Insects That Start With The Letter ‘E’

Insects That Start With The Letter ‘E’

insects that start with e

In this lesson, we have enlisted some common insect names that start with B. Some are the most common names and some are the scientific ones.

Insects That Start With E

  • Elm bark beetle
  • Ephemeroptera
  • Embioptera
  • Earwigs
  • Earthworm

‘E’ Insect Names Definitions and Pictures

Elm bark beetle

Elm bark beetle

A type of beetle that is known for its role in spreading Dutch elm disease. They are found in many parts of the world and can cause significant damage to elm trees.



Ephemeroptera, also known as mayflies, are aquatic insects that are known for their short adult lifespan, often only living for a few hours to a few days. They are important as a food source for many other aquatic animals and are also indicators of water quality.



Embioptera, also known as web spinners, are small insects that are known for their ability to spin silk using glands on their front legs. They use this silk to create a protective web around themselves and their eggs. Embiopterans are primarily found in tropical and subtropical regions.



Earwigs are insects that are characterized by their pincer-like cerci on their abdomen. Contrary to popular belief, earwigs do not crawl into human ears. They are mostly nocturnal and are omnivores, feeding on a variety of plants and insects.



Earthworms are segmented worms that are found in soil around the world. They play an important role in maintaining soil health by breaking down organic matter and increasing soil aeration. They are also an important food source for many animals, such as birds and moles.

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