Every language enthusiast knows the excitement of encountering enriching adjectives that encapsulate emotions, environments, and entities. The letter ‘E’, with its elegance and energy, embodies a plethora of these evocative descriptors.
Considering the extensive ensemble that ‘E’ exhibits, how does one efficiently extract the essentials? Enter our expertly crafted guide! Initiating with an exhaustive list organized by the number of letters, we escalate to the elite top 100 ‘E’ adjectives, each elucidated with a succinct definition and an exemplifying sentence.
Extending our expedition, we’ve earmarked specific adjectives adept at depicting individuals, and further extrapolated them into positive and negative nuances.
Whether you’re an eager writer, an English educator, or simply an etymology enthusiast, this ‘E’-centric exposition promises enlightenment and enjoyment.
Also, Check More Adjectives A-Z:
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z
All Adjectives that Start with E (Sorted by Number of Letters)
Eager to explore the expansive ‘E’? Here’s your guide, encapsulating every ‘E’ adjective, systematically sorted by the number of letters for easy navigation.
4 Letter Adjectives that Start with E
- Easy
- Eggy
5 Letter Adjectives that Start with E
- Early
- Ebony
- Ectal
- Eddic
- Egean
- Eigne
- Elder
- Elfin
- Elite
- Elmen
- Empty
- Enorm
- Ental
- Equal
- Equid
- Ethel
- Exact
- Extra
6 Letter Adjectives that Start with E
- Echoic
- Eddaic
- Edenic
- Edible
- Elapid
- Eldern
- Eldest
- Elenge
- Elfish
- Eloped
- Elrich
- Embryo
- Enable
- Enatic
- Ennuye
- Enodal
- Enoint
- Enolic
- Enough
- Entire
- Eolian
- Eonian
- Eozoic
- Epical
- Equine
- Erotic
- Errant
- Ersatz
- Erucic
- Eschew
- Esodic
- Ethnic
- Ethnos
- Etnean
- Etymic
- Evanid
- Exodic
- Exotic
7 Letter Adjectives that Start with E
- Earthen
- Eastern
- Eatable
- Ebrauke
- Ebrious
- Ecbatic
- Eccrine
- Ectopic
- Ectypal
- Edaphic
- Edental
- Edictal
- Effable
- Egoical
- Eidetic
- Eirenic
- Elapine
- Elative
- Eleatic
- Elegant
- Elflike
- Ellagic
- Elusive
- Elysian
- Emanant
- Embolic
- Emended
- Emerald
- Emersed
- Emicant
- Eminent
- Emotive
- Emulous
- Encased
- Endable
- Endless
- English
- Enraged
- Enseint
- Ensuant
- Enteral
- Enthean
- Entomic
- Entotic
- Envious
- Epaxial
- Ephoral
- Epicene
- Epigeal
- Epizoan
- Epizoic
- Epochal
- Epozoic
- Equable
- Equinal
- Erative
- Ergotic
- Ermined
- Erosive
- Errable
- Erratic
- Erudite
- Estival
- Estrous
- Esurine
- Eternal
- Etesian
- Ethenic
- Ethical
- Eugenic
- Eugetic
- Eulogic
- Euritic
- Evasive
- Everich
- Excited
- Exrable
- Exuvial
8 Letter Adjectives that Start with E
- Earlyish
- Easeless
- Eastside
- Eastward
- Ebionite
- Eburnean
- Echoless
- Echolike
- Eclectic
- Ecliptic
- Ectental
- Ectozoan
- Ectozoic
- Ectrotic
- Ecumenic
- Edacious
- Editable
- Educable
- Educible
- Eductive
- Edulious
- Effected
- Efferent
- Effigial
- Effluent
- Effusive
- Egyptian
- Elaiodic
- Elamping
- Elaphine
- Elderish
- Eldritch
- Elective
- Elicited
- Eligible
- Elinguid
- Eloquent
- Eludible
- Embedded
- Embodied
- Embossed
- Embryous
- Emergent
- Emerging
- Emeritus
- Emissive
- Emplumed
- Empyreal
- Emulable
- Emulgent
- Emulsive
- Enactive
- Enarched
- Enascent
- Enceinte
- Enchoric
- Enclosed
- Encrinal
- Encrinic
- Encysted
- Endemial
- Endermic
- Endorsed
- Endozoan
- Endozoic
- Endurant
- Enduring
- Enervous
- Enforced
- Enginous
- Enhanced
- Enmanche
- Enmossed
- Enormous
- Enrolled
- Enshield
- Enslaved
- Ensuable
- Entastic
- Enthetic
- Entitled
