Dive into the zenith of English adjectives by exploring those that zestfully zip with the letter ‘Z’! As the alphabet’s finale, ‘Z’ often gets relegated to the background, yet it’s packed with zingy and zippy words that can zest up your vocabulary.
This guide zeroes in on ‘Z’ adjectives, diligently organized by their number of letters. From ‘zany’ to ‘zealous’, the ‘Z’ adjectives bring a zesty flair that’s hard to overlook. Beyond just a listing, each adjective is zestfully elaborated with a precise definition and an illustrative example.
Whether you’re zealous about language, seeking to zoom in on a specific word, or just curious about this zestful letter, you’re in for a treat. Get ready to embark on a zephyr-like journey through the world of ‘Z’ adjectives and zhoosh up your linguistic arsenal!
Explore More Adjectives A-Z:
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Adjectives that Start with Z (Sorted by No of Words)
3-5 Letter Words That Start with Z
- Zen
- Zir
- Zany
- Zate
- Zeno
- Zero
- Zoic
- Zulu
- Zuni
- Zuñi
- Zappy
- Zaydi
- Zazzy
- Zesty
- Ziggy
- Zincy
- Zingy
- Zinky
- Zippo
- Zippy
- Zitty
- Zizzy
- Zoeal
- Zonal
- Zoned
- Zoner
- Zonky
- Zooey
- Zooid
- Zoomy
- Zoopy
- Zooty
- Zoppo
- Zuist
- Zygal
- Zymic
5-7 Letter Words That Start with Z
- Zabian
- Zatfig
- Zealed
- Zenith
- Zenzic
- Zeroth
- Zhoosh
- Zigzag
- Zincic
- Zincky
- Ziptop
- Zip-up
- Zoaeal
- Zoetic
- Zoftig
- Zogist
- Zolian
- Zombic
- Zonary
- Zonate
- Zonian
- Zoning
- Zonked
- Zonzte
- Zooeal
- Zooish
- Zoomer
- Zoonal
- Zoonic
- Zooted
- Zootic
- Zoötic
- Zotzed
- Zunian
- Zygoid
- Zygose
- Zymoid
- Zambian
- Zanyish
- Zapodid
- Zapping
- Zealess
- Zealful
- Zealous
- Zebraic
- Zebrine
- Zebroid
- Zebuine
- Zenlike
- Zennish
- Zenoist
- Zenonic
- Zephyry
- Zeroary
- Zeroeth
- Zestful
- Zetetic
- Zhlubby
- Ziggety
- Zig-zag
- Zillion
- Zincian
- Zincoid
- Zincous
- Zionazi
- Zionist
- Zipfian
- Ziphiid
- Zipless
- Ziplike
- Zitless
- Zoarial
- Zoecial
- Zoilean
- Zoistic
- Zombied
- Zomboid
- Zonated
- Zonking
- Zonular
- Zooidal
- Zoolike
- Zooptic
- Zoquean
- Zorched
- Zorkian
- Zygenid
- Zygonic
- Zygotal
- Zygotic
- Zymotic
7-10 Letter Words That Start with Z
- Zealless
- Zealotic
- Zenithal
- Zenonian
- Zenonist
- Zeolitic
- Zeotypic
- Zephyred
- Zero day
- Zeroable
- Zeroadic
- Zero-day
- Zeroless
- Zerolike
- Zero-sum
- Zestless
- Zetetick
- Zghartan
- Zibeline
- Zigzaggy
- Zincless
- Zinconic
- Zinelike
- Zipcoded
- Ziphioid
- Zippable
- Zippered
- Zirconic
- Zizekian
- Zoarcoid
- Zodiacal
- Zoiatric
- Zoisitic
- Zombyish
- Zoneless
- Zoocidal
- Zooecial
- Zoogenic
- Zoogleal
- Zoogleic
- Zoöglœic
- Zoogoing
- Zoolitic
- Zoologic
- Zoomable
- Zoomaric
- Zoonitic
- Zoonomic
- Zoonotic
- Zootomic
- Zootoxic
- Zootypic
- Zygodont
- Zymontic
- Zymurgic
- Zanzibari
- Zebralike
- Zeotropic
- Zephyrous
- Zero-zero
- Zerzanian
- Zetlandic
- Zeugmatic
- Zeuzerine
- Zillionth
- Zionistic
- Zip-front
