Insects That Start With The Letter ‘A’

Insects That Start With The Letter ‘A’

insects that start with a

In this lesson we have enlisted some common insect names that start with a. Some are the most common names and some are the scientific ones.

Insects That Start With A

  • Army ant
  • Ambrosia beetle
  • Archaeognatha
  • Antlions
  • Ant
  • Alderflies

‘A’ Insect Names Definitions and Pictures

Army ant

Army ant

A highly social insect that lives in large colonies and is known for its aggressive hunting behavior. They are mostly found in tropical regions and can travel long distances in search of prey.

Ambrosia beetle

Ambrosia beetle

A type of beetle that feeds on fungi, which it cultivates in galleries it creates in trees. They are important in the ecosystem because they play a role in breaking down dead trees and recycling nutrients.



Archaeognatha, also known as bristletails, are small, primitive insects that are found throughout the world. They have long, slender body that is covered in bristle-like hairs, which gives them their name. Archaeognatha feed on a variety of organic matter, including dead plant material and fungi.



Antlions are a family of insects that are named for their distinctive behavior of preying on ants. They are found throughout the world but are most common in warm, dry regions. Antlions have a larval stage that lives in sandy or gravelly soil and creates cone-shaped pits to trap ants and other small insects.



Ants are social insects that are found on every continent except Antarctica. They live in large colonies that can contain millions of individuals and are divided into different castes, such as workers, soldiers, and queens. Ants communicate with each other through chemical signals and are known for their complex social behavior.



Alderflies are a family of insects that are found in temperate regions throughout the world. They are named for their association with alder trees, which provide a habitat for their larvae. Alderflies have two pairs of wings and a long, slender body that is often covered in fine hairs.

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