- Entoptic
- Entozoal
- Entozoan
- Entozoic
- Enviable
- Enzootic
- Eolithic
- Eophytic
- Eozoonal
- Epagogic
- Epenetic
- Ephesian
- Epibolic
- Epicoene
- Epicolic
- Epidotic
- Epidural
- Epigeous
- Epilogic
- Epimeral
- Epiploic
- Epipolic
- Episodal
- Eploring
- Eponymic
- Epulotic
- Erasable
- Erasmian
- Erectile
- Erective
- Eritrean
- Erotetic
- Errabund
- Errorful
- Erumpent
- Eruptive
- Escribed
- Esculent
- Especial
- Essorant
- Esteemed
- Estonian
- Esurient
- Ethereal
- Ethiopic
- Etrurian
- Etypical
- Eugubian
- Eugubine
- Eulerian
- Eunomian
- Eupeptic
- Euphoric
- Eurafric
- Eurasian
- European
- Eutectic
- Evacuant
- Evadible
- Evasible
- Eventful
- Eversive
- Everyday
- Evincive
- Evitable
- Exciting
- Excitive
- Exequial
- Exercent
- Exertive
- Exhalant
- Exigible
- Exiguous
- Eximious
- Existent
- Exocrine
- Exoergic
- Exogamic
- Exogenic
- Exorable
- Exordial
- Exortive
- Exotical
- Expiable
- External
- Extropic
- Exuccous
9 Letter Adjectives that Start with E
- Earthborn
- Earthbred
- Earthlike
- Easygoing
- Ebullient
- Ecclesial
- Echinital
- Ectosteal
- Edematous
- Edificant
- Edificial
- Editorial
- Educative
- Edwardian
- Effective
- Effectual
- Efficient
- Effluvial
- Effortful
- Effulgent
- Egophonic
- Egotistic
- Egregious
- Eightfold
- Elastical
- Electoral
- Elegiacal
- Elemental
- Elocutive
- Elohistic
- Elongated
- Elumbated
- Emaciated
- Emanative
- Emanatory
- Embattled
- Embezzled
- Embowered
- Embracive
- Embroiled
- Embryonal
- Embryonic
- Emendable
- Emollient
- Emotional
- Empaistic
- Empirical
- Emplastic
- Emptional
- Empurpled
- Empyrical
- Emulative
- Emunctory
- Enbattled
- Encaustic
- Enchorial
- Encrisped
- Encrusted
- Endeictic
- Endemical
- Endocrine
- Endoergic
- Endogamic
- Endogenic
- Endosteal
- Endurable
- Energical
- Enervated
- Enfeloned
- Enforcive
- Englaimed
- Enhancive
- Enhydrous
- Enjoyable
- Enkindled
- Entangled
- Entrochal
- Enubilous
- Enzymatic
- Epanthous
- Epedaphic
- Ephemeral
- Ephippial
- Epicarpal
- Epicedial
- Epicedian
- Epiclinal
- Epicurean
- Epidermal
- Epigaeous
- Epigynous
- Epilithic
- Epinastic
- Epineural
- Epinicial
- Epinikian
- Epiphytal
- Epipodial
- Epipteric
- Episcopal
- Episodial
- Epistemic
- Epithetic
- Epizootic
- Eponymous
- Equipaged
- Equipedal
- Equirotal
- Equitable
- Equivocal
- Erectable
- Ergotized
- Eristical
- Erogenous
- Erroneous
- Errorless
- Erstwhile
- Eruginous
- Escapable
- Escharine
- Esophagal
- Essential
- Estimable
- Estuarial
- Ethiopian
- Ethmoidal
- Euclidean
- Euclidian
- Eudemonic
- Eugetinic
- Eulogical
- Euphonous
- Euplastic
- Eusuchian
- Euterpean
- Eutherian
- Eventtual
- Evincible
- Eviternal
- Evocative
- Exanimous
- Excellent
- Excentral
- Exceptant
- Exceptive
- Excessive
- Excipient
- Excisable
- Excitable
- Exclusive
- Excreable
- Excretive
- Excurrent
- Excursive
- Excusable
- Execrable
- Executive
- Exequious
- Exergonic
- Exhalable
- Exhausted
- Exhumated
- Existible
- Exodontic
- Exogamous
- Exogenous
- Exorhizal
- Exosmotic
- Expectant
- Expective
- Expedient
- Expensive
- Expiative
- Expirable
- Expletive
- Explosive
- Expulsive
- Exquisite
- Exsputory
- Exsuccous
- Extendant
- Extensive
- Extorsive
- Extrorsal
- Exuberant
- Exuviable
10 Letter Adjectives that Start with E
- Earthbound
- Ecchymotic
- Ecological
- Economical
- Ecphractic
- Ecstatical
- Ectodermal
- Ectodermic
- Ecuadorian
- Ecumenical
- Eczematous
- Edulcorant
- Effaceable
- Effectless
- Effortless
- Effrayable
- Egocentric
- Egoistical
- Electorial
- Electrical
- Electronic
- Elenchical