- Ziphodont
- Ziplocked
- Zirconian
- Zoanthoid
- Zoetropic
- Zolaesque
- Zolaistic
- Zombified
- Zonifugal
- Zonipetal
- Zonogonal
- Zonotopal
- Zonotopic
- Zonotreme
- Zoochoric
- Zoochotic
- Zoodermic
- Zoogamous
- Zoogenous
- Zoogloeal
- Zoogloeic
- Zoogonous
- Zoolithic
- Zoomantic
- Zoomed-in
- Zoometric
- Zoopathic
- Zoophagic
- Zoophilic
- Zoophobic
- Zoophoric
- Zoophytal
- Zoophytic
- Zooscopic
- Zoosexual
- Zoosporic
- Zosteroid
- Zoukified
- Zouk-like
- Zuinglian
- Zwinglian
- Zygaenine
- Zygomatic
- Zymocidal
- Zymogenic
- Zymologic
- Zymolytic
- Zealotical
- Zeitgeisty
- Zejelesque
- Zeldaesque
- Zenithward
- Zenophobic
- Zeophagous
- Zephyrless
- Zephyrlike
- Zero-point
- Zero-rated
- Zerovalent
- Zhdanovist
- Zidanesque
- Zimbabwean
- Ziofascist
- Zipperless
- Zipperlike
- Zirconated
- Zitherlike
- Zoidogamic
- Zoledronic
- Zombielike
- Zombiesque
- Zonohedral
- Zoobenthic
- Zoocentric
- Zoochorous
- Zoogloeoid
- Zoographic
- Zoolatrous
- Zoological
- Zoomedical
- Zoomed-out
- Zoomorphic
- Zoömorphic
- Zoophagous
- Zoophilous
- Zoophytoid
- Zooplastic
- Zoospermic
- Zoosporous
- Zootechnic
- Zootomical
- Zootrophic
- Zoötrophic
- Zygodactyl
- Zygosporic
- Zymogenous
- Zymurgical
11-20 Letter Words That Start with Z
- Zenographic
- Zeolitiform
- Zero-grazed
- Zeugopodial
- Zhejiangese
- Zhing-zhong
- Zinciferous
- Zinkiferous
- Zionistical
- Znanieckian
- Zoantharian
- Zoanthropic
- Zonographic
- Zoocephalic
- Zoochemical
- Zoomagnetic
- Zoophytical
- Zoosanitary
- Zoosemantic
- Zoosemiotic
- Zootheistic
- Zoroastrian
- Zosteriform
- Zygocardiac
- Zygodactyle
- Zygogenetic
- Zygomorphic
- Zygomycotic
- Zygoneurous
- Zygopleural
- Zymographic
- Zymological
- Zymoplastic
- Zymosthenic
- Zymotechnic
- Zero-marking
- Zinckiferous
- Zincographic
- Zoographical
- Zoopagaceous
- Zooparasitic
- Zootechnical
- Zosteraceous
- Zowerswopped
- Zucchinilike
- Zwitterionic
- Zygodactylic
- Zygomorphous
- Zygomycetous
- Zirconiferous
- Zoogeographic
- Zoogeological
- Zooplanktonic
- Zoosporangial
- Zoosporicidal
- Zuckerbergian
- Zweckrational
- Zygapophyseal
- Zygapophysial
- Zygodactylous
- Zygomaxillary
- Zymotechnical
- Zero-knowledge
- Zincographical
- Zingiberaceous
- Zinziberaceous
- Zootherapeutic
- Zooxanthellate
- Zygnemataceous
- Zygoapophyseal
- Zygobranchiate
- Zygomasseteric
- Zygospondylous
- Zygosporangial
- Zoogeographical
- Zoögeographical
- Zoopathological
- Zoophytological
- Zygomaticomalar
- Zygophyllaceous
- Zero-dimensional
- Zoomusicological
- Zoophysiological
- Zooplanktivorous
- Zoopsychological
- Zootoxicological
- Zygomaticofacial
- Zygomaticofrontal
- Zygosynapophyseal
- Zosterophyllaceous
- Zygomaticoalveolar
- Zygomaticosphenoid
- Zygomaticotemporal
- Zygomaticoauricular
- Zygomaticomaxillary
Top 30 Adjectives That Start With Z (Sorted Alphabetically)
1. Zealous
Meaning: Full of enthusiasm or eagerness.
Example: His zealous approach earned him many accolades.
