Learn 20 Expressions Related to Death

Understanding expressions related to death is essential as they are commonly used in literature, movies, and everyday conversations. Here are 20 expressions related to death, complete with their meanings and example sentences, to help you grasp their usage and context.

1. Kick the bucket

Meaning: Die

Example: He kicked the bucket last night.

2. Bite the dust

Meaning: Die

Example: Many soldiers bit the dust in the war.

3. Pass away

Meaning: Die

Example: She passed away peacefully in her sleep.

4. Meet one’s maker

Meaning: Die

Example: He met his maker after a long illness.

5. Give up the ghost

Meaning: Die

Example: The old car finally gave up the ghost.

6. Cross the Jordan

Meaning: Die

Example: He crossed the Jordan at the age of 90.

7. Depart this life

Meaning: Die

Example: He departed this life surrounded by family.

8. Shuffle off this mortal coil

Meaning: Die

Example: She shuffled off this mortal coil last winter.

9. Join the great majority

Meaning: Die

Example: He joined the great majority last month.

10. Pay the ultimate price

Meaning: Die

Example: Many soldiers paid the ultimate price.

11. Cash in one’s chips

Meaning: Die

Example: He cashed in his chips after a battle with cancer.

12. Breathe one’s last

Meaning: Die

Example: She breathed her last after a long illness.

13. Six feet under

Meaning: Buried

Example: He’s now six feet under in the local cemetery.

14. Sleep with the fishes

Meaning: Die (Murdered)

Example: The mobster sleeps with the fishes now.

15. Meet the grim reaper

Meaning: Die

Example: He met the grim reaper suddenly.

16. Go to a better place

Meaning: Die

Example: She’s gone to a better place now.

17. Push up daisies

Meaning: Dead and buried

Example: He’s been pushing up daisies for years.

18. Take the long sleep

Meaning: Die

Example: He took the long sleep last night.

19. Join the choir invisible

Meaning: Die

Example: He’s joined the choir invisible.

20. Go to the big house in the sky

Meaning: Die

Example: He’s gone to the big house in the sky.

Expressions Related to Death