- Elenctical
- Eleusinian
- Elliptical
- Embittered
- Emblematic
- Emboldened
- Embolismal
- Empathetic
- Emperished
- Emphasized
- Emphatical
- Emphractic
- Empiristic
- Employable
- Emporeutic
- Emulsified
- Encephalic
- Encindered
- Encouraged
- Encrinital
- Encumbered
- Encyclical
- Endangered
- Endergonic
- Endermatic
- Endiademed
- Endocrinal
- Endodermal
- Endodermic
- Endodontic
- Endogamous
- Endogenous
- Endorhizal
- Endovenous
- Energizing
- Enervative
- Enfeebling
- Enforcible
- Enfouldred
- Enneagonal
- Enneatical
- Enraptured
- Ensiferous
- Enstatitic
- Entheastic
- Enticeable
- Entitative
- Entodermal
- Entodermic
- Entogenous
- Entophytic
- Entreatful
- Entreative
- Enumerable
- Enunciable
- Eolotropic
- Eparterial
- Ephemerous
- Epiblastic
- Epicanthic
- Epicardiac
- Epicentral
- Epichordal
- Epichorial
- Epicranial
- Epictetain
- Epicureous
- Epidemical
- Epigastric
- Epigenetic
- Epiglottic
- Epilogical
- Epimorphic
- Epiphysial
- Epipleural
- Episodical
- Epispastic
- Epispermic
- Episternal
- Epitaphial
- Epitaphian
- Epithelial
- Epitheloid
- Equanimous
- Equatorial
- Equicrural
- Equipotent
- Equivalent
- Equivorous
- Eradicable
- Eremitical
- Ergotropic
- Ericaceous
- Erinaceous
- Erubescent
- Eruptional
- Escharotic
- Esoterical
- Esteemable
- Esthetical
- Estiferous
- Estimative
- Estrogenic
- Eucaryotic
- Eudaemonic
- Euharmonic
- Eukaryotic
- Euphonical
- Euphonious
- Euphorbial
- Euphoriant
- Euphuistic
- Eupittonic
- Eurafrican
- Eurasiatic
- Eurasiatio
- Eurycerous
- Eustachian
- Evacuative
- Evaluative
- Evangelian
- Evaporable
- Evaporaive
- Evenminded
- Evidential
- Eviscerate
- Evolatical
- Examinable
- Exangulous
- Exaspidean
- Exceedable
- Exceptious
- Excerptive
- Excitative
- Excrescent
- Excusatory
- Execrative
- Executable
- Exegetical
- Exemptible
- Exhaustive
- Exhibitive
- Exhilarant
- Exocardiac
- Exocardial
- Exocentric
- Exogenetic
- Exorbitant
- Exorhizous
- Exoterical
- Exothermal
- Exothermic
- Expandable
- Expandible
- Expansible
- Expectable
- Expeditive
- Expellable
- Expendable
- Explicable
- Exploitive
- Explorable
- Exportable
- Expositive
- Expressive
- Expugnable
- Exsanguine
- Extemporal
- Extendable
- Extendible
- Extensible
- Extirpable
- Extortious
- Extractive
- Extradural
- Extralegal
- Extramural
- Extraneous
- Extricable
- Extuberant
- Exuperable
11 Letter Adjectives that Start with E
- Eccentrical
- Econometric
- Ectothermic
- Educational
- Efficacious
- Effluviable
- Egalitarian
- Egotistical
- Elaborative
- Elasticized
- Elenchtical
- Elephantiac
- Eliminative
- Elizabethan
- Ellipsoidal
- Elucidative
- Emancipated
- Embarrassed
- Embellished
- Embroidered
- Embryogenic
- Emolumental
- Emotionless
- Empanoplied
- Emphyteutic
- Enarthrosis
- Encephalous
- Encroaching
- Endaspidean
- Endoblastic
- Endocardial
- Endocentric
- Endogenetic
- Endognathal
- Endometrial
- Endomorphic
- Endoplasmic
- Endorhizous
- Endosporous
- Endothelial
- Endothermal
- Endothermic
- Enepidermic
- Energetical
- Enforceable
- Englishable
- Enheahedral
- Enigmatical
- Enlightened
- Enneagynous
- Enneandrian
- Enneandrous
- Ensorcelled
- Entogastric
- Entoglossal
- Entoplastic
- Entreatable
- Enumerative
- Enunciative
- Epicerastic
- Epicyclical
- Epidermatic
- Epidermeous
- Epidermical
- Epidictical
- Epigastrial
- Epignathous
- Epileptical
- Epilogistic
- Epipetalous
- Epiphyllous
- Epiphytical
- Epiphytotic
- Episepalous
- Episkeletal
- Epistolical
- Epithalamic
- Epithetical
- Equidiurnal
- Equilateral
- Equinoctial
- Equiparable
- Equipollent