2. Zany
Meaning: Unconventional, bizarre, or comically outrageous.
Example: The clown had a zany sense of humor.
3. Zenithal
Meaning: Relating to the zenith; directly overhead.
Example: The sun was in its zenithal position at noon.
4. Zephyrian
Meaning: Pertaining to the west wind; mild.
Example: The zephyrian breeze made the day pleasant.
5. Zeroth
Meaning: Preceding even the first.
Example: In programming, arrays start at the zeroth index.
6. Zigzag
Meaning: Having a pattern of sharp turns or angles.
Example: The path had a zigzag pattern up the mountain.
7. Zincous
Meaning: Pertaining to or containing zinc.
Example: The compound had a zincous base.
8. Zinky
Meaning: Resembling or containing zinc.
Example: The metal had a zinky texture.
9. Zippy
Meaning: Bright, fresh, or lively.
Example: The drink had a zippy flavor.
10. Zirconium
Meaning: Relating to the chemical element zirconium.
Example: The alloy had zirconium properties.
11. Zodiacal
Meaning: Pertaining to the zodiac.
Example: The zodiacal signs are used in astrology.
12. Zoetic
Meaning: Living; vital.
Example: The jungle was filled with zoetic creatures.
13. Zoic
Meaning: Pertaining to animals or life.
Example: The zoic era was teeming with diverse species.
14. Zonal
Meaning: Relating to a zone or zones.
Example: The city was divided into zonal areas.
15. Zonary
Meaning: Belt-like.
Example: The dress had a zonary pattern.
16. Zonked
Meaning: Exhausted or asleep.
Example: After the hike, he was completely zonked.
17. Zoomorphic
Meaning: Having the form of an animal.
Example: The sculpture had a zoomorphic design.
18. Zooty
Meaning: Stylish or flashy.
Example: He wore a zooty suit to the party.
19. Zygomatic
Meaning: Relating to the cheekbone.
Example: The punch landed on his zygomatic region.
20. Zygodactyl
Meaning: Having two toes facing forward and two backward.
Example: The parrot has a zygodactyl foot structure.
21. Zygomorphic
Meaning: Bilaterally symmetrical in a certain way.
Example: The flower had a zygomorphic arrangement.
22. Zymogenic
Meaning: Capable of producing a ferment.
Example: The bacteria were zymogenic in nature.
23. Zymotic
Meaning: Relating to infectious diseases.
Example: The spread was due to a zymotic agent.
24. Zymological
Meaning: Pertaining to the study of fermentation.
Example: The scientist specialized in zymological processes.
25. Zesty
Meaning: Spirited; full of flavor or interest.
Example: The salsa had a zesty kick to it.
26. Zebrine
Meaning: Resembling a zebra, especially in striped pattern.
Example: The fabric had a zebrine print.
27. Zetetic
Meaning: Proceeding by inquiry or investigation.
Example: The zetetic method is essential in research.
28. Zibeline
Meaning: A soft, silky, and slightly furry fabric.
Example: Her coat was made of zibeline.
29. Zinciferous
Meaning: Containing or yielding zinc.
Example: The mine was rich in zinciferous deposits.
30. Zonular
Meaning: Pertaining to a small zone, belt, or area.
Example: The zonular region was demarcated for specific activities.
Adjectives that start with Z to Describe a Person
- Zaftig
- Zaftig
- Zairean
- Zambian
- Zaniest
- Zany
- Zappy
- Zazzy
- Zebrine
- Zen
- Zenith
- Zenophobic
- Zero
- Zeroth
- Zestful
- Zestless
- Zesty
- Zibeline
- Zigzag
- Zillion
- Zimbabwean
- Zincic
- Zinciferous
- Zincoid
- Zincous
Positive Adjectives Starting with Z
Some positive adjectives starting with Z are listed here.
- Zincy
- Zingy
- Zionist
- Zipless
- Zippy
- Zodiacal
- Zoetic
- Zoftig
- Zoic
- Zonal
- Zonal
- Zonary
- Zonated
- Zoner
- Zonked
Negative adjectives starting with Z
Some negative adjectives starting with Z are listed here.
- Zonzte
- Zoogenic
- Zoogenic
- Zoologic
- Zoological
- Zoomer
- Zoonal
- Zoophagous
- Zoophilous
- Zoopy
- Zooty
- Zygodactyl
- Zygomorphic
- Zygotic
- Zymotic
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