning: Excessive preoccupation with something.
Example: His obsessive interest in the topic concerned his friends.
10. Obsolete
Meaning: Out of date, no longer in use.
Example: Floppy disks are now considered obsolete.
11. Obstinate
Meaning: Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion.
Example: His obstinate demeanor made negotiations difficult.
12. Obtuse
Meaning: Annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand.
Example: The joke went over his obtuse mind.
13. Obvious
Meaning: Easily perceived or understood.
Example: The answer to the riddle was obvious.
14. Occasional
Meaning: Happening or encountered infrequently.
Example: We made occasional visits to the museum.
15. Ocular
Meaning: Related to the eyes or vision.
Example: The disease had ocular symptoms.
16. Odious
Meaning: Extremely unpleasant or repulsive.
Example: The crime was particularly odious.
17. Odorless
Meaning: Free from or lacking odor.
Example: The gas is dangerous because it’s odorless.
18. Offbeat
Meaning: Unconventional; different from the ordinary.
Example: He had an offbeat sense of humor.
19. Offensive
Meaning: Causing someone to feel resentful or upset.
Example: The joke was considered offensive by many.
20. Offhand
Meaning: Ungraciously or offensively nonchalant.
Example: His offhand remarks hurt her feelings.
21. Officious
Meaning: Assertive of authority in an annoyingly domineering way.
Example: The security guard was overly officious during the event.
22. Oily
Meaning: Covered or saturated with oil.
Example: The oily texture of the food was unappealing.
23. Ominous
Meaning: Giving the impression that something bad will happen.
Example: Dark clouds gave an ominous sign of an impending storm.
24. Omnipotent
Meaning: Having unlimited power; all-powerful.
Example: In many religions, the deity is considered omnipotent.
25. Omnipresent
Meaning: Present everywhere at the same time.
Example: Technology is almost omnipresent in modern society.
26. One-dimensional
Meaning: Lacking depth or complexity.
Example: Critics described the character as one-dimensional.
27. Onerous
Meaning: Involving a burdensome amount of effort.
Example: The onerous task took hours to complete.
28. Opaque
Meaning: Not able to be seen through; not transparent.
Example: The windows were opaque, ensuring privacy.
29. Open-minded
Meaning: Willing to accept new ideas.
Example: It’s essential to be open-minded when learning about other cultures.
30. Operatic
Meaning: Relating to opera; exaggerated or theatrical.
Example: The singer had an operatic voice.
31. Operational
Meaning: In or ready for use; functioning.
Example: The system is now operational.
32. Opportune
Meaning: Well-chosen or particularly favorable.
Example: It was an opportune moment to make the announcement.
33. Opportunistic
Meaning: Exploiting immediate opportunities, especially at the expense of others.
Example: The opportunistic thief took advantage of the situation.
34. Opposite
Meaning: Totally different; in contrast.
Example: The two colors are opposite on the color wheel.
35. Oppressive
Meaning: Unjustly inflicting hardship.
Example: The regime was known for its oppressive tactics.
36. Optimistic
Meaning: Hopeful and confident about the future.
Example: She remains optimistic despite the challenges.
37. Optimum
Meaning: Most conducive to a favorable outcome.
Example: This temperature provides the optimum conditions for growth.
38. Opulent
Meaning: Rich and luxurious.
Example: The mansion was decorated in an opulent style.
39. Oral
Meaning: Relating to the mouth.
Example: The medicine is for oral administration.
40. Orchestral
Meaning: Relating to an orchestra.
Example: The orchestral performance was breathtaking.
41. Orderly
Meaning: Neatly and methodically arranged.
Example: The room was orderly with everything in its place.
42. Organic
Meaning: Derived from living matter; free from pesticides or synthetic chemicals.
Example: We prefer organic fruits and vegetables for our meals.
43. Organizational
Meaning: Relating to the arrangement or structure of something.
Example: His organizational skills are impressive.
44. Ornamental
Meaning: Serving or intended as an ornament; decorative.
Example: The ornamental vase was the centerpiece of the room.
45. Ornate
Meaning: Made in an intricate shape or decorated with complex patterns.
Example: The ornate carvings on the temple walls were mesmerizing.
46. Orthodox
Meaning: Conforming to what is generally accepted as right or true.
Example: His beliefs are quite orthodox for his community.
47. Oscillating
Meaning: Moving back and forth at regular intervals.
Example: The oscillating fan provided relief from the heat.
48. Ostentatious
Meaning: Characterized by vulgar or pretentious display.