- Equiradical
- Eradicative
- Erysipelous
- Erythematic
- Escheatable
- Escritorial
- Esemplastic
- Etiological
- Eurocentric
- Evangelical
- Evaporative
- Everlasting
- Evolutional
- Excentrical
- Exceptional
- Exclamative
- Excremental
- Excruciable
- Exercisable
- Exfoliative
- Exhaustible
- Exhortative
- Existential
- Exoccipital
- Exonerative
- Exophyllous
- Exoskeletal
- Expectative
- Expeditious
- Expensefull
- Explainable
- Explicative
- Explorative
- Exponential
- Expressible
- Expurgatory
- Exquisitive
- Exsiccative
- Extensional
- Extractible
- Extravagant
12 Letter Adjectives that Start with E
- Ear-piercing
- Ectolecithal
- Edulcorative
- Effervescive
- Efflorescent
- Ego-maniacal
- Electrifying
- Electrogenic
- Electrotonic
- Electrotypic
- Emancipative
- Emblematical
- Encompassing
- Encrinitical
- Endamageable
- Endecagynous
- Endochondral
- Endophragmal
- Endophyllous
- Enfranchised
- Enharmonical
- Enkerchiefed
- Entertissued
- Enthusiastic
- Eosinophilic
- Epencephalic
- Epexegetical
- Epibranchial
- Epicycloidal
- Epideictical
- Epigrammatic
- Epigraphical
- Episcoparian
- Equilibrious
- Equimomental
- Equimultiple
- Equinumerant
- Equipondious
- Equiprobable
- Erythematous
- Ethnological
- Etymological
- Euhemeristic
- Eulogistical
- Euthiochroic
- Evangelistic
- Exaggerative
- Exalbuminous
- Exanthematic
- Excalfactive
- Exchangeable
- Excogitative
- Excrementive
- Exophthalmic
- Experiential
- Experimental
- Expiatorious
- Exploitative
- Expressional
- Exscriptural
- Exterminable
- Exterraneous
- Extispicious
- Extraditable
- Extrageneous
- Extralogical
- Extramarital
- Extramundane
- Exulcerative
13 Letter Adjectives that Start with E
- Ear-splitting
- Effervescible
- Egyptological
- Electrifiable
- Electromotive
- Electroscopic
- Electrostatic
- Electrotonous
- Elephantoidal
- Embryological
- Emphysematous
- Enaliosaurian
- Enantiopathic
- Encomiastical
- Encyclopedian
- Endolymphatic
- Endoparasitic
- Enneapetalous
- Enneaspermous
- Entomological
- Entomophagous
- Entomophilous
- Environmental
- Epiglottidean
- Epiperipheral
- Epipharyngeal
- Epithumetical
- Equidifferent
- Equiponderous
- Equipotential
- Equisetaceous
- Erysipelatous
- Ethmotrubinal
- Eucharistical
- Eudiometrical
- Euphemistical
- Eurhipidurous
- Europocentric
- Even-tempered
- Exanthematous
- Exceptionable
- Excrescential
- Exemplifiable
- Expurgatorial
- Exsanguineous
- Externalistic
- Exteroceptive
- Exterritorial
- Extrajudicial
- Extraphysical
- Extrasystolic
- Extratropical
- Extrospective
14 Letter Adjectives that Start with E
- Ecclesiastical
- Electrolytical
- Electrolyzable
- Electroneutral
- Embolismatical
- Embryoniferous
- Empyreumatical
- Encyclopedical
- Endecaphyllous
- Enthymematical
- Entomostracous
- Entoperipheral
- Epileptogenous
- Eschatological
- Ethnographical
- Ethylsulphuric
- Eudemonistical
- Euphorbiaceous
- Excommunicable
- Excrementitial
- Extinguishable
- Extraparochial
- Extrastapedial
15 Letter Adjectives that Start with E
- Ecclesiological
- Edriophthalmous
- Electrochemical
- Electromagnetic
- Electronegative
- Enantiomorphous
- Encyclopediacal
- Endolymphangial
- Entrepreneurial
- Epidemiological
- Epistemological
- Eudaemonistical
- Excrementitious
- Experimentative
- Extralinguistic
- Extraprovincial
Top 100 Adjectives That Start With E (Sorted Alphabetically)
Engage with the elite of the ‘E’ ensemble as we present a curated collection. Journey through an alphabetized assembly of the top 100 ‘E’ adjectives, each embodying its own unique essence and elegance.
1. Eager
Meaning: Very excited and interested; enthusiastic, keen.
Example: She was eager to start her new job.
2. Earnest
Meaning: Sincere and serious in intention; genuine, heartfelt.
Example: He made an earnest attempt to reconcile.
3. Earthy
Meaning: Resembling or suggestive of earth; natural, rustic.
Example: The wine had an earthy flavor.
4. Easygoing
Meaning: Relaxed and unconcerned; carefree, laid-back.
Example: Jake has an easygoing personality.
5. Ebullient
Meaning: Bubbling with enthusiasm or excitement; exuberant, vivacious.
Example: Her ebullient spirit was infectious.
6. Eccentric
Meaning: Unconventional and slightly strange; quirky, offbeat.
Example: The inventor had eccentric habits.
7. Eclectic
Meaning: Deriving ideas from a diverse range; varied, diverse.
Example: His music tastes are quite eclectic.
8. Economic
Meaning: Relating to economics or finance; financial, fiscal.
Example: We discussed the country’s economic situation.
9. Eerie
Meaning: Strange and mysterious; unsettling, spooky.
Example: The abandoned house had an eerie feel.
10. Effective
Meaning: Achieving a desired result; efficient, potent.
Example: The medicine was effective in treating the symptoms.
11. Effervescent
Meaning: Bubbly and lively; vivacious, bubbly.
Example: She had an effervescent personality.
12. Efficacious
Meaning: Successful in producing a desired result; effective, potent.
Example: The vaccine proved to be efficacious.
13. Efficient
Meaning: Performing in the best possible manner; competent, productive.
Example: The machine is energy efficient.
14. Effusive
Meaning: Overflowing with emotions; gushing, demonstrative.
Example: Her gratitude was effusive after the surprise.
15. Egotistical
Meaning: Overly concerned with oneself; self-centered, vain.
Example: He was seen as egotistical by his peers.
16. Elaborate
Meaning: Detailed and complicated in design; intricate, complex.
Example: She wore an elaborate gown to the ball.
17. Elated
Meaning: Extremely happy and proud; overjoyed, ecstatic.
Example: The team was elated after the win.
18. Elderly
Meaning: Aged; old, senior.
Example: An elderly man walked slowly across the street.
19. Electric
Meaning: Charged with excitement; thrilling, charged.
Example: The concert atmosphere was electric.
20. Eloquent
Meaning: Fluent and expressive in speech; articulate, expressive.
Example: The speaker gave an eloquent address.
21. Elusive
Meaning: Hard to find or capture; evasive, slippery.
Example: The elusive butterfly evaded all attempts to catch it.
22. Embarrassed
Meaning: Feeling self-conscious or awkward; ashamed, mortified.
Example: He was embarrassed when he tripped on stage.
23. Emblematic
Meaning: Serving as a symbol of something; representative, symbolic.
Example: The dove is emblematic of peace.
24. Eminent
Meaning: Distinguished and prominent; illustrious, renowned.
Example: She is an eminent scientist in her field.
25. Emotional
Meaning: Relating to deep feelings or emotions; passionate, heartfelt.
Example: It was an emotional farewell.
26. Empathetic
Meaning: Showing an understanding of another’s feelings; compassionate, understanding.
Example: He was empathetic to her struggles.
27. Emphatic
Meaning: Expressed with emphasis; assertive, forceful.
Example: She was emphatic about her decision to leave.