Example: The billionaire’s ostentatious mansion was hard to ignore.
49. Ostracized
Meaning: Excluded from a group or society.
Example: After expressing his controversial opinions, he felt ostracized.
50. Outdated
Meaning: Old-fashioned; not current.
Example: Those shoes are quite outdated now.
51. Outermost
Meaning: Furthest from the center or a particular point.
Example: We live on the outermost edge of the city.
52. Outgoing
Meaning: Friendly and socially confident.
Example: His outgoing personality made him popular in school.
53. Outlandish
Meaning: Looking or sounding bizarre or unfamiliar.
Example: The artist is known for her outlandish costumes.
54. Outlined
Meaning: Clearly depicted or delineated.
Example: The plans were clearly outlined in the document.
55. Outrageous
Meaning: Shockingly bad or excessive.
Example: The comedian made some outrageous jokes.
56. Outstanding
Meaning: Exceptionally good; prominent.
Example: She is an outstanding performer in her field.
57. Outward
Meaning: Relating to external appearances or behavior.
Example: His outward demeanor was calm, but he was nervous inside.
58. Oval
Meaning: Having a rounded and slightly elongated shape.
Example: She wore a necklace with an oval pendant.
59. Overbearing
Meaning: Dominating or tyrannical; overwhelmingly powerful.
Example: His overbearing attitude made it difficult for others to voice opinions.
60. Overdue
Meaning: Not having arrived, happened, or been settled by the expected time.
Example: The library book is overdue, and I’ll have to pay a fine.
61. Overjoyed
Meaning: Extremely happy or delighted.
Example: She was overjoyed to hear the good news.
62. Overloaded
Meaning: Loaded with too much weight or more than the capacity.
Example: The truck was overloaded with goods.
63. Overlooked
Meaning: Failed to notice; disregarded.
Example: Her contributions were often overlooked by her superiors.
64. Overpowering
Meaning: Too intense or strong to bear.
Example: The perfume’s scent was overpowering.
65. Oversized
Meaning: Larger than the usual or standard size.
Example: She wore an oversized sweater for comfort.
66. Overt
Meaning: Done or shown openly or plainly.
Example: His disdain for the project was overt.
67. Overwhelmed
Meaning: Having strong emotional effect; buried or drowned beneath a huge mass.
Example: She felt overwhelmed by the outpouring of support.
68. Oxidized
Meaning: Combined chemically with oxygen.
Example: The metal was oxidized after years of exposure.
69. Paced
Meaning: Moving or progressing at a particular rate or speed.
Example: The race was paced evenly from the start.
70. Painful
Meaning: Causing or affected by pain.
Example: The recovery after the surgery was painful.
71. Palatable
Meaning: Pleasant to taste; acceptable or satisfactory.
Example: The meal was palatable, though not exceptional.
72. Pale
Meaning: Light in color or having little color.
Example: The fabric was a pale shade of blue.
73. Pallid
Meaning: Pale, typically because of poor health.
Example: After the illness, he looked quite pallid.
74. Palpable
Meaning: Able to be touched or felt; obvious.
Example: The tension in the room was palpable.
75. Panoramic
Meaning: Providing a wide view.
Example: The hotel room offered a panoramic view of the sea.
76. Parallel
Meaning: Side by side and having the same distance continuously between them.
Example: The two lines are parallel to each other.
77. Paralyzed
Meaning: Partially or wholly incapable of movement.
Example: The accident left him paralyzed from the waist down.
78. Paramount
Meaning: More important than anything else; supreme.
Example: Safety is of paramount importance.
79. Paranoid
Meaning: Extremely suspicious, worried, or fearful.
Example: She felt paranoid about being followed.
80. Parched
Meaning: Extremely dry because of hot weather or lack of water.
Example: After the long walk, he felt parched.
81. Orderly
Meaning: Neatly and methodically arranged.
Example: The files were orderly organized in the cabinet.
82. Organic
Meaning: Related to or derived from living matter.
Example: She prefers to eat organic produce.
83. Original
Meaning: Present or existing from the beginning; first or earliest.
Example: The original manuscript is preserved in the museum.
84. Ornate
Meaning: Made in an intricate shape or decorated with complex patterns.
Example: The ornate jewelry caught everyone’s attention.
85. Ostensible
Meaning: Appearing as such but not necessarily so.
Example: His ostensible reason for the visit was work, but he wanted to see her.
86. Outlandish
Meaning: Looking or sounding bizarre or unfamiliar.