28. Enchanted
Meaning: Under a magical influence; charmed, bewitched.
Example: The forest felt enchanted at dusk.
29. Encouraging
Meaning: Giving hope or confidence; supportive, reassuring.
Example: His words were encouraging during tough times.
30. Endearing
Meaning: Inspiring love or affection; lovable, charming.
Example: Her smile is truly endearing.
31. Energetic
Meaning: Having a lot of energy; lively, dynamic.
Example: The energetic puppy kept playing all day.
32. Enigmatic
Meaning: Mysterious and puzzling; cryptic, perplexing.
Example: His enigmatic smile left everyone guessing.
33. Enormous
Meaning: Extremely large; gigantic, massive.
Example: The elephant is an enormous animal.
34. Enthusiastic
Meaning: Showing intense enjoyment or interest; eager, zealous.
Example: The kids were enthusiastic about the trip.
35. Entire
Meaning: Complete, with nothing missing; whole, full.
Example: He ate the entire chocolate bar.
36. Envious
Meaning: Wanting what someone else has; jealous, covetous.
Example: She was envious of his success.
37. Environmental
Meaning: Relating to the environment; ecological, green.
Example: We need to take environmental precautions.
38. Epic
Meaning: Grand and impressive; heroic, monumental.
Example: The movie had an epic battle scene.
39. Equable
Meaning: Calm and even-tempered; steady, unflappable.
Example: Despite the chaos, she remained equable.
40. Equitable
Meaning: Fair and impartial; just, equal.
Example: The goal is to create an equitable system for all.
41. Equivalent
Meaning: Equal in value, amount, or meaning; comparable, analogous.
Example: Three feet is equivalent to one yard.
42. Erotic
Meaning: Relating to sexual desire; sensual, amorous.
Example: Some ancient sculptures have an erotic nature.
43. Erratic
Meaning: Unpredictable and inconsistent; irregular, unstable.
Example: His erratic behavior worried his friends.
44. Essential
Meaning: Absolutely necessary or important; vital, crucial.
Example: Water is essential for survival.
45. Esteemed
Meaning: Respected and admired; honored, venerated.
Example: The esteemed professor gave a lecture today.
46. Ethereal
Meaning: Extremely delicate and light; airy, celestial.
Example: The dancer’s ethereal performance was mesmerizing.
47. Ethnic
Meaning: Relating to a particular race or culture; cultural, racial.
Example: The festival celebrated various ethnic cuisines.
48. Euphoric
Meaning: Intensely happy and confident; elated, overjoyed.
Example: The team was euphoric after the championship win.
49. Evanescent
Meaning: Quickly fading or disappearing; fleeting, transient.
Example: The rainbow’s beauty was evanescent, soon gone.
50. Evasive
Meaning: Avoiding commitment or clarity; elusive, slippery.
Example: His evasive answers raised suspicion.
51. Even
Meaning: Equal or smooth in surface; flat, level.
Example: Ensure the table is on even ground.
52. Evergreen
Meaning: Always fresh or eternal; unchanging, perpetual.
Example: His style is evergreen, never outdated.
53. Evident
Meaning: Clearly seen or understood; obvious, apparent.
Example: The excitement on her face was evident.
54. Evocative
Meaning: Bringing strong memories or feelings to mind; suggestive, reminiscent.
Example: The photo was evocative of a past summer.
55. Exact
Meaning: Precise and accurate; correct, strict.
Example: We need the exact measurements for the room.
56. Exalted
Meaning: Held in high regard; elevated, esteemed.
Example: The hero was exalted by the townspeople.
57. Exasperated
Meaning: Intensely irritated or frustrated; annoyed, infuriated.
Example: She was exasperated by the constant delays.
58. Exceptional
Meaning: Unusually excellent; outstanding, extraordinary.
Example: Her singing talent is truly exceptional.
59. Excessive
Meaning: More than necessary or usual; extreme, extravagant.
Example: Excessive sugar can harm your health.
60. Excited
Meaning: Very enthusiastic and eager; thrilled, elated.
Example: The children were excited about the upcoming holiday.
61. Exhilarating
Meaning: Making one feel very happy or invigorated; thrilling, stimulating.
Example: The roller coaster ride was exhilarating.
62. Exotic
Meaning: Unusual and often excitingly foreign; unique, rare.
Example: She brought back exotic fruits from her travels.
63. Expansive
Meaning: Covering a wide area; broad, extensive.
Example: The mansion had an expansive garden.
64. Expectant
Meaning: Having or showing an excited feeling; hopeful, anticipative.
Example: The crowd was expectant as the show was about to start.
65. Expensive
Meaning: Costing a lot of money; high-priced, costly.
Example: That handbag is extremely expensive.
66. Experienced
Meaning: Having knowledge or skill in a particular field; skilled, practiced.
Example: We hired an experienced guide for our trek.
67. Experimental
Meaning: Based on or using new ideas or methods; trial, test.
Example: The chef introduced an experimental dish.
68. Expert
Meaning: Extremely knowledgeable or skilled; proficient, adept.
Example: She is an expert in ancient history.
69. Explicit
Meaning: Stated clearly and in detail; clear, unambiguous.
Example: The instructions were explicit and easy to follow.
70. Explosive
Meaning: Likely to erupt in violence or anger; volatile, combustible.
Example: The debate turned explosive after a heated exchange.
71. Exquisite
Meaning: Extremely beautiful and delicate; elegant, refined.
Example: She wore an exquisite diamond necklace.
72. Extended
Meaning: Made larger or longer; elongated, prolonged.
Example: We enjoyed an extended vacation this summer.
73. Extensive
Meaning: Covering a large area or amount; wide-ranging, comprehensive.
Example: She has an extensive collection of stamps.
74. External
Meaning: Relating to the outer part; outside, outer.
Example: The building has beautiful external architecture.
75. Extravagant
Meaning: Exceeding what is reasonable; lavish, excessive.
Example: The wedding was a grand and extravagant affair.
76. Exuberant
Meaning: Filled with energy and enthusiasm; ebullient, buoyant.
Example: The crowd gave an exuberant cheer.
77. Exultant
Meaning: Triumphantly happy; jubilant, ecstatic.
Example: The team was exultant after the win.
78. Eye-catching
Meaning: Immediately appealing or noticeable; striking, attractive.
Example: The billboard’s design was truly eye-catching.
79. Ephemeral
Meaning: Lasting for a short time; fleeting, transient.
Example: The beauty of a rainbow is ephemeral.
80. Equivocal
Meaning: Open to multiple interpretations; ambiguous, unclear.
Example: His reply was equivocal and didn’t provide a direct answer.
81. Essential
Meaning: Absolutely necessary or important; crucial, indispensable.
Example: Fresh air is essential for good health.
82. Esthetic (or Aesthetic)
Meaning: Concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty; artistic, tasteful.
Example: The sculpture had an esthetic appeal.
83. Ethical
Meaning: Relating to moral principles; moral, principled.
Example: It’s important to make ethical decisions in business.
84. Euphemistic
Meaning: Using a mild term for something unpleasant; understated, polite.
Example: “Passed away” is a euphemistic term for “died.”
85. Evanescent
Meaning: Quickly fading or disappearing; fleeting, momentary.
Example: The fragrance of the flower was evanescent.
86. Evocative
Meaning: Bringing strong memories or feelings to mind; reminiscent, suggestive.
Example: The song was evocative of her youth.
87. Exacting
Meaning: Making great demands on one’s skill; challenging, tough.
Example: The job was exacting, requiring utmost precision.
88. Exemplary
Meaning: Serving as a desirable model; commendable, admirable.
Example: Her dedication to the cause was exemplary.
89. Exhaustive
Meaning: Including all elements or aspects; thorough, comprehensive.
Example: He conducted an exhaustive research on the subject.
90. Exotic
Meaning: Attractively unusual or foreign; unfamiliar, non-native.
Example: She loved trying exotic cuisines from different countries.
91. Expedient
Meaning: Convenient and practical, though possibly improper; advantageous, opportune.
Example: The decision was seen as a political expedient.
92. Explicit
Meaning: Stated clearly and in detail; definite, direct.
Example: He gave explicit instructions on how to proceed.
93. Exponential
Meaning: Increasing rapidly; accelerated, escalating.
Example: The company witnessed exponential growth last year.
94. Extemporaneous
Meaning: Spoken or done without preparation; improvised, offhand.
Example: The actor gave an extemporaneous speech.
95. Extinct
Meaning: No longer existing or living; vanished, disappeared.
Example: Dinosaurs are extinct creatures.
96. Extraordinary
Meaning: Beyond what is usual or typical; remarkable, exceptional.
Example: Her achievements were truly extraordinary.
97. Extravagant
Meaning: Lacking restraint, especially with spending; excessive, over-the-top.
Example: His birthday party was an extravagant affair.