Example: His theories were often considered outlandish.
87. Outspoken
Meaning: Frank in stating one’s opinions.
Example: She was an outspoken advocate for human rights.
88. Overarching
Meaning: Comprehensive or all-encompassing.
Example: The overarching theme of the conference was sustainability.
89. Overcast
Meaning: Covered with clouds; gloomy.
Example: The day was gray and overcast.
90. Overconfident
Meaning: More confident than is justified.
Example: Being overconfident can sometimes lead to mistakes.
91. Overflowing
Meaning: Being full to the point of running over.
Example: The river was overflowing after the heavy rains.
92. Overgrown
Meaning: Covered with plants that have grown in an uncontrolled way.
Example: The garden was wild and overgrown.
93. Overlapping
Meaning: Extend over so as to cover partly.
Example: The two meetings are overlapping, so I’ll be late.
94. Overrated
Meaning: Have a higher opinion of (someone or something) than is deserved.
Example: Many believe that certain celebrities are overrated.
95. Overt
Meaning: Done or shown openly.
Example: The company’s overt support for the charity was commendable.
96. Overzealous
Meaning: Excessively enthusiastic or passionate.
Example: His overzealous approach sometimes turned people off.
97. Ovoid
Meaning: Egg-shaped.
Example: The pendant had an ovoid design.
98. Owlish
Meaning: Resembling an owl, especially in appearing wise or serious.
Example: His owlish glasses gave him a scholarly appearance.
99. Oxymoronic
Meaning: Combining contradictory terms.
Example: “Jumbo shrimp” is an oxymoronic term.
100. Ozonic
Meaning: Relating to or characteristic of ozone.
Example: There was an ozonic smell in the air after the storm.
Adjectives that Start with O to Describe a Person
Turning our attention to the realm of human character, we explore the ‘O’ words finely crafted for personification. Engage with these evocative terms, each shedding light on distinct facets of individuality.
- Oafish
- Obedient
- Obeisant
- Obese
- Objectionable
- Objective
- Obligatory
- Obliging
- Oblique
- Oblivious
- Oblong
- Obnoxious
- Obscene
- Obscure
- Observable
- Observant
- Obsessive
- Obsolete
- Obstinate
- Obstructive
- Obtainable
- Obtrusive
- Obtuse
- Obvious
- Occasional
- Occupational
- Occupied
- Oceanic
- Odd
- Odd-looking
Positive Adjectives that Start with O
Steering toward the sunnier side of language, we unearth uplifting ‘O’ descriptors. Delight in this curated selection, each word radiates optimism and celebrates the brighter aspects of life.
- Odiferous
- Odious
- Odorless
- Odorous
- Offbeat
- Offensive
- Offhanded
- Official
- Officious
- Oily
- Ok
- Okay
- Old
- Older
- Oldest
- Old-fashioned
- Ominous
- Omniscient
- Omnivorous
- One
- One-hour
- Onerous
- One-sided
- Only
- Opaque
- Open
- Opened
- Openhanded
- Openhearted
- Opening
- Open-minded
- Operable
- Operatic
- Operational
- Operative
- Opinionated
- Opportune
- Opportunistic
- Opposable
- Opposed
- Opposing
- Opposite
- Oppressive
- Optimal
- Optimistic
Negative Adjectives that Start with O
Navigating the more somber corridors of description, we present ‘O’ adjectives that convey critique or challenges. Venture into these terms, which offer a reflective insight into life’s occasional shadows.
- Optional
- Opulent
- Oral
- Orange
- Ordinary
- Organic
- Organizational
- Original
- Ornamental
- Ornate
- Ornery
- Orphaned
- Orthopedic
- Ossified
- Ostentatious
- Other
- Otherwise
- Our
- Outer
- Outermost
- Outgoing
- Outlandish
- Outraged
- Outrageous
- Outside
- Outspoken
- Outstanding
- Outward
- Oval
- Overactive
- Overaggressive
- Overall
- Overambitious
- Overassertive
- Overbearing
- Overcast
- Overcautious
- Overconfident
- Overcritical
- Overcrowded
- Overemotional
- Overenthusiastic
- Overjoyed
- Overoptimistic
- Overpowering
- Overpriced
- Overprotective
- Overqualified
- Overrated
- Oversensitive
- Oversized
- Overt
- Overwhelmed
- Overwhelming
- Overworked
- Overwrought
- Overzealous
- Own
- Oxymoronic
List of Adjectives starting with O (Info-graphics)
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