98. Exuberant
Meaning: Full of energy and enthusiasm; lively, vibrant.
Example: The garden was exuberant with colorful flowers.
99. Exultant
Meaning: Triumphantly happy; rejoicing, elated.
Example: The fans were exultant when their team won.
100. Eclectic
Meaning: Deriving ideas from various sources; diverse, varied.
Example: The museum had an eclectic mix of artifacts.
Adjectives that Start with E to Describe a Person
Ever wondered how to eloquently express someone’s essence with the letter ‘E’? Embark on this section, where we’ve gathered ‘E’ adjectives that paint vivid portraits of personalities. Dive in and discover!
- Each
- Eager
- Early
- Earnest
- Ear-piercing
- Ear-splitting
- Earthshaking
- Earthy
- East
- Eastern
- Easy
- Eatable
- Eccentric
- Echoing
- Ecological
- Economic
- Economical
- Economy
- Ecstatic
- Edgy
- Editable
- Educated
- Educational
- Eerie
- Effective
- Effervescent
- Efficacious
- Efficient
- Effortless
- Effusive
- Egalitarian
- Egocentric
- Egomaniacal
- Egotistical
- Eight
- Eighth
- Either
- Elaborate
- Elastic
- Elated
- Elderly
- Electric
- Electrical
- Electrifying
- Electronic
- Elegant
- Elementary
- Elevated
- Elfish
- Eligible
- Elite
- Eloquent
- Elusive
- Emaciated
- Embarrassed
- Embarrassing
- Embattled
- Embittered
- Emblematic
- Emboldened
- Embroiled
- Emergency
- Eminent
- Emotional
- Emotionless
- Empirical
- Empty
- Enamored
- Enchanted
- Enchanting
- Encouraged
- Encouraging
- Encrusted
- Endangered
- Endearing
- Endemic
- Endless
- Endurable
- Enduring
- Energetic
- Energizing
- Enforceable
- Engaging
- Engrossing
- Enhanced
- Enigmatic
- Enjoyable
- Enlarged
- Enlightened
- Enormous
- Enough
- Enraged
- Ensuing
- Enterprising
- Entertained
- Entertaining
- Enthralled
- Enthused
- Enthusiastic
- Enticing
Positive Adjectives That Start with E
Elevate your vocabulary with uplifting words! In this vibrant section, we’ve enlisted positive ‘E’ adjectives that exude enthusiasm, energy, and everything optimistic. Let’s embrace the positivity!
- Entire
- Entranced
- Entrepreneurial
- Enumerable
- Enviable
- Envious
- Environmental
- Episodic
- Equable
- Equal
- Equidistant
- Equitable
- Equivalent
- Erasable
- Erect
- Eroding
- Errant
- Erratic
- Erroneous
- Eruptive
- Escalating
- Esoteric
- Essential
- Established
- Estimated
- Estranged
- Eternal
- Ethereal
- Ethical
- Ethnic
- Euphemistic
- Euphoric
- Evasive
- Even
- Evenhanded
- Evening
- Eventful
- Eventual
- Everlasting
- Every
- Evil
- Evocative
- Exacerbating
- Exact
- Exacting
- Exaggerated
- Exalted
- Exasperated
- Exasperating
- Excellent
- Exceptional
- Excessive
- Exchangeable
- Excitable
- Excited
- Exciting
- Exclusive
- Excruciating
- Excusable
- Executable
- Exemplary
- Exhausted
- Exhausting
- Exhaustive
- Exhilarated
- Exhilarating
- Existing
- Exotic
- Expandable
- Expanded
- Expanding
- Expansive
- Expectant
- Expected
- Expedient
Negative Adjectives That Start With E
Even in the realm of ‘E’, not all words evoke sunny sentiments. Here, we delve into the darker side, listing ‘E’ adjectives that touch upon the edgier, more challenging aspects or feelings. Explore with caution!
- Expeditious
- Expendable
- Expensive
- Experimental
- Expert
- Expired
- Expiring
- Explainable
- Explicit
- Exploding
- Exploitative
- Exploited
- Explosive
- Exponential
- Exposed
- Express
- Expressionistic
- Expressionless
- Expressive
- Exquisite
- Extemporaneous
- Extendable
- Extended
- Extension
- Extensive
- Exterior
- External
- Extra
- Extra-large
- Extraneous
- Extraordinary
- Extra-small
- Extravagant
- Extreme
- Exuberant
Here, You can DOWNLOAD PDF of the list of Adjectives starting